
As a Kasuga Arata in Multiverse

A mere otaku who, like Kasuga Arata, was transported to the world of Seraph of the End after answering a strange survey

Akasaki_Ryujin · Anime et bandes dessinées
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93 Chs

Chapter 10: Torture Renè

Soon, the battle began, and the Vampire Extermination Unit fought fiercely.

Unfortunately, the number of normal vampires was too large, and the unit was quickly pushed back.

"Goshi-san, hurry and spread the illusion," Arata said as he fought off the normal vampires.

"I've already done it," Goshi replied, releasing a purple mist from his mouth.

Arata was annoyed by the endless swarm of normal vampires but refrained from using his Black Flame to destroy the area.

The purpose of this battle was to assess the strength and control over Owari no Seraph.

That's why Arata couldn't act recklessly. It was crucial to him and Guren.

"Hyakuya Mikaela," Arata murmured when he saw the blonde vampire fighting Guren.

"You're in my way," Arata said, cutting through the normal vampires and heading towards Guren, who was fighting Mika.


"I didn't expect you to block her," Arata calmly remarked when he saw that Mika was able to fend off his sneak attack.

"Humans are truly annoying, despicable, and greedy," Mika complained as he tried to cut off Arata.

"I can't deny that, but doesn't the same apply to you vampires? Always considering yourselves superior, arrogant fools who believe the world revolves around you," Arata sarcastically replied, dodging Mika's sword.

Mika became even more annoyed by Arata's words and attacked fiercely, but his attacks were easily countered by Arata.


Mika was startled by the sound of swords clashing nearby and heard Ferid's voice.

"You should be careful, Mika-chan. The enemy has no intention of fighting fair," Ferid warned as he blocked Guren's surprise attack. "Consider it a favor owed."

After speaking with Mika, Ferid raised his hand and punched Guren, causing him to fly back a few meters and crash into some debris. However, Guren was not seriously hurt.

"Are you trying to conceal your connection?" Arata wondered, observing Ferid's obvious attempt to avoid harming Guren despite the flashy attack.

"Guren-sama!" Sayuri exclaimed anxiously when she saw Guren amidst the wreckage, his face covered in blood.

"That..." Arata muttered, his eyes filled with hatred and killing intent as he spotted the black-haired vampire.

Arata quickly identified Renè Simm as Maya's killer.

(Author's Note: I decided to change the killer from Lacus Welt to Renè Simm because Lacus Welt is Yoichi's sister's killer.)

Upon seeing him, Arata ignored Mika and swiftly moved in front of Renè.

"W-What?" Renè was surprised by Arata's sudden appearance and immediately raised his sword to attack.

Without changing his expression, Arata effortlessly deflected Renè's sword with a single movement.

To Arata, who could easily eliminate 20 to 15 ancestors, Renè, a mere Abnormal Vampire, was nothing.

"...," Arata grabbed Renè by the neck and conjured wings of Black Flame, soaring into the sky with him.

Though he was concerned about Mito and Shigure, Arata's anger overcame him at the sight of Maya's killer right before his eyes.

Many onlookers were astounded by Arata's extraordinary abilities and stared at him in awe.

Ignoring everyone, Arata flew away with Renè into the sky, seeking a place where no one would disturb them.

"Renè!" Lacus, Renè's friend, shouted anxiously upon seeing Arata holding him captive. He swiftly jumped from one spot to another, intending to kill Arata.

"Disappointed... die," Arata said and launched a few spearsof Black Flame towards Lacus.

Seeing the black spears, Lacus felt a great sense of threat and evaded them without hesitation.

"ARGH!" Lacus howled in intense pain as one of the spears pierced his hand, causing him to collapse to the ground.

Observing his spear successfully piercing Lacus's arm, Arata paid no mind and continued flying away with Renè.

"...," Guren narrowed his eyes upon witnessing Arata's departure with Renè. He remained silent, fully aware that Renè was the killer responsible for Arata's sister's death.

Arata had not concealed Maya's existence from Guren. Therefore, Guren was aware of the circumstances and had attempted to locate Maya's body in order to leverage it as a means to secure Arata's unwavering assistance. However, despite his extensive search, Maya's body remained elusive.



Arriving at a random location in Akihabara, Arata discarded Renè like trash and regarded him coldly, emanating a strong aura of malevolence.

"...," Renè remained cautious, expecting a surprise attack from Arata and prepared to retaliate or escape.

"Do you remember me?" Arata asked icily, forming chains of Black Flame and binding Renè with them.

Arata harbored no intention of granting Renè a swift death. Instead, he relished the prospect of prolonging his suffering indefinitely, showing no remorse for the notion of eternal torment.

"...," Upon hearing Arata's question, Renè scrutinized him but struggled to recall any memories of their past encounters.

"Even if you remember, it changes nothing," Arata declared, manipulating the chains and injecting Black Flame into Renè's body.

"Arrgh!" Renè howled in excruciating pain as the Black Flame ravaged him.

The Black Flame was an infernal fire that consumed everything in its path. Ordinarily, Renè would have been incinerated instantly upon contact with the flames. However, Arata's flames were of rank B, and he exerted considerable effort to diminish their intensity, prolonging Renè's suffering.

The flames burned intensely, but Renè's regeneration outpaced the destruction, subjecting him to agonizing torment as his body continually disintegrated and regenerated.

"We're just getting started," Arata coldly remarked, approaching Renè with unwavering determination.

Unbeknownst to Arata, his anger had triggered a transformation into the Namanari form, greatly amplifying his power.

[All stats +500 points]

Arata disregarded the system's notification, fixating his attention on Renè, whose jaw had been obliterated by his blow.

Though Renè could not scream due to his destroyed jaw, he writhed in agony, enduring the pain inflicted by Arata's strike.

Within seconds, Renè's jaw began rapidly regenerating, courtesy of the vampires' accelerated healing factor.

As Renè's jaw crackled back into form, Arata advanced once more, delivering a devastating punch that shattered his ribcage.

Arata proceeded to inflict various forms of torture upon Renè, driven by the knowledge that it was Renè who had caused Maya's demise. This was a burden Arata could not bear.

Though Arata lacked memories of his previous life with Maya, it was precisely this absence that made Maya even more special to him than any recollections from his past.

With some knowledge of torture, Arata methodically plucked every hair from Renè's body, peeled his skin, extracted his nails, severed his fingers, removed his eyes, severed his tongue, all while incorporating the Black Flame. He would then pause, allowing Renè to regenerate, before commencing the torment anewwith a sadistic relish.

The cycle of torture and regeneration continued relentlessly, as Arata reveled in the suffering he inflicted upon Renè. Time seemed to stretch as the torment dragged on, with Arata's hatred fueling each brutal act.

In his twisted state, Arata disregarded the screams and pleas for mercy that escaped Renè's mangled form. To him, Renè's pain was a small measure of retribution for the irreplaceable loss of his beloved sister.

Unbeknownst to Arata, his transformation into the Namanari form had intensified his powers further, granting him an overwhelming advantage over Renè.

The torment reached unimaginable levels as Arata tore apart Renè's body and soul, relishing in his sadistic vengeance. He tore at his flesh, broke his bones, and shattered his spirit, ensuring that the agony would persist.

Arata's heart knew no mercy, and his thirst for revenge seemed insatiable. He reveled in the power he held over Renè, fully aware that the pain he inflicted could never match the devastation he had suffered.

In that desolate corner of Akihabara, the screams of agony and the stench of burning flesh intertwined, creating a symphony of suffering orchestrated by Arata's hand.


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