
Ascendance Online

A 21 year old NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) Izayuma Makoto is the top ranking player in the VRMMORPG game【Ascendance Online】until one day, a mysterious event was given to all players, steeled to finish it first, he rushed all the way only to encounter a player that made him unconscious and upon regaining consciousness the user interface in the game does not appear, no signs of any player, the map cannot be accessed and what's worse is that. . . MY AVATAR BECAME A GIRL!!

Potatopon · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

Chapter. 2 - An Exchange of Promises

The night was fresh, it was a few minutes before Tina and I decided to sleep and judging by the moons position, it should be nine in the evening. (9PM) [1]

The room is furnished with a cabinet, a table and a drawer, it's a simple room to be honest, but what's bothering me the most is the bed, which is a single bed, well I guess it was as expected since this room belonged to Tina in the first place but when I tried to sleep on the floor she got mad and said:

"Geez, Miyata-chan should learn how to take care of her body, sleeping on the floor would be cold you know? Sleep with me so that we can stay warm and share the blanket, I promise not to p-play with you like in the baths tee-hee!"

Knowing my words would not have any effect against her, I shrugged, sighed and prepared myself for the worse.

It's been five minutes since I laid down on the bed and my body doesn't feel tired at all.

As expected, the smell of a woman is making my heart restless....

Well, I've been alone for quite some time, ever since that incident and I haven't had a proper conversation with anyone, especially to someone of the opposite sex which is causing my brain to receive countless thoughts about my current situation.

"God damn it brain why doare you doing this right now? Please stop thinking about insignificant things and let me sleep"

I'm having a fight with my brain right now... I'm so pathetic.

Apparently, I've been moving a lot due to my internal rambling and unfortunately woke Tina up.

She turned to her other side and now our faces were a few inches apart.

"Ah, a-re? Miyata-chan you're still awake? Are you ok? Your face is red."

She touched my forehead with hers and now I just can't help but blush even more.

"E-Ehh? You're heating up are you feeling sick? Should I get some medicine?"

"N-no Tina-san you don't have to, I'm just feeling a little off."

"I see, don't worry Miyata-chan we'll get your memories back! I'm sure of it!" *pomf*

She hugged me and placed my head on her breasts while petting it.

The restless feeling in my heart disappeared, I guess it wasn't because of her, but just me being anxious about my current situation, ah, how nice and warm....

With her sincere care, all that came from my mouth was a soft:

"Thank you."

Though it was soft and almost inaudible Tina nodded and continued patting me.

My heart was calm, my brain was quiet, all my thoughts was in a void and in a few minutes my eyes closed and was welcomed to a world of dreams.

"Good night, Tina-san."

It's hot... It's bright... It's really annoying... It's morning *sigh* I wish I could just sleep forever... [2]

The warm sun was directed at my skin while the cool wind was caressing it at the same time, morning obviously came but the other occupant of this room seems to be missing.

I stood up and checked myself in the mirror and instead of a young man with a messy black hair, a beautiful young maiden with a messy hair of silver appeared.

"How troublesome."

With that I headed down stairs in search of my room mate.

"Ah lassy you're up I see, breakfast is ready so you should eat it while it's hot."

The innkeeper looked about forty years old, her hair and eyes looked similar to Tina's but her build its a little larger but not in an unpleasant way.

"If you're looking for Tina, she went to buy ingredients for the festival."


"You really lost your memories eh? Well, the festival is the empire's time of birth which is two days from now, and it's also the day of the current king's day of birth so the whole country is celebrating."

"I see, I should prepare too then!"

"kakaka![3] You're already beautiful lassy, I wouldn't think that a man would even dare let you out of their eyes! Aside from that, after you eat the bath is also ready and your change of clothes is in the dresser in your room."

"T-thank you again!"

She was scary when I first saw her, but now it's shocking at how much her personality changed.

Throwing my thoughts away I headed to the dining table, there wasn't any other plates aside from mine, maybe the other occupants went to work early too like Tina...

The contents of the meal this time is small compared to last nights, there's bread, egg and some sort of soup with a light brown color and some meat inside.

Honestly, this still seems too much for me since I mostly ate Ramen every morning since I can't cook.....

Without holding back I quickly ate the prepared meal, if one was to watch me eat like this, they would probably have been disappointed that a beautiful woman would in such a rude way, well, not like anyone's here and not like I'd care on what they think.

About 20 minutes after I ate and washed my share I headed straight upstairs to bath, after that I should look for information in town, or rather, a job... God I hate looking for jobs.

I opened the door, went inside and took my clothes off....

I stared once more at myself in the mirror with a tomato like face... This is really hard to get used to...

I couldn't help but sigh about this..

I took a towel then headed to the tub.

"Ahhh, a hot bath is really relaxing, this is exactly what Japanese people needs...."

"Yep, a hot bath is really good, I'm so proud of preparing it myself..."


Without a moments notice, I unconsciously closed the distance between me and the unknown voice grabbing both of its arms.

This is similar to my passive skill[Deadly Reaction]it was a rare skill that I got after killing an assassin based boss. It allows me to instantly react to the smallest movements, actions and sounds. But what worries me is that, I didn't get to detect its presence only until it talked...

"Your eyes are scary."


"heh~♪, did I surpise you?"

This voice!! it belongs to a girl!!

I would have never thought I'd be committing sexual harassment in my whole life!!! my fore fathers must be disappointed at me...

"Anyway, could you let go of my hands? This is a little awkward, or maybe you really meant to do this because you wanted to do erotic stuffs?"

"N-no! I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry!!"

I immediately released her arms, and after a second or two I could see her silhouette waving her arms or something.

The steam immediately vanished.


"Hehe~♪, surprised?"

This girl infront of me right now looks a bit younger than Tina and little older than me i guess, her body is pretty slim, she has a short hair with a caramel color and her chest is the same as mine.... Flat...

"Woooh, I heared we had a new head in the house but no one said she'd be this cute, but those awful breasts, I know how you feel!"

She threw a thumbs up with her sentence.



"A-anyway *cough* how did you clear the steam so fast? Is there like a switch here somewhere?"

"Switch? No no, i just used a little wind magic that's all."

So Magic does exist huh? I kinda fogured it would but I needed proof first.

"Heeeeh, do you want to learn magic as well? I have experience teaching it before so why not try it a bit?"

"Really?... I'll take you on your offer then, t-thanks."

"No problem! It's the best I can do after teasing you about your breast!"

"Ughh, it's fine."

There's that feeling again.

It's about an hour and a half since I left the inn, She said to go the western plains which was far from the village by a few kilometers.

"I've been here before... I think this is close to the lake..."



"Hehehe~♪ surprised?"

There she is again! How in the world did I not detect her presence."P-please stop scaring me..."

"*hugs* Hehe~♪ I can't help it~ you're just too cute to not tease~."

She's a goddamn sadist!!!!

"Hehe~♪ now that you think of it, I never actually got to ask your name, as for mine it's Lucia Arciela, please just call me Lucia~"

"M-my name is Miyata. Thank you for having me today, Lucia-san."

"No need to be so respectful towards me, just act like you usually do. Promise me this and I'll try to teach you magic OK? Also, call me Lucia-chan, Mi~ya~ta-chan~♥."

"I-I understand... Lucia-chan.."

I never once became so close to someone that I had to change how to address them. This is so embarrassing...

"Okay, let's start, I did say I'll try to teach you, I said this because, not everyone has an affinity with magic, sometimes someone has affinity with magic but their mental power can't handle it and vice versa, in my opinion, the latter is better, even if you don't have an affinity with magic but you have absolute mental power against it, you will not be strained by most magical effects and the use of magical items will take a longer time to exhaust you, but without magical affinity, you can't activate it yourself and you would need a supporter, be it someone with magical affinity or an item."

"I see, but how does one get an affnity with magic?"

"Magic affinity is set through birth, if the parents are both magicians then the chance of their offspring to have magical affinity would be high, that's why the sight of a magician having an offspring with someone of no magic affinity is a rare sight."

"Then what about Mental power?"

"Mental power is what takes up the unused space, example, if your magic affinity is 60% then your mental power would be 40%... Ah! I'm sorry, you must be having a hard time to understand."

"No, not really, I can understand, please continue."

"I see... As I was saying, there is only a capacity of 100% in ones body for magic, what's left that was not taken by magic will become mental power."

Without her teasing attitude, she makes a great teacher.

"How about you Lucia-sa-chan[3] what's your magic affinity?"

"Hmm, mine is about 90%..."

"Is 90% good?"

"Hmm, sort of... Anyways! Let's see Miyata-chan's magic affinity! Hehe~♪ I've been waiting for this~ TELEPORTATION!"

With her words a blinding light shined in a second.

"Eh? Ehhhh?!! L-Lucia-san!! Why am I naked?!!"

"Hehe~♪ You see, magic affinity can be identified the moment you are born and a magician will be there to check then announce it. And you know~♪ babies are naked when they check them~♥ so Miyata-chan~ stay still and let me inspect you~♥"

"L-Lucia-chan please have mercy!"

"No can do~ hehehe~♥"

I've only been here for two days and a lot of things happened...?

"Hehehe~ Miyata-chan's body is so nice and smooth~ I could just keep doing this to you every day~♥"

"P-please dont't, rather, please never do it again..."

I couldn't stop my blushing... Just remembering where she touched and what she's done... I feel like my dignity as a man can never be regained...

"Ah! I forgot! Miyata-chan's magical status should be in this paper, here."

"You mean the one you put in my mouth? I thought it was just some twisted foreplay of yours..."

"How rude! I-Im not that lewd! I just like teasing Miyata-chan a bit! Tee-hee!"

"Okay okay, *sigh* let's see..."

The paper is still wet because of my saliva... I drooled a little too much to it.. How embarrassing...


"What's wrong?"

"Ah..... It's just that.. I can't read..."

"Eh?! But you understood what I was saying a while ago and not even most educated men would know what is was considering the complex sentence structures that used."

"Y-you see... I woke up somewhere near here, I don't even know anything about the world either. Tina-san found me and they even let me live in the inn just yesterday.."

"I see, I won't ask any further, well, let me see the paper.."



"I-I'm sorry! I just got a little surprised, here, Miyata-chan don't let anyone see this paper OK? I would teach you how to read but I have to leave tonight, I'm sorry."

"But can't you tell it to me right now?"

"I'm afraid I can't do that, but don't worry, I promise that everything about Miyata-chan will be a secret that I would take to my grave not a single soul will know of this. This may even be the final meeting we will ever have... I really want to stay with you but I have my duties... If you ever happen to visit the capital won't you visit me? Heh, I shouldn't ask for the impossible... Thank you for the time anyways, Miyata-chan."

I can see her eyes watering bit by bit.. What a painful sight to see. Her straight forwardness surprised me too.

"Thank you Lucia-chan. I promise too, one day, we'll meet again."

She reached for a handkerchief in her cloak and wiped her tears.

"I'm sorry for crying all of the sudden. *cough* there'll be a recruitment tomorrow for volunteers to join the army, I know this is selfish of me, but won't you try? You might be discriminated but I know you'll succeed."

"I-I'll try..."

"Please don't push yourself Miyata-chan! Anyways! Since this is our last meeting, let's just have a nice chat okay? It's been a long time since I've done something like this."


And we just talked, and talked and talked and the sun started setting in the blink of an eye.

The last thing I can remember is a sorrowful voice uttering the word it detested the most.
