
The beginning


"Conor, thank you for bringing your ideas to the council. But as much as your designs are beautiful, we can't approve of them. They look dangerous Conor. They look like tools for war. We're looking for tools to help humanity Conor not end them. Thank you Conor, but the council doesn't approve. We hope you understand."

"Of course Linda. I completely understand. Thank you. I'll be on my way now."

Conor quickly collected his plans for his inventions

and with his head held high, he left the council to his home. Ignoring his wife greetings, he went into his Chambers and locked himself inside. He quickly changed his clothes and went into the secret tunnel that led to an abandoned temple. It wasn't a long walk from the city but anyone barely went there anymore. It had been a temple for Hades the god of death, but it had been abandoned for years.

After a two hour walk, Conor finally got to the temple and went deep into the temple to meet his followers he had gathered over the years. The moment he walked in, they all stood up and waited till Conor sat down before they all proceeded to sit down as well.

After a few matters were finally dissolved by high members, they all waited for Conor to speak.

"The weak council refused our ideas. They said the drawings were complex and that they looked like drawings for war.

I don't know what else to say to those fools before they'll finally accept that the world needs to change, to evolve. We all can't keep following their rule like dogs. We need a different type of change. The council is weak. We need a strong leader. A leader like me that can change the world."

"We completely agree with you Conor. And that is why we're going to do what that council couldn't do. We don't care what they say. We'll get that money one way or another."

"Exactly Conor. And I have a plan for that. The taxes will be delivered to the treasury tomorrow. But we're going to get to the taxes first. I have a group of young men who are willing to do as I say. They're going to get the taxes first and bring it to us."

"Excellent. Carry-out that plan tomorrow. Then get in contact with the witch. Leave no survivors. We

don't want any loose ends. When the witch is able to get here, we'll arrange for another meeting and it will be our final meeting. We're going to become gods my brothers. It's only a matter of time before the world is bowing down at our feet. They will accept this change willingly or we'll eliminate them."

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