
Arranged Heart of Darkness

To quash the brewing tensions between The Elven Empire and The Human Nations, an arranged marriage is proposed by both rivalries. No one wishes to admit it, but to continue the prosperity and peace that they currently live in, they must do this. The Elves have always lived and reigned in the North with respective borders among The Human Nations. Humans have always reigned in the South and are no stranger to war, but in times like now, they wish to continue to rebuild their recently war-torn lands. An arranged marriage is what they need between their chosen heirs, but it is not without opposition from their own peoples. The chosen heirs must first journey across the lands to learn more about one another's culture, customs, and languages - if they wish to keep the peace. What they do not know is that there's darkness just lurking outside their borders, coming to dash the hopes and dreams of said arranged marriage.

LuRai · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

Chapter XIX

Elora looked out the window of the royal carriage her father had instructed her and her brother Aiduin to ride in. Aiduin was sleeping, having stayed up the night before reading a book about fighting styles. Elora was nervous, today was the day that they would meet. She had dressed in a green and white silk dress the town's tailor had made her. It was adorned with golden linings along with it. And she was wearing the crown her parents had given her. A light green emerald hung above her brows in the space between them.

Elora had woken up early to make sure she had brushed her hair and gotten ready for their trip. She had packed his letters safely in her satchel, mostly so her siblings couldn't find them and tease her about it later. Naexi had left after the baby was born to meet Strolvac, and Katyr and Sarya would be riding in a different carriage with their child. Her father and mother along with her aunt were also in a separate carriage. The ride was long, they had to pass through the town to reach Lord Uluc's territory.

As they passed through the vast area they came upon the town, people waved as they rode through passing over a bump made Elora jump and Aiduin got knocked from his seat which caused Elora to burst into a fit of laughter. It wasn't long after they arrived at the lodge. Each carriage stopped, first her parents, and then her elder brother and his family, and finally their carriage. She stepped out and looked at the lodge. Strolvac and Naexi were standing in front of it admiring the small new member of the family in Sarya's arms. Lord Uluc was hugging Kolvar, and he congratulated them on the job well done. Her mother and aunt were chatting with Kedori.

Elora pushed Aiduin out of the carriage he stumbled and glared at her, she stuck out her tongue and stepped out of the carriage. Lord Grykail was nowhere to be seen yet. Her father and Lord Uluc piled into the lodge, everyone else followed suit. Elora decided she would sit at the table and wait for the humans to arrive.

A little while after they piled in Grykail came bustling through the doors, he smiled and greeted everyone talking in a hushed voice to the other lords. Elora sat looking around at her family, and family's friends smiling. It was nice to see everyone in one place.


The Butler heard the door opening; he composed himself a formal position. The small Elf who looked more intimidated by him as he talked. The Butler had bowed, nodded, and started down the corridor to do his bidding. Inside the room, the physician was still getting over the ritual that had taken place. He looked up at the taller Elf, talking to him again. He looked to the hand on his shoulder and back to Lord Grykail, "Thank you, again." He finally spoke.

He finally shook out of his shock state, watching as he placed a small green vial in his hands, "O-okay." Emerson nods. Dipping into a half-bend to return the respect to the Elves. As soon as he left, the Doctor turned to the two heirs. Emerson would send out a letter to both respective houses, knowing they would still be worried about their sons. For the moment, he would have to take a seat at one of the provided chairs and lean into his elbows to catch his breath.

In the morning, the sunlight spilled into the same room. Doctor Emerson had broken out of his slumber, jolting awake to find the males both still sleeping. He went about to pressing a cool cloth to their foreheads. Just a day ago, one was on the verge of death and the other slowly inching towards it. Now, the color returned to their bodies, and they were without the plague that got into their bodies. This sent the Physician into wondering if the Haunted Forest were the source of this darkness or if it had already spread throughout the lands.

The Castle outside the infirmary wing was bustling with activity. The servants were especially busier than usual. Whispers and murmurs spread throughout the castle, a majority of them talking of the Eldest Prince's late-night activities in the baths. Turns out there were peeping toms among the servants. The other whispers were mostly pertaining to the hectic, cramped schedule that was prepared at the last minute. The Head Butler woke every servant up at the fourth unholy hour in the dark. The sun wasn't even awake yet. Many of them complained of the sudden wake-up call but quashed them the moment they realized that it was an incredibly special moment. For the Royal, Lennox Family would head out to The Summit of Gaia.

The Head Butler went around, ensuring everything was going according to schedule. The one problem was waking up the Princes. Calliope and Alistair were already awake when he got there. They were talking of the summit and how to prepare for a formal event. The Butler made his way throughout the halls of the Castle, finding himself outside the last Prince to be awoken; Prince Archie. He was temporarily placed in a guest bedroom; it was much smaller than his last bedroom, and the Butler apologized more than a dozen times even as the Prince said he didn't mind.

With a white-gloved hand, he brought his fist to the door and rapped on it a few times. Nothing. He knocked harder, still nothing. He opened the door, finding a half-naked Prince still slumbering away in la-la land. 'No wonder he wasn't awake,' The Butler thought as the large, blackout curtains were pulled shut. He walked into the medium-sized room and over to the curtains, pulling them wide open. The sun came spilling in to greet the Prince's face causing him to scrunch his face up, grumbling out incoherent words, and turned over on the other side to sleep again.

The Butler came over, "Prince Archie, you don't wish to feel the Queen's ire on the day of The Summit." He spoke loudly.

Archie sat up, sending the layers over to the side, and hopped out of bed. His locks a tangled mess, he stretched out his limbs to hear the many cracks. Letting out a groan of relief just by hearing them, "Why, Seamus, I'm surprised you still work for my parents." He says hoarsely.

"They're good rulers. I enjoy my job." Seamus, The Head Butler retorts. He heads over to the table and pours water for the Prince in a crystal glass. Bringing it over to Archie, who looks up at him, "Thanks, man. I'll be sure to put you in my will for when I die." He joked.

Seamus was not in a joking manner, "Prince Archie if you would resume getting ready for the Summit. I might take you up on that offer. You're already the last one to awake and your parents are already awake before the sun rose." He says, moving around to the entrance.

"Same to you, Seamus. Same to you." He raises his glass in the air as if clinking glasses with him and takes a quick sip. The Butler leaves to resume his duties now that Archie's awake.

Archie looked around, already noting more than half of his luggage already gone. Apparently, the servants were up and about already. He could admit that it felt weird to have others doing things for him. He spent a better part of his late adolescence and past adulthood years serving himself. He found it better to do things himself than to have someone else do it for him. It felt foreign. Placing the glass aside on the nightstand, he fully stood up and started getting ready. Archie put the tunic on that was made by Elora, with a forest green leather vest over it. He rolled the sleeves up to his elbows, his left forearm was covered in ink while the right was scarred from the war and training.

'Do I put on something comfortable or do I pay for it looking good?' He thought for a moment, his pointer tapping against his chin.

"Mother will be sorely disappointed in me." He said to no one. He put on some less formal, black pants made from the local seamstress' shop. Putting on some boots that weren't worn and clasped his belts onto his waist. The hems of his pants tucked into the boots. Archie then made a parting on the left side of his platinum locks, using some locally made gel to fix his hair, which looked more unkempt; a bedroom look, if you could call it that. Looking into the mirror, much clearer and longer than his entire body, Archie double-looked over his image. Giving himself a wink then grabbed his crown to play with, in his hands. Once he emerged from the rooms, a servant was already out there waiting for him.

"My Prince, they're all awaiting you out on the front lawn." She muttered.

"Thank you. I…might need help getting there." He admitted.

His message conveyed as something else. The Maid Servant becoming red in the cheeks as she swiftly turned and told him to follow her. They made idle chat about what was going on; she relayed how early she was awakened than usual. And before they both knew it, they arrived outside to the lavishly made carriages out in the circular driveway.

"Thank you for the help, again." He gave her a smile and entered the carriage that had his parents in. Once he entered and made himself comfortable. The door shut and so were the carriages moving towards their destination.

"You should've worn the outfit I picked out for you." His mother chided him. She started fixing the out-of-place shirt, improperly tucked, and his boots looking less extravagant than his fathers.

"Leave him be, Dearie," Alistair said to his wife, taking her hand into his.

"Yeah, mom. Listen to dad." He joked. Calliope smacked her son on the shoulder.

"Why! This is—" Calliope had her mouth covered.

"Calliope. This is a big day for all of us, everyone." Alistair as his hand was removed. "And besides, Archie always had an independent, unique way of getting what he wants. I'm only glad he's humble enough to put his people over his own happiness. But it doesn't hurt to self-indulge in fun activities, my boy." He spared his son a knowing look.

"If it counts, Rolant's always dragging me away to the Raven. Technically, I'm self-indulging." He counteracts.

They continue like this, catching up on times that have passed. Alistair expressed a few opinions about Archie's choice of clothing, even to his tatted arm. Which, Archie could say the same about that old man's beard he was wearing. They then started reminiscing on old times before his other siblings were born then up into his adolescence. They continued exchanging stories until the carriage stopped.