
[158] The Boiling Anime Fans

"Hey, have you heard the news? JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is going to have an anime adaptation!"

"Of course, I've heard. Lately, there have been so many JoJo-related ads. But the main focus is on recruiting voice actors."

"But it's still going to be a while before we can see the full anime..."

The student at this school, Tokiwa Ishibashi, said with a sigh, "That commercial is just too cool."

"Yeah, how about we give it a try? Try becoming voice actors ourselves!"

"Huh? Us?"

"Maybe. Hey, it's JoJo, the one we love and imitate all the time. We might have a shot!"

"Then I'll audition for Dio! The savior of villains is so cool!"

"I think Jonathan is handsome too, such a gentleman. Like this..." He then posed like JoJo and said, "My heart resonates... Heat enough to burn... My blood's beat is razor-sharp! Sunlight Yellow Overdrive!"

"Dio's cool too! Like, 'Do you remember how many breads you eaten in your life?'"

"Hey, but haven't you guys paid attention to something else?" Another student walked over and said, "JoJo's theme park, JoJo's theme park!"

"I've been there, I've been there!" Hisanori Ishizuka chimed in, "The Joestar mansion they built was so realistic! But back then, there was still a lot of open space. I wonder how it is now."

"I can't wait!"



"Is that correct?" Goto Hiroki asked in amazement.

"Yes, it's definitely true."

Goto Hiroki smiled... a big smile.

This issue of Jump has reached seven million in sales!

It increased by more than a million at once!

It's hard to imagine what happened!

"Have you figured out the reason?"

"Yes!" The reporter nodded. "It's probably because of the recent JoJo's Bizarre Adventure ad that started airing."

"Yeah, it's him!" Goto Hiroki thought of something and then nodded, sitting down and massaging his temples. "Really, that guy is crazy..."

He understood what was going on.

Although many newspapers had begun reporting on this, the influence of television was undoubtedly more significant.


The "JOJO Company" seemed to have spent tens of billions of yen to advertise on almost every television station in Japan!

Even on pay-per-view channels, meaning channels without advertisements, there were some broadcasts being immersed in his money rain, treating it like a regular program!

And there were almost no people who were dissatisfied with this.

The reason was simple.

The quality of the "JOJO Company" advertisement was exceptionally high.

Others might not understand, but could he, the editor in chief of Jump, not know?

That was absolutely at the pinnacle of the industry, even higher than animated movies.

That guy... didn't want to make his own JoJo with this level?

Goto Hiroki, of course, knew who the president of the "JOJO Company" was...

And knew about his JoJo theme park...

Although he didn't know how much money was thrown into it specifically, judging by the size, he estimated it to be hundreds of billions of yen.

Unconsciously, he sighed and said, "He's really rich..."

Thank goodness he didn't offend him... Otherwise, he'd probably say something like, "I want to acquire Jump" instead of "I want to maintain the integrity of the story" later on...

"Yeah... he's really rich."


The animation production companies were amazed by Kurokawa Kazuya's generosity.

Manga fans eagerly anticipated Kurokawa Kazuya's animation.

Even people who didn't originally watch anime were drawn in by the exquisite animation.

As a result, both the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga volume and Jump magazine's sales skyrocketed once again.

Just the increased sales of the manga brought Kurokawa Kazuya over a billion yen in revenue. Then, there was the land in Morioh Town. He figured he would sell it off at a marked-up price since it was no longer useful.

Who would have thought it would sell for over ten billion yen.

Adding to that the stocks he bought on a whim, which had suddenly surged, he earned tens of billions more yen.

Remember, just over a year ago, the United States had experienced Black Monday.

In any case... mysteriously, Kazuya's wealth didn't decrease by a single yen; it only grew.

Things are always so strange.

The A-rank Golden Rule is truly amazing.

And then... time passed.

Soon, three months had gone by.

While Kazuya initially mentioned two months, he had extended it to three months.

Furthermore, he purchased airtime on Japanese television for the live broadcast of the voice actor selection event that would take place in the JoJo theme park.

"It's nice to have money..." Kazuya couldn't help but sigh. "If it weren't for this A-rank Golden Rule, I would be thinking carefully about how to save money and cut costs. But now, I don't have to worry at all. I can spend on whatever I want; I'll make more money than I spend."

The JoJo theme park, as a massive amusement park, was naturally equipped with a suitable venue.

It was a perfect place for the voice actor selection event.

However, there was one condition.

The progress of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure animation production had to be...

"It's finally done!" Hideaki Anno stretched his somewhat stiff body. "We've finally managed to animate JoJo's first and second parts before it starts..."

"That's true, but only the first episode of JoJo barely passes." Kazuya walked over and watched the last episode of JoJo's second part.

"President—" Hideaki Anno hurriedly said.

"However, that's still somewhat usable." Kazuya said. Currently, only the first episode of JoJo had been completed, but in his opinion, it was still unsatisfactory and needed to be redone.

Although the opening theme song they created before had given them some insight into his intentions, he still considered this first JoJo episode a failure.

As for the rest...

Because of the lack of time, they essentially just patched together the manga.

Next, they were going to hold a long-term voice actor selection ceremony within the JoJo theme park. Kazuya had already purchased an hour of broadcast time on Japanese television for a half-year period.

"Alright, all that's left is to wait for the JoJo theme park to open in three days. Have you counted the number of people who signed up?"

"Yes, it's all been counted."

Hmm... but he spent so little money. He had only spent slightly less than one hundred million yen, just over seventy million, due to the redo. Was it really that cost-effective to make an anime?

Never mind, he was an amateur anyway. As long as they produced a JoJo that matched his vision, it was all good.


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