

For Akin it felt like if his organs were about to come out, the space in his sight shrunk and he was now falling to vertigo speed, the shock was so extreme that he soon lost his conscious. Slowly he oppened his eyes again, he was surrounded by an orange light, the enviroment was extremely hot and he had a tickling sensation all over his body. Looking around his eyes turned bloodshot because right in front of him, also inside the space create by the orange light, was one of those winged persons.

He lose himself in the fury and quickly search his body for a weapon and he could only find the knife she gifted to him. Grabbing the knife and in awkward motion, as he felt like if he was floating in water, he moved to his enemy and stab him in the heart, then stab him again and again and he kept stabbing him to his hearts content in his intent to find relief but to no avail as the damned didn't even tried to fight back. Nor he could but why would Akin know that.

Lost on fury, Akin neither payed attention to the silver liquid like blood dripping from the winged person and being absorbed through his skin. He just grabbed the corpse by the head and throw it out of the orange light. And soon as the body was out of the light it was incinerated. But Akin wasn't paying attention or rather it wasn't important to him. He was inmersed in his thoughs being tortured by all those joyfull memories of her that now were part of a past that would become just more distant with the pass of time.

Rage, Impotence, Sadness,Hate, all kind of feelings were making prey of him. He hated them, whoever they were, for taking the most precious thing he had ever earned but he hated himself even more for being such a weakling and not being able to protect her. He could only laugh at himself remembering when he told her about marrying her once he ascended or when he told her he would protect her forever. What a silly dream, wasn't?

Emerging from his trance he suddenly felt relieved, it was stated that if you were a mortal the cost for activing such spell was your life, better say your soul. It was one of the few spell a mortal could use, Pilgrimage of Soul. It allowed traveling beetwen realms with the precondition that the objective realm accepted your entrance. He wasn't sure what a realm was but after spending years reading throught Ashtarte's book collection, he do knew that the place called Hell accepted anyone and it was a cursed place were just death and suffering awaited. He didn't knew why but the urge of using the spell appeared in his mind when he saw the three winged people killing Ashtarte.

While Akin was lost in thoughs, a ripple in space appeared in Hell and a light like comet started travelling for its different planes. A fallen one, a rare event, normally it would attract the sight of the different powerhouses of Hell as in this point of time almost everybody had choosen a band, because of this, seing someone falling was truly rare, maybe since the fall of Semyazza and his entourage no other being fell to hell. But a Gate to a mortal plane appeared at the same time that the falling Akin, taking the spotlight from him, as the differents powerhouse were trying to send avatars, followers, artefacts or anything that could secure them believers in the mortal world.

In just instants the comet traveled throught eight of the mains planes of Hell, it would be a wonderful sight, a mesmerizing one, but with Akin's current level it would be good enough if could see anything close to the orange light surroundig him. The comet like light soon appeared in the ninth of the mains plane of Hell, well in the first of the mains plane of Hell, as Akin was falling all this time. It was weird how it was called 'Fall' as Hell was a high level realm and Akin came from a low level realm, which meant he had ascended. If she was alive maybe he could ask for every thing she promessed but she wasn't and soon won't either.

As Hell was a bordering realm, the closest realm to the Abyss, no matter where you came from if your destiny was Hell it was called 'Falling'. There was something else too, whoever 'fell' to Hell if his level was below True Deity he would received something called 'Embrace of Darkness',basically a gift of high affinitie to darkness element. A luring gift for some beings with certain level of power, a earthshaking change for a 'mortal' as Akin.

The orange light became dim and dimmer and soon dissapeared leaving Akin mid air. If his fall until here was long, in his mind at least, this was likely to be the same, as Akin couldn't even discern the ground relief. Spinning in the air Akin stared at the heaven above, it was full of star , neither know to him and curiously some of those star were shrinking and darkening to a speed visible to the naked eye. There were also stars coming out of nowhere as if appearing and disappearing was the norm for the star in this heaven. Unnoticed between those star a few moments ago another came out but this particular star wasn't shrinking as the others around. It was shining with a dim but constant light.

Akin enjoyed the spectacle performed by the stars quite a bit during a while, it was something worth to look without a doubt. Having enough of it, turned around, in his last moments he wanted to look at the death's eyes. Things soon starting have a contour in his sight and all he could see was fire, there was fire everywhere, lakes, mountains and even boulders were burning. Then an enveloping sound reach his ear replacing the whistle of air, it was like a melody, a requiem, a requiem of cries and wails.

When he was close enough he saw it, inside one of the burning lakes there were gauzy figures, the wail were coming from them. Many had humans-like figures but some of them were strange he never saw something alike but since he knew Ashtarte his life was full of inexplicable things. Herself, the winged persons, all this travel, he couldn't explain any of those so what was another thing without explination before death.The ground was closer and closer, it was almost time, his pupils dilated to its fullest as not wanting to lose any detail.

The collision made the near area tremble, the din silenced the wails and a cloud of dust covered the zone. The long awaited death never come, a single tear dropped from Akin face as he punched the ground. This was her doing, the third time she saved him in the last events, he was sure, after looking to the bracelet she gifted him, and seing almost the half of the once shining beads totally dark. His lips turned into a self contempt smile, 'That dummie always acting like a child, if she had kept the bracelet with her maybe she wouldn't have die',he though.

But he understood her it was because he was weak and she wanted to protect him, everything again was summarized in his weakness. Lookig around he clenched his fists almost to the point of breaking some of his bones. Maybe he couldn't see her again, but revenge, at least revenge he would get.

Well, hell again.

SoyNegrocreators' thoughts
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