

He is spoken of as the prince of evil spirits. The inveterate enemy of God and Christ, who takes the guise of an angel of light.  He is as deadly as his father Lucifer, who can enter people and act through them; It is mainly believed that through his subordinate demons, Lucifer, can take possession of human bodies, afflicting them or making them diseased. Yes, it is true, but he is far more deadlier than that. Not only can he possess the body of humans and afflict them, but he controls their mind and hypnotised them to their death. He never shows mercy, as mercy is not a word to him. Through his subordinate demons, he could carry out his devious plans and control the earth from hell. His subordinates are sinister and mainly evil, with no heart and conscience for the humans. Asebia, the God of Sin....the Last Prince of hell. He is the only son of Lucifer who causes the other six deadly sins. He is their Master and they are his followers. He is dangerous....a force which cannot be held. He is a ferocious beast who neither had compassion or love for anyone. He causes sin....he kills.....and he conquers. No one has ever seen him, no one even knows what he looks like. But if you wanna meet him, you would never remain the same. He is Asebia, the God Of Sin, the Crown Prince of Hell.

Tehillah20 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
18 Chs


_"How wicked must thou be. An intricate hoarding of a gracious Life foretold....In hell"_

Asebia scrutinised His Father's movements as the Fallen demon jaunted out of the throne room. Asebia's face was etched with a malignant, yet monstrous smile. His dear Father Lucifer astounded him countless of times, some he could not apprehend.

The ominous animals desired to leave the throne room for it was suffocatingly degrading.

Be that as it may, they risked not make a move. The Son of Lucifer is lethal and babarous at the same time, not caring for their lamentable existence.

Abruptly, Asebia's mighty head spun and jerked towards them, their hands shaking in ultimate fear the moment they realised that the attention of the abhorrent son of Lucifer attention was graced on them.

For He was a wicked beast when vexed.

Fear is shackles, fear is a knife in the gut slowly twisted, fear is a constant hammer on the head. Yet fear also evaporates like water under an early summer sun. When fear comes walk with confidence right past, because like the ghosts of children's nightmares, fear is an illusion.

And Asebia fed on fear.

Asebia's eyes narrowed, scanning the crowd of the ugly abominations as if He was looking for something.

Looking for a sacrificial goat.

"Must thou be recollected to leave the throne room or it seems thou does not like the ill-favoured heads on your necks" Asebia said, his repellent smirk quite apparent.

Beasts and creatures instantaneously scattered, desiring an impending exit. For this day, their Crown Prince Asebia was too kind and they must make use of it before it lapses.

On a normal gathering, most of them lose a part of their ugly being. But on this day, they were fortunate to leave with their whole parts intact.

Asebia never missed a chance to have fun. But he had more imperative issues at hand. He may not reverence His Father but the reality of the end driving in quickly alerted the Prince. The end of the world is near and very soon, the Lord above shall take His people and there might not be much more.

Preachers and Evangelists had been raised to condone sin, and it made him vexed. No one listened to Satanists anymore. Everyone has started serving the God above and it felt so frustrating. No one can get rid of him for He was the Son of Lucifer.

He will never let that happen.


Belzebuth, the Chief Lieutenant of Lucifer and the Demon of Gluttony called, his orange eyes set on the other six deadly sins. He is a giant fly with a crown and he is best known as the Lord of the Flies, perhaps because he looks like one. This demon is quite known for His gluttony. The beast is the most loyal to Lucifer and would never betray His Master.

He got up, his hideous wings flapping as he soared a little higher than the others.

"Our King has spoken and I am quite wholly melancholic to auntenticate our Master's indignation towards us the Deadly sins. It is our duty to please our King, but now we fully aggrieved Him. Our schemes should be branded out as fast as it can for the longer time is wasted, the shorter our time to please our Master. If you have suggestions, bring them up" The Chief Lieutenant of Lucifer spoke, His eyes slowly moving from one Deadly Sin to the other.

"I say we bring lust to the world, making women result to cheating in their husbands and men turning in their wives. I shall twist their sexual desires The youths shall lust after themselves thereby falling into sin, and earning their passage to the second level of hell" Asmodai, the Demon of Lust, a brutal yet ruthless monster, mischievously endowed with a playful and satirical genius suggested.

Asmodai, the Demon of Lust looks like a human though he has stark black eyes which looked at the dark coloured ground and two rows of shark teeth sticking out of his mouth. In this form.

The Demon of Lust has no hair on his head, but has a muscular appearance from the waist up and two bat wings protruding from his back. From the waist down, he has kangaroo legs and a long dragon's tail. His horrible appearance is capable of causing fear and repudiation in humans who fall into Hell, and that is the demon's original intention.

"I must object for the Lord above easily grants forgiveness. Envy will weaken the humans and make them detest each other. Surely, they will hate each other and start a war which will kill massive numbers and send them to hell" Levi, a Demon of Envy and the Lord of the seven seas suggested, his devilish eyes eying the God of Lust with pride.

The Demon of Envy is huge sea beast, a very powerful species of sea serpent-dragon. This form is so colossal that it is said to be capable of frightening the bravest of men and is capable of swallowing fishing boats and even ships. Its scales are several small "teeth" throughout its body similar to a shark's body, only as tough as graphene. He let his tongue in a hiss, thinking fully well that He will for sure bring the humans to their knees for hell.

"I dare say that thy idea must be one of the lamest I have ever heard in centuries"