2 Ghastly

The ghastly echoes of the Cleyton rang amok throughout the hull. Jordan had gotten shaken by the noises, to which I replied "if there weren't screaming, then what good would the distress signal be?" he chuckled, still shaken. We ventured through the wide, long corridor. The first stop was an open door, it had been a storage room from what I could tell, it had an assortment of mined ores and what not. A noise from the vents alerted us, then the vibrating of the entire ship rocking up in down in the artificial gravity. It stopped after what seem to be a few seconds if not fewer.

"What the hell was that?" Jordan had yelled, to which Isaiah responded "shhhh, I hear something from the vents". A crimson red fluid had been dripping from the vent as it trickled down ~drip ~drip, Isaiah pointed toward it. Whatever was in there scattered around untill it got to far for us to hear. We were all in agreement of what it was, blood. 'Had someone been murdered and dragged into the cramped vents?' is what I thought. Now Jordan wasn't the only one questioning the situation of the Cleyton. We exited the storage room, now we were sticking closer together. The next room was nothing more than the entirety of a human exploded, blood splattered everywhere in the confinement of this tiny room, from what it looked like it used to be a room to store equipment. We'd want to grab a hard hard or some vests but they were caked with blood, guts, and, fluids. I choked myself trying to put on a vest and a hard hat without throwing up, captain lowered his hat and said a prayer, Jordan absolutely refused to take anything from the room, and Isaiah had just picked up the least soaked hard hat.

Jordan was visible trembling, we'd all toughed it out but it stuck with us, that was not something just happened. We couldn't forget. We were well in about three rooms when we figured, it'd better us if we just went back. An unspoken unanimous vote, we just started walking back where we came from from there we opened the door to the Erika. What waited on the other side, was not the Erika. It was something only nightmares could fetishise, a red gigantic slop of flesh as tall as the 5 meter high ceilings, it's legs were greatly deformed and multiple bones we're sticking out, it's torso had several tears and it's ribs had been pulled out, blood was splattered as if it swam in it, and it's face was sunken in it's chest, it had three eyes and a wide unhinged jaw with unorganized razor sharp teeth. The arms of the beast were different lengths a hand with slender fingers with nails of a feral animal. Jordan who'd been at the front tried to turn around, had been punctured in his thigh when the beast picked him up, he was gasping for air and had the face of a mad man, his screams where something of nightmares, we only saw a glimpse of what happened to him, because we had already ran out of there and scattered. Captain disappeared into the wide, long corridor, Isaiah ran to the storage room, but once he ran in there, he yelled and walloped as a multitude of cockroach like carnivorous bugs with humanoid teeth pulled his flesh apart. Seeing this I ran, I didn't dare look back, I ran toward the direction of the captain.

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