
Assassins Academy

Riku is thrown into a world of aspiring assassins and must survive through the daily life of a student at Assassins Academy. Follow him as he climbs to try and become the worlds greatest assassin.

Brightshadow · Fantaisie
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49 Chs


The sun was still brimming on the horizon gently touching the rooftops of the neighborhood while Riku was taking his usual and casual walk from the bus stop to his house. Looking up at the sky assessing his past day at school.

Ruki's day dream was cut short when he saw the police vehicles parked on his roadway.

The lights flashing as though forcing some sense of life and alertness to the area that normally looked boring and monotone. The policemen were casually resting on their patrol vehicles, their headdress covering the majority of their faces.

Riku had already recognized them as his father's coworkers and was ready to casually greet them until he took notice of the yellow tape.

Riku dashed forward to break the yellow tape, he knew far too well what they could mean.

Before he could reach an inch further he was yanked back by three police officers. They hugged him without saying a word. Riku was shocked by the random display of affection. After All these guys had worked with his father for many years and he had met them at a few work events and even had play dates with some of their children.

Riku was pulled from his shock when he felt warm water dampening his back. That's when he realized at this point these officers were shedding tears without end behind him. The officers' voices cracked as they tried to explain what had happened to his family.

Riku felt a disconnect from reality as he listened to the officers, their voices sounded so far but so near at the same time.

A few seconds felt like a lifetime as his mind processed what he was hearing.

Riku slumped back to rest on the police car.

Riku collected himself as the police finished speaking and bragged his mind back to reality.

"So yeah,

Since you are still technically a minor you'll be placed in the care of the state.

We know this is a hard time for you and we've known you since you were a child, so we decided to at least give you the night before we call child protective services."

Riku after hearing the full report and the decision thanked the officers with a shallow smile, his eyes slanted with an eerie demeanor, his face seemingly unphased by what he had just heard and he dragged himself inside.

The house reeked of bleach and cleaning solutions. It was evident that the police did what they could to clean the house to give him one last night of comfort but the smell of blood still lingered nonetheless.

Riku looked around and decided to shut off all the lights, he didn't want to be faced with the walls that held so many fond memories. But shutting off the light only made his memories and imaginations even more vivid.

A few hours had passed.

Riku sat alone in the dark house still smelling of blood and death looking at the walls adoring the ghosts of memories past his shirt already soaked with tears.

"There isn't any living without them.."

Riku spoke to himself as he stumbled his way. Dragging his body to his father's room and opening the night stand Riku saw what he was looking for.

Screaming at him in that open draw was his father's personal pistol. It had a sleek black design and a very simple looking weapon.

His father never believed guns needed any 'cool' designs or ascetics. He had one purpose and if it was fulfilled the person at the opposite end would not have time to admire any complicated designs.

Riku was ready to leave this lonely world behind. He pointed his father's gun to his face and mustered his strength. His eyes closed as he was ready to greet his family in the next world.


The gun went off and shortly after fell on the floor smoking as gravity pulled it towards the floor.

Riku fell to his knees

"I'm just a fucking coward!

I couldn't even finish what those monsters started…

Why is it that they were born with so much talent for only death and destruction while I'm scared to kill just one person."

Riku looked at the gun on the floor and questioned the equilibrium of talent distribution in the universe.

"Where is the fairness that should be in this world?

Shouldn't God at least give me strength to meet my family? how could he be so cruel?"

Riku grew angrier the more he thought, in a fit of rage he kicked the pistol on the floor into the wall and once again it fired.

The bullet whistled through the air and flew past Riku's head.

Riku's fit of rage turned into a chuckle as he realized how close he came to death again.

"Wont even take me by accident huh?"

Riku looked up and questioned.

"Where the fuck was your 'divine justice' when they butchered them! huh?"

Riku's fits of laughter echoed inside the house as tears ran down his cheeks without end.

As Riku drifted further into the abyss his mind questioned the world he was a part of.

"Where is my demon?

the one I can make a deal for power to smite the mighty?"

Riku's back was against the wall while he sat up looking at the unseen sky.

"Probably no one isn't even up there…"

Riku felt disgust in himself.

'Was I really willing to leave this world so dirty?..

with just the HOPE that I would see them again in some afterlife that I'm not even sure is real?'

… "Who am I to give my life for an afterlife that isn't ensured"

That was right, he was not sure where his family might have been but he knew the bastard that did that to them was somewhere celebrating their revenge.

As he looked at the gun that had just let loose a round into the wall a cynical grin appeared on his face he was not ready to die yet not with so many murders still left in this world.

If he could not find the fairness he wished for in this world then he would be that fairness.

If he could not summon God's divine punishment upon the wicked and cold hearted then he would be that divine punishment!

If he could not find a demon granting him a bargain for strength then he would grant himself all the power he needed.

If he could not ensure that the afterlife possessed endless bliss then he would send as many emissaries as possible until one came back to tell him.

Riku's maniacal grin and psychopathic laughs filled the entire house as he dragged his body like a puppet without strings.

He threw on one of his black hoodies and reloaded his fathers pistol while finding some extra ammo.

With eyes as red as a demon Riku cocked his fathers gun before slamming the door shut.

"Fine, I'll fix this world myself then."