
Assassins Academy

Riku is thrown into a world of aspiring assassins and must survive through the daily life of a student at Assassins Academy. Follow him as he climbs to try and become the worlds greatest assassin.

Brightshadow · Fantaisie
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49 Chs


"Where the fuck is the exit?!"

With a voice filled with frustration a student asked. The team of three students ran swiftly down a flight of stairs in the dark narrow hallway. Their weapons dripped with blood and gripped tightly as they searched in the darkness.

Walking calmly behind them was a large figure of a man. His built almost three times that of the average Joe. His deep red coat flowed as he walked. On his face sat the head of a blue wolf his eye sockets shined like a cat's with a green hue.

Within the depths of the darkness, the male sudden look through the corner of his eyes revealed the masked man creeping up on him.

But before the student could throw the sia in his hands a thick chain had already coiled around his neck. His agonizing scream forced back down his throat as he was yanked back by the masked man.

With his brute strength the man tightened the chains around the students neck watching as his kicking and squirming dissipated to naught.

He calmly continued his pursuit for the other students.

The final two students yanked at the door to leave the dark hallway, as they rushed into the empty room they blockaded the doorway with furniture laying about the room.

Exhausted and dripping with blood the male and female students gasped for air during their respite.

The young man looked at the revolver in his hand only to gulp at the sight of only two rounds remaining. The young girl let out a shallow smile as she gripped her short sword trying to find and create some comfort,

"I always told you guns were useless."

They smiled emptily at each other. The girl touched her ear piece,

"Hello? Tiger here, is anyone listening?"

A-last her earpiece returned only static noise. The silence from the other side was enough to cause the lump within her throat to resurface.

The silence was broken with the loud sound of falling cement.

The roof crumbled as the wolf masked wearing man dropped in.

When he landed the youth aimed his gun at the cloud of dust, but before he could squeeze the trigger his leg was warped by thick chains.

The chains let out only a crunch, forcing his leg to bend in an unnatural angle.

When the masked man yanked at the chains the boy was pulled. His head slammed on the floor and ceiling as the masked man dealt with the boy like a pea in a can.

When the masked man finished his flashing he pulled the boy's body towards himself. As he was pulled the dust and debris were cleared leaving only a streak of blood.

The boy that before had a handsome face and chiseled body had been reduced to a mangled body looking like a contortionist and a skull like a car with a major fender bender.

The girl that was beside him jumped from her fear driven paralysis. She leaped forward to swing her sword at the wolf headed man.

But the masked he yanked at the chains once more and the body of her still barely conscious team mate came between the two to absolve the sword swing.

When the sword sliced the boy's body he yelled in pain and choked up blood as he fell once again.

Bby the time he hit the floor the wolf man that was in front of her had now appeared behind her.

Her hair stood on end in fright as she realized the demon had appeared to her rear. The thick figure chuckled as he gripped her jaw with both hands from behind.

The sudden sharp pain forced her weapon to fall from her hand. The girl screamed as the man separated her jaw and head as he yanked and pulled.

Her eyes widened as the ligaments and muscles grew further and further apart.

When her body fell to the floor it was only topped by her tongue while her head lacked all its lower teeth, the masked man threw her head aside. The parabolic curve formed from the blood that sprayed from the flying head colored the room a crimson hue.

The mask man looked around admiring the work he had done and saw that despite the mangled and segregated state the boy was still alive and conscious.

He walked over to the boy who had just been cut open by his own teammate, "You won't die, not yet.

I have a message for you to tell Gabriel.. your little principal.

Tell him, 'The Union remembers'."