
Ascension of the Strongest Emperor

Earth's supreme god that loved human's more than anything made a gamble, sacrificing himself to let earthlings to be transported and be welcomed to the new world "Celestial" a large world 1,000 larger that of earth, a world of sword and magic. 1 month before the Earth's fall, a game was released "Celestial" however the supposed to be game that people though was non other than the transmigration target for them in the future. Mythical creatures and Divine creatures roamed the lands, monsters and demons dominate and terrorize the surrounding. Countless realms existed throughout this whole new world. A world of Chaos' and Massacre, the law of Survival of the fittest. Kent is someone that came from the future, using a Universal Treasure to return to past Kent, monopolizing the knowledge from the future he made sure to gain advantages and monopolize opportunities to insure his increase in strength rewriting his own story in this timeline.

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19 Chs


"it isn't a severe sickness and it's curable, you just need to regain control over the rampant energy within your body"

Ken stated with confidence.

"my lord that might be a way to cure the abnormalities but, such thing is quite hard to achieve"

The one who interjected is Sebastian.

"that might be the case if, he we're to do it himself. But if someone where to assist him, the possibility of curing it isn't closed to none"


Sebastian was speechless.

"I know what's your thinking, it's easier said than done. Unfortunately for your this isn't the first time I cured such a abnormality."

A flashed of surprised in everyone's eye's hearing the claim's Kent made.

It isn't really a lie. Back in his last life Kent had cured this kind of sickness to be called a abnormality multiple times. The method of doing it is yet to be available in this world. But back in the Celestial World such cure is quite common.

Kianna approached Kent holding his hands crying.

"you, you can cure grandpa, you can cure grandpa"

Kent scratched his head feeling embarrassed, Kianna had a soft gentle hand. Feeling the warm the hand let out, Kent was stimulated.

Returning to his sense's Kent explain the circumstances on how to cure Kianna's grandfather.

"I need to insert some of my energy within you body, using my superior energy to fix and guide your own energy"

"this is a risky act, you might lost all of you current power or might result to a decrease in level"

"by destroying some of the rampaging energies you might lost a huge portion of you power"

Kent explain the possible side effects. The truth he didn't want to help the old man, in the future in the Celestial World the guy would naturally recover based on the timeline.

However thanks' to his intervention, saving and meeting Kianna the timeline had greatly change to the unknown path.

Understanding what Kent had just explained, the old man didn't hesitate on agreeing.

Sebastian on the side had his eyes sparkling in amazement, he had never knew of such a method to be possible.

If he had heard it from other's he might not believe it, but when it comes to Kent who made him realized how huge and mysterious the world are he didn't dough his master.

Remembering how magical and unbelievable the soul contract they made back in the other day, Sebastian had full trust to Kent's words.

Moreover the fact that there isn't just Dao and martial arts in these world as Kent confirm by teaching him the path of a spiritual warrior.

Not believing on his master's words would be a blasphemy.

Sebastian's mindset change greatly from respect to Kent into worship.

'I was explaining the process to Kianna's grandfather, when I felt a sudden chill on my back.'

'my attention was immediately brought to Sebastian, I checked the status of the soul contract it seemed fine. But for some reason I felt that it got strength, my connection with Sebastian got stronger'

'in other words my affinity towards Sebastian had grown, I don't know how it happened but it for the better'

Soul Contract isn't just a single contract between master servant, one can also shared there power's and abilities to the other party.

The more refined and stronger the soul contract the stronger the contracted individuals would become.

This is one of the reasons why in his past life countless people decided to formed a soul contract with each other.

Moreover the soul contract isn't a slave contract to begin with, unlike the bloodline contract where one needed to follow each orders the master have.

The soul contract can't restrict the other parties action's, it's function is to insure that the other party wouldn't betray the contractor.

"so do we begin?" Kent ask with a serious expression.

"Sebastian I need to consume a bit of my energy please guard the perimeter" Kent ordered.

"as you wish master" Sebastian left insuring the house's safety.

"can it really cure grandpa?" Kianna ask a bit hesitant, worried that something wrong might happen.

"little girl can't you trust lord Kent's word's" the old man ask with a gentle smile.

"no it isn't like that, I am just worried"

"no need to worry, this won't take long" Kent assure the hesitant girl.

I pressed the old man's back, applying a bit of pressure into it. I begun to analyze he's entire body searching for the best path and solution to used to insure the most lest cost of action.

An hour of studying the old man's internal body had passed.

Kianna begun to felt tired, a maid is taking care of her eating a dessert at the sofa.

My concentration had reached another level where outside interference was neglected.

Searching through the internal abnormalities within the old man's body I found more than one or two problems.

The old man was a war veteran back then, he had defended the country against invader's. Because of these there were sings of old internal damage's seen within him.

Passing through this damage's I reached the old man's core. In a single glance one could see how chaotic had it become.

The core looked like a rampaging beast destroying it's surroundings.

This type of abnormality should have occurred during a battle where he had exhausted himself forcing more power to turned the tides.

The effect of the abnormality had it's own pro's and con's.

The old man's power reached a entrain high being able to compete with someone of a higher realm. But in exchange the energy would devour the life force for power then corroding the cell's in his body destroying one's own growth path.

'now that I thought of these how did he recover from this abnormality back then, accounting the damage's within him it wouldn't take half a year before he dies'

'did he got cured the moment they arrived in the Celestial World?'

'wasting my time in such meaningless thoughts wouldn't help me, let continue this process. I need a compensation after these'

Kent return to the process of studying then old man's body, the same time planning on how he could solved the abnormality in a more efficient way.

"this should be enough, we're starting please follow my instructions."

Kent advice giving the old man a assuring smile.

"I thank you in advance"

"thank me after we succeed, the success rate isn't that high"

"I trust you, you don't need to do such stuff"

"just as my master said, the older one's get the more cunning they'll become"

The two men's laugh for a minute to brighten up the mood.

Now I begun to pour my energy within the old man, invading his internal body.

"don't resist my energy let it invade, please endure the pain"

The old man's face distorted, feeling a great pain. Cause of Kent's energy attacking his internal body.

Kianna had stopped her eating, seriously observing the two men's with a worried expression.

Sebastian just got back from the outside, he looked at the process in admiration.

'to think such thing is possible, just how good is master's control over his energy'

Sweat keep dripping endless from the old man's body, gritting he's teeth from the pain. Enduring a extreme torture.

"where yet to begun the real thing"

After saying those words. Kent started destroying the rampaging energies scattered aimlessly in the old man's body.

Blood dripped from the old man's mouth, preventing himself from coughing cause Kent had advice that the momentum shouldn't be interrupted no matter what.

On the side Kianna begun to cry seeing her grandfather in pain.

Sebastian on the side had a different reaction, his eye's we're like gem's shining. Focusing at the extreme process Kent is showing.

'both in technology and power, people had focused on a safe and a stable way, so for years civilization had reached a stagnated point unable to advance farther; who would had thought that a rough and dangerous way could result to this kind of thing.'

'this is a turning point of history'

Sebastian thoughts we're in shambles his focused was entirely to how Kent perform the impossible.