
Athena into the Multiverse

What if you are given another chance after death, the chance to live again, starting anew and that without forgetting who you are. Many would certainly pay any price to have such a chance. Such a chance, Athena a young girl with a dark and mysterious past received it after dying and having her soul wanders to a place it should have never been. Upon receiving such an opportunity, Athena chooses to head off towards the Anime multiverse filled with places she always dreams of exploring and where she sought to dominate all with her knowledges and cheats. Follow her as she went from word to word saving Damsel in distress, messing up with Heroes and making Villains doubt the sense of their existence.

Driftingleaf · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

The voice and the orb 2

In the void, the bright energy silhouette of a young girl could be seen talking to herself. If anybody were to see her, they would certainly think that a few of her screws started to get loose after spending too much time alone in such a bleak and desolate void.

Unbeknownst to them, the young girl was not crazy, she was chatting with an entity that was so powerful that anybody that knew better would choose death over crossing its road. But the little girl was chatting happily with this being without any ounce of fear, and the entity was being very kind to her, going as far as gifting her a second chance at life. A chance that many couldn't come across even if they saved the universe at each of their reincarnations.

"You are going to do something for me, everything that I want. But why? " The young girl asked as she looked seriously towards the void.

" While fixing you up, I took the liberty to see through your memories, and from what I saw your life was truly a sad one. Even your death was something undeserved, and yes it is I that erased the memories of your death, and you don't have to try guessing why, just know it is for your good. But that is not the reason I'm helping you, it just helped me make the decision. For some reason, you managed to enter my domain something nothing ever managed to do. You could say we have a fate together, for that and for the fact that I found you quite likable and pitiful, I'm willing to grant you some wish. "

Heating the answer of the being, the young girl was relieved. Even though the part about erasing her memories, was not pleasant to hear she didn't focus on it. She had already lost them anyway and it was the voice that restored them. She had to be grateful for what she had and not complain about what she lacked. Also, she knew it had no obligation to answer her but despite that it did. Taking a deep breath she finally started talking again.

"Uh, I understand. Thank you for all. So for my wish, could you allow me to venture into the different anime world?" She said, her voice filled with hope.

" Oh, are you sure that such is your wish? Going into the anime multiverse is not an easy venture. I could make you transmigrate into a normal world and give you an almost perfect life. You would be able to have everything you want and everybody will be at your beck and call. And I could even add any boon you would like to it all. " the voice said

"Nah, I don't want it, such a life would be just too boring, that's if you don't wipe my memories clean and make me start over with a clean slate. But that won't be me anymore and all that would have lost its meaning. Anime, manga, novels, and whatnot, were the things that stayed with me and helped me when everything else could be said to be going wrong for me. Even though they could be pretty dumb and stupid from time to time, I always dreamed of escaping into them and living a life full of adventure. Now that I have the opportunity I want to go into the anime multiverse. " the young girl said with conviction.

"Oh, that's your choice and I will grant it gladly. Now that you know where you are you are going, what kinds of boons would you like to have?" the voice stated.

If someone could make out the features on the face of the young girl they would see a big smile covering her whole face. It was to say how happy she was at the time. Without hesitation, she answered the voice as she already knew the best answer in such a situation. She was a lady of culture after all.

"I would like to have…"

"NO." before the young girl could even tell what she wanted, she was abruptly interrupted by the voice.

"Err, what's the matter?" the young girl asked hesitantly.

" I know what you are going to ask, and the answer is no." the voice said, its tone leaving no room for negotiation.

" But you just said I could ask for whatever I want. Are you going back on your word?" The young girl said, a little disappointed.

" No, I am not. I just don't want to grant you such a thing. It is going to make things too easy and turn you lazy if I do, and you will grow bored. I can't let that happen. You can ask anything else but that. " the voice said trying to sound dignified and not budging an inch from its position.

 It couldn't possibly tell the young that it neither had nor knew how the hell it should make the thing she wanted. It already knew that in the eyes of the young girl it was an Almighty existence for whom nothing was impossible. So it could possibly not tell her it couldn't do something. It was sure that it would lower it standing in her eyes so it was better if she thought it could but didn't want to. The only problem was that our almighty existence had underestimated the intelligence of the young girl.

"Err, but I don't see the problem if things were to be a little easy. Oh, don't tell me you are acting like this because you can't grant me one." the young girl said, her voice holding a hint of teasing when she asked the last question.

" Uh! Who said I can't? I can, I just don't think it is good for you." The voice said, shocked by the fact that the young girl could see through its scheme so easily.  

"Oh is that it? If you say so, I can only believe you. You won't possibly lie to such a cute girl now, will you?" the young girl said continuing her teasing.

"Yes, I obviously won't. Now forget that. Are you going to tell me what you want or should I choose for you?"  the voice said as it was clearly trying to avoid the subject.

"Yeah, yeah, since a system is too much…." The young girl said but once again she was interrupted by the voice.

" Young girl, can you stop with that already? If you don't, I won't be giving you everything." The voice said as it tried to sound threatening.

The young girl was not buying any of this and was even secretly laughing when she thought of the pissed of face the voice should be sporting right now. She wouldn't tell it any of this as she didn't want to be pushing its limits. Instead, she answered while trying to sound hurried.

"Yes, I am sorry. So I would like to have:

1-      The best bloodline and constitution you could get.

2-      The ability to travel from an anime universe to another.

3-      An instant learning ability.

4-      A perfect memory that would work as a computer hard drive.

5-      Gates of Babylon

6-      An inner world like treasure. " after counting what she wanted, the young girl impatiently waited for the answer of the voice which didn't take too long to come.

"Oh, so that's all. It won't be a problem. If you are ready, I would grant them to you at the moment. You would sleep during the process and once you woke up you would already be in your first anime world."

Before the young girl could even answer, the void once again moved, she was drowned by it and quickly found herself asleep, drifting towards a new word and the unknown adventure waiting for her.

"Phew, I finally get rid of that little devil. She was too smart for my good. " the voice said to itself before the void returned in an absolute silence once again.