
Assassins Academy

Riku is thrown into a world of aspiring assassins and must survive through the daily life of a student at Assassins Academy. Follow him as he climbs to try and become the worlds greatest assassin.

Brightshadow · Fantaisie
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49 Chs


It was the ditch of the night and a loud thumb was heard then one man dressed in a deep black suit fell from a helicopter.

His muscles were so defined that they looked like they were trying to swallow his suit. His bright blue eyes and gray hair contrasted this dark suit. His arms were empty as he landed on the roof of the building.

His pocket protector only had four pens neatly aligned, his red, green, blue, and black pens stood out against his black suit.

In his left ear was an earpiece that he fixed as he landed. He looked around and walked casually while fixing his white tie while heading to the door on the roof.

When he opened the door a group of armed men were seen with rifles pointed directly at him.

The instant the armed men and his eyes made contact the light vanished and the darkness from the night covered the interior of the building.

The men fired their rifles in the dark however as the narrow hallway lit up due to the gun fire the armed men only saw a blue streak whizzing between them. Their visions were turned upside down as their heads departed from their bodies.

The muscular patted the dust from his suit as he casually continued down the hallway.

Meanwhile the alarms inside the building began to go off one after the other.

[Intruder detected on floor 14!]

[Intruder detected on floor 14!]

[Intruder detected on floor 14!]

The building flashed red as the alarm went off and the sound of armed guards scattering could be heard.

The security for the building had just finished locating the intruder. A few of them had closed in and had their Colt AR15 rifles in hand moving tactically to the intruder.

But to their confusion they hear a mumming.

The humming reverberated in the hallway creating a creepy scene.

When the first security went to clear the corner they heard the humming the moment he stepped out he was paralyzed by some unknown force.

His colleagues pulled him from around the corner trying to break him from his stupor. But to their surprise planned firmly in his forehead was a …

black pen.

The other guards were equally as confused until the pen that was at least 4 centimeters inside their colleagues head made a beep.

Before any of them could react a bright light flooded the hall and an explosion loud enough to shake the building erupted.

By the time the next group of guards met up with this group the floor was flooded with dust and debris. When the new guards looked at the mangled bodies of the new guards they tried hard to retain their lunches.

It was even harder to hold back when they saw the walls painted in brains.

Before this new group of guards could gain back their composer a shadow appeared behind them inside the smoke and debris.

With a swing of his hand the head of a guard exploded. The sheer power behind the swing of those massive arms were enough to leave a massive dent.

By the time the second could point his gun the other arm swung and pasted him firmly into the wall, the sound of cracking bones reverberated.

The third one tried to fire off a round but his rifle was slapped away and the stray round shot his partner that had just been plastered into the wall.

The muscular man grabbed him by the neck with a single arm raising him above the ground. Without any effort he crushed the man's neck and threw him aside.

The last guard was in shock. He begged his feet to move but between his eyes and feet he was pinned.

He could not look away from the monster of a man that just wiped out his team.

Before long the muscular man was right in front of him.

The last thing he heard was the humming … that melody … was it really… Was that really jingle bell.. in the middle of the year?

He tried to understand but it was too late. He was impacted with a force so powerful he was still standing perfectly still. But when he looked down a foot had stepped clean through his body.

The guard's eyes widened as the shock ran through his body.

After a while another group of guards were closing in on the intruder. This time they had traced him to the computer room.

The guards were very nervous; at least five other groups had encountered the one man army before and none of them reported back.

The guards decided to all rush the intruder at once. The moment they popped through the doorway of the room in a smooth line a bright red line shined and connected with their heads neatly.

The line of four guards fell to the ground with a clean hole going through their cranial cavities that left the room with the smell of fried bacon.

The muscular man didn't even bother turning around as he pointed his red pen behind him and continued to play with the computer systems.


In the darkness of the night explosions and sharp screams were heard throughout this building.

In less than ten minutes the muscular man exited the building. Behind him hallways upon hallways lined in blood and fire marks. He fixed his tie as he left and spoke through his ear piece

"This is Gabriel, over.

It seems they all left this location a long while ago.

This was an old base so there wasn't much for me to work with.

But I still left them a little message."

Gabriel smirked as he walked off into the night.