
Ascent (Pokemon Story)

Beginning on Episode 1 of the anime. You start your journey alongside Ash Ketchum and Gary Oak. Can you go the distance? Follow along as Cobalt Sota journeys along to become a top tier pokemon trainer and rake in all the cash. This is from a Second Person PoV, so it might not be for everyone. It is initially being written as a quest first after all. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 - Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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64 Chs

Chapter 4

You eyed the battling pokemon for a moment. Debating whether or not to catch one of them. But, Krabby is a bad match up for that speedy Pidgeotto all things considered.

You turned on your heel and made to leave. Just as you did though, you saw a bright white glow in the corner of your eye.

"Huh?" confused, you turned around, and you watched wide eyed as the pair of Kakuna as one began to morph and change before your very eyes. An when the white glow receded, a pair of Beedrill angrily buzzed at the Pidgeotto in the air.

Like twin jets, they shot up into the air towards the Pidgeotto, newly formed lances that could pierce through steel with ease aimed to do some serious damage. The Pidgeotto squawked, and beat its wings harshly, conjured a galre force wind that smashed into the pair of Beedrill and tore them from the air.

Well, not really any of your buisness. If Bulbasaur was in better condition, you might have considered taking them out with Sleep Powder, but oh well.

"No thanks." you muttered to yourself. You cast one last look at the three pokemon battling, before turning on your heel and making your way back to the path.

Then, you continued on your way. It wasn't two minutes later though, with the sounds of battle still easily being heard over the tree line, that you found a Metapod idly reclining from a tree branch.

You passed Metapod by after giving it a friendly little pat and warning it about the pokemon fighting not far away from it, and continued on your way. It was a bit tempting to go for it, after seeing what Samurai had managed to do with his own, and Butterfree having psychic abilities, but you decided not to get it in the end.

With a whistle on your lips, you settled for powering on through. You wanted to make some decent travel time.

On your way, you passed by a happy little Oddish frolicking in the grass. Though, you had to step in and run off a Spearow that attacked the Oddish when the little grass type got too close to the tree the flying type had been resting in.

Krabby had made short work of it when it got in close. One Crabhammer was all it took to bring it down. It was pretty small, so you assumed it was just a baby one.

And that was all you ran into for a few hours of walking. Well, you saw a few pokemon that scampered off into the foliage, bushes and such before you could get a good look. But that was generally your luck.

It was about five in the afternoon when you finally decided to take a break. You found a decently large clearing that would fit well for camping. So went about setting up camp.

It took you a bit longer than you liked to get a fire set up, but you got it done regardless. Put some stew on to heat, set up your tent and then filled a pair of bowls up for Bulbasaur and Krabby and let them out to eat up.

You just sat down, with a bowl of stew in hand and began to think on how you were going to train your pokemon, when a tug on your pants leg got your attention.

"Hmm?" It couldn't be Krabby or Bulbasaur, they were both in your eyesight enjoying their dinner. Looking down, you were surprised to find a cute little Nidoran blinking up at you with inquisitive red eyes.

It was adorable!

"Hey little girl." you cooed, crouching down with bowl in hand and rubbing her along her spined ear. she purred happily at your touch, and you noted, that the little cute poison type had her eyes set on your stew.

"You hungry?" you asked, holding the bowl out for her. You had enough for a few bowls, so you didn't mind sharing. Immediately, she eagerly began digging in, slurping up the stew happily.

While she was eating, you looked over to find your other two pokemon staring up at you expectantly and Krabby snapped his pincers and pointed at the pokemon, as if asking you if you wanted him to take care of it. You waved them both off, letting them get back to their food.

Once she was done slurping up the stew, she let loose a little satisfied burp, and then happily began rubbing up against you. You laughed, "You're an affectionate little girl aren't you?" you mused. you lifted her her and smiled warmly at her, "Hey girl, you wanna come along with me and be my pokemon?

"Nidaa!" she replied chirpily, rubbing her head softly against your cheek.

Well then, that was answer enough for you. Pulling out an empty pokeball, you tabbed it to her, and sucked her inside. Moments later, the pokeball let loose a ping of success.


After eating, you finally got around to getting some real training in with your pokemon. And After hours of training with your pokemon, you were just about to settle down for the night and get some sleep. But then, just after clearing up your dishes and such, you heard it.

A loud buzzing noise that rang out over the area. Multiple of them. The sounds of buzzing blended so seamlessly you couldn't even tell how many there were.

But you did know what was causing it. Beedrill.

Your eyes snapped to the campfire. "That's how they found us." you scowled. You looked to your pokemon, to find all three of them glaring in the same direction.

That must be where they're coming from then.

"Get ready!" you ordered, turning to face that direction as the sound picked up. You weren't worried though, two of your pokemon had area of effect attacks that were perfect for this situation, "Nidoran Supersonic as soon as they get here, Bulbasaur follow up with sleep Powder to put them down, then you finish them with Water Gun Krabby!"

You got a chorus of three sounds of agreement from your pokemon.

And not a moment to soon. The bushes rustled, the buzzing picked up, and a second later, five large Beedrill zipped into the clearing, bed led by one a decent bit larger than the rest.

Only five though? That's weird, usually Beedrill swarms were much larger than that.

They shouldn't have made so much noise in their approach though. It might scare off lesser prey, but left them open for anyone who heard them to counter.

Which your pokemon did.

Nidoran opened her mouth, and released a large trio of orange coloured sound waves that swept over the Beedrill the moment they entered the clearing. Almost immeaditely, they began to dizzily sway in the air.

Whhcih left them open.

"Buba!" Bulbasaur roared angrily and released a large cloud of glittering blue powder into the air over the five Beedrill. they were too confused to even hope to dodge, and moments later, one by one fell to the ground, napping away in a pile of yellow bodies and steel piercing lances.

"Now!" you ordered.

Krabby jumped forward now that they were down, and unleashed a large jet of compressed water from his mouth. The water attack crashed into the defenceless bugs like a truck, and carried them up through the air to smash into the trees they just passed by.

You waited a few moments, eyeing the biggest of the bunch, but none of them even stirred. Confused, put to sleep and smashed like that? Yeah, no chance without them being freaks of nature.