
Attribute system in Bleach

It is another one of Akira's adventures but this time in the world of bleach but wait a minute he doesn't have his system nor any other worldly talent. How will he survive in a world where villains are more dangerous than transmigrators . At least there is Inori and Mana here to support him. PS: My other two books will continue side by side. ____________________________________ For advance chapters: p@treon.com/Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a ) Disclaimer: All the media and characters other than OC belong to their respective owners.

Uchiha_Itachi007 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

3. Copy Shinigami: Osamu

While Ishida was pummeling Jirōbō Ikkanzaka. Ichigo and Ganju found themselves in a predicament of their own. After Ganju defeated Yumichika Ayasegawa, he launched a firework into the sky to signal Ichigo of his whereabouts. Unfortunately, this also alerted the nearby 11th Division patrol troops to his position.

As Ganju tried to escape from their pursuers, he was bombarded with insults and derogatory remarks. Ganju, feeling overwhelmed, decided to confront his pursuers while continuing to flee.

Ganju Shiba: "What did you say? I'll admit the previous guy was a bit good-looking, but you guys are no better than me!"

Shinigami A: "What did you just say? Don't make me rip your ugly head off!"

Shinigami B: "Ugly head..."

Shinigami C: "Ugly..."

Frustrated by the outnumbering shinigami, Ganju realized he couldn't defeat them alone. As he turned a corner, he spotted Ichigo running towards him. He smiled and waved, thinking that Ichigo had come to his aid. However, his smile quickly turned to terror as he noticed a horde of shinigami chasing behind Ichigo.

Ganju Shiba: "WHAT?!"

Ichigo Kurosaki: "Hey, Ganju! Oh, there you are!"

Ganju Shiba: "Hey, hey, hey! Stay away! Why are you being chased by so many people? Stop waving!"

Shinigami D: "Hey, the orange-haired kid is waving at that guy. He must be his friend."

Shinigami E: "Let's kill him too!"

"Kill him, kill him!" the shinigami chanted.

Ichigo and Ganju reached each other and immediately began fighting their pursuers. In the midst of the chaos, Isane Kotetsu commanded the 1st, 8th, and 14th relief teams to provide medical rescue for the injured fighters.

Meanwhile, on a rooftop at a distance, a black cat named Yoruichi Shihouin observed the commotion. She strained her senses to detect the Reiatsu of her friends.

Yoruichi Shihouin: "I can sense their Reiatsu. It's everywhere. Don't die on me, guys. Please, don't die on me."

While this intense battle unfolded, Osamu Kurosaki found himself facing both Kira and Hisagi. Though his swordsmanship surpassed that of his opponents, their coordinated attacks posed a significant challenge.

Osamu Kurosaki: "That's enough! I'm tired of your games. Let's put an end to this."


A pinwheel came hurtling towards Osamu. Sneering, he uttered, "Wabisuke." In an instant, his sword transformed into a hooked blade with two 90-degree angles and a cutting edge on its inner side. He struck the pinwheel twice, causing it to lose its spin.


The Kusarigama-like weapon fell to the ground, creating a small crater. Hisagi attempted to retract the chain, but the Kusarigama part got stuck in the ground due to its now heavyweight.

Osamu Kurosaki: "Looks like I don't need to explain my Shikai power."

Izuru Kira: "A Zanpakutō copying another Zanpakutō... That's impossible..."

Osamu Kurosaki: "I told you I'm a genius. Now who's the weak one?"

Osamu switched his Wabisuke to Kazeshini and hurled the Kusarigama towards Kira. Kira tried to strike it with his sword but missed. The Kusarigama sailed past Kira, and Osamu swiftly pulled the chain, causing it to wrap around Kira's waist. Wrapping the chain around his arm, Osamu yanked it, ensnaring Kira and throwing him off balance. Spinning him around, he hurled Kira straight into a nearby wall.


Kira crashed through multiple walls, causing destruction in his wake.

Osamu Kurosaki: "Phew!" Suddenly, Hisagi leapt in front of him, swinging his two Kusarigama-like weapons from top to bottom. Osamu swiftly reverted his zanpakutō to its original form, a straight black katana. He blocked Hisagi's attack by holding his sword horizontally, but he underestimated the force behind the strike.

Clang! BOOM!

Due to the previous Wabisuke attack, the Kusarigama had become four times heavier, making it even more lethal. The impact overwhelmed Osamu, causing the ground beneath him to crack. The kusarigama pushed Osamu's sword down and the bladed part punctured his shoulder.

The excruciating pain made Osamu scream, "AAARRRGHHHHHH!"

Osamu placed his other hand on his sword back pushing Hisagi away with his full strength. Due to overwhelming strength, he pushed Hisagi back to the point that the pointed blade of Kusarigama came out of his wound and his wound started healing. Just as he was about to throw him away, Kira used Shunpo to stand on the Kusarigama. Kira lifted his leg and slashed his leg four times and kicked the Kusarigama with all his strength.


Just before Hisagi could split him whole Osamu had already released his sword and pushed himself back. The bladed part of the Kusarigama narrowly missed tearing Osamu apart, slicing through his right side from shoulder to stomach and separating it from the rest of his body. Both Kira and Hisagi stepped back, visibly injured. Kira was bleeding profusely from his head, while Hisagi's condition was no better. However, the gravest condition belonged to Osamu, whose Reiatsu was rapidly diminishing and the light in his eyes was fading. He collapsed onto his back.

"Whoa! Good job, Kira and Hisagi. I knew this world was way more dangerous than any other I've been to, but this is a whole new level," Akira thought to himself. He had already administered some healing to Ikkaku and carried him on his shoulder. His initial plan had been to throw Ikkaku into the battle if things went awry for Kira and Hisagi. Witnessing the outcome, he turned around to head towards the 4th Division for further treatment for Ikkaku.


A red beam of Reiatsu pierced through the clouds. The overwhelming Reiatsu, reminiscent of a Hollow rather than a shinigami, shook Seiretei. All eyes turned towards the figure of Osamu, now wearing a bullhead mask with a gaping hole through his chest.


With a thunderous roar, Osamu's Reiatsu spread throughout Seiretei. He opened his hand, and his sword flew back into his grasp. Swinging the sword, he destroyed walls and buildings surrounding him with raw power.

On the other side, all the captains turned their attention towards the northern part of Seiretei, sensing the overwhelming Reiatsu of a Hollow.

Zaraki Kenpachi grinned, excited at the prospect of a strong opponent. "HA! HA! That's some strong Reiatsu. Let's go!"

Yachiru Kusajishi pointed to her right. "The opponent is that way. Let's go, Ken-chan!"

The members of the surrounding 11th Division could only complain inwardly, knowing that the direction Yachiru pointed was incorrect.

Ichigo, Ganju, and Hanatarou continued their journey through the Seireitei severs towards Senzaikyū, unaware of the fierce battle taking place above.

Realizing the escalating situation, Akira decided it was time for him to intervene. He unsheathed his sword.

Akira: "Pray. Kami no shukufuku."

His Asauchi split into two swords. Both katanas had purple-coloured hilt wrappings, with tsuba shaped like five-petal flowers. The most peculiar aspect was the blade itself. It resembled a katana, but it was made of thin, purple crystal that seemed fragile to the touch.

He clashed his swords together, producing a sound resembling music.


[ ♪Erase - Song by ZAHNA ♪ ]

"When my sword collides, they produce a sound akin to music, which grants a random buff to the listener. What that buff is, only I know. But right now, this song grants a buff to the loser. Wait a minute! Who am I explaining this to? You are unconscious," Akira remarked while tending to Ikkaku's wounds, preparing him for the upcoming battle.

Meanwhile, Osamu Kurosaki slowly approached Kira, saying, "You... Kill... me... I... kill... you."

Despite their injuries, Kira and Hisagi readied themselves for the battle, but the Hollow version of Osamu gave them no chance. He bent forward, and between his horns, a red sphere of concentrated Reishi began to form.


A beam the size of a truck shot straight towards Kira and Hisagi. The beam started expanding like a wave, leaving them with no means of escape. In a desperate move, Kira and Hisagi chose to defend.

Shūhei Hisagi: "Bakudō #39. Enkōsen!"

Izuru Kira: "Bakudō #73. Tozanshō!"

Kira formed a blue inverted pyramid barrier, while Hisagi stood inside the barrier, holding a kusarigama in each hand. Hisagi added Bakudō to both weapons, causing them to spin rapidly. The kusarigama became enveloped in a yellow light, forming two yellow shields.

Crack! BOOM!

The Cero forcefully broke through the blue barrier and collided with the yellow shields. For a brief moment, it appeared as though the shields might hold, but eventually, the Cero shattered through them as well. Kira and Hisagi were engulfed by the red blast. However, the Cero didn't stop there, continuing to surge forward, obliterating countless buildings in its path for approximately 600 meters.

Thud... Thud...

The Hollow Osamu approached Kira, who lay unconscious on the ground. He took his sword and poised it at Kira's neck, ready to deliver the finishing blow. But before he could strike, he was hit in the chest by a pole.


The impact sent him flying backwards, and as he regained his footing, he roared, now faced with his two new opponents.

Ikkaku Madarame: "So, I've heard you're Ichigo's brother. You must be strong. But I'll still beat you down. I am Ikkaku Madarame, the 3rd Seat of the 11th Division."

Akira Akatsuki: "Since we're introducing ourselves, my name is Akira Akatsuki, the 3rd Seat of the 4th Division."


For advance chapters: p@treon.com/Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a )