
Not a place for the living.

The little beast watched at his brother sleeping, it had been a few day since they got to know each other and it was woderful. His brother was very caring, and always wanted to play with him, even if he put on an act and throw some tampetum as he hadn't forgive his brother yet for going so far in their fight. Hell was merciless and he knew it from his parents stories, how far could some beings going on just for the sake of pleasure. But after getting a quick look at his brother soul, after binding their souls, after spending a little of time toguether, he was sure that his brother wasn't that kind of existence. So 'why he went so far in their fight?' he was wondering, that was bullying, but time put things in their place and now was his time for getting revenge.

Nevertheless no matter how he thought of it, it was weird how they get to know each other. He was taking a stroll around, as his parents were always 'working' and spend little few time with him. Meanwhile he would feed himself with those remmants of soul around, he knew how the 'wind' worked on here, and the exactly spot where they would be dropped, afterall he had been living here for quite a good time now.

But what a weird thing as he was enjoying a meal, he could feel an existence spying at him. It couldn't be his parents , or he would had never being able to noticed it, it shouldn't be a visitor, since his birth there has been any and if they were they level should be around that of his parents something impossible for him to notice. Then the only conclusion probable was that it was a soulm a soul that escaped from the fire.

This place was called a place of auto-torture, as it was say that nobody made you took the torture. And it wasn't wrong you could escape from inside the fire just making some effort, if you soul had burned down before. But some knowledge was planted inside each soul before arriving here, if they exited the fire, they will be at the mercy of the wind. Yes, the seemingly inoffensive wind, was the real deal, if the fire washed away your existence then the wind sweep it away into nothingness, a true death.

Because of all this, it was weird for him to encounter a soul out of the fire, it should be some way of protecting himself again the wind. He could only prepare himself for the battle and stall time until their father noticed something going wrong. But as the time passed the soul didn't looked like taking the iniciative, he was getting impacient of maybe there was a meaning behind that behaviour. And with a great thirst for battle he lead the soul to an opening, a glade.

He striked first, it was good having the adventage and leading the battle but the soul evaded his attack effortless. The fight extended for a while but no matter how hard he tried he never could land a hit, but to his luck the soul was becoming slower. After another round of hit, from him, and dodge, from the soul, he was able to hit for first time. But this time the surprise was even greater, his jaw were wet filled with a red colored liquid,and his Spiritual Bite couldn't even scratch the soul of his enemy. Clearly his opponent wasn't a soul but a living being, a human living being, this was his chance for going out of here, if his parents didn't tear up of the human before.

But before he could talk to the human he got a beating for almost not reason. Anyways even though he was mad at the human he needed him as a ticket for going out of here, so he take the chance an forced a Soul Pact with the human. He couldn't force a slave pact as the human soul was ways stronger than his, but a lifebound pact should do it.

After getting bound to the human he was even more surprised, his soul force was greatily boosted and what he suspected before, now was certain, the human didn't have any spiritual energy around, this human had beat him just using soul power. Meaning, the human's control over soul power was amzaing, this sounded great but having no spiritual energy was a problem if they were to venture into the others layer of Hell. After thinking about, he come with a solution, maybe one of those fruit his parents used to feed him should help, he knew where one of those was growing up. Making up his mind he started walking, and the human followed suit....

After fainting because of the pain, Akin's body kept struggling for some time before it suddenly calmed down. The pain inside Akin's body subdue and a gentle warm started to took over him, soon it extended to everypart of his body and was a sensation as good as absorbing the soul remmants. While Akin was sleeping the stars inside his Soul Realm were having changes too, before , they emited a gentle warm, now they could burn anything near to them. While they were fire based before, it was just a recreation made by Akin's soul power, now they have a real fire as its foundation.

This single fruit pushed Akin 3 realms far in the energy cultivation stages, as per Hell standars he barely classified now as a Energy Transformation Realm expert. But the important thing was that he gained a high affinity with fire element, and the Star Cloak tecnique from his soul cultivation manual was also available for him now. But everything had a price and Akin found the price he paid after waking up, another bead had blacked out.

He was about to move and grab the unaware little brother of his when some sort of pressure send him against the ground. His body felt more than heavy, his outline could been seen in the soil below him, his bones started making cracking sounds, but as soon as the preassure appeared it fade away.Raising his gaze, Akin found six pair of eyes air high up in the sky looking at them, their gaze shifted briefly between him and his little brother a couple of time.

The being's expressions shifted constantly, it could been seen confusion, rage, understanding, longing... and many others complex emotions that you wouldn't expect to find in the face of a dog. In the end it put on a smile that wasn't a smile and a grave voice was heard, saying very slowly, word after word.

- This is not a place for the living to be. Go back.

The space around the duo twisted, it feel like they were spinning to indescribable speed, as their body fell in the darkness their consciences did so as well.

Well second chapter of the day, and another chapter that may content more mistakes than the usual. I had yet to sleep since yesterday so it's a little hard to revise the text... This should be the last chapter of prologue, the novel should start hastening in pace now and introducing dialogues,dialogues everywhere. And maybe plots, just maybe...

SoyNegrocreators' thoughts
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