
The Beginning

I slowly opened my eyes, and for a moment, I was disoriented. I couldn't see anything, only darkness enveloped me like a thick blanket. It took me a few seconds to adjust, to realize that I was inside a carriage, surrounded by sleeping children.

"Am I dead?" I muttered to myself. "I clearly remember being hit by a truck."

The moonless night offered no illumination, and the only light came from the dimly-lit lanterns, with little stones that emitted a faint glow, swayed with the carriage's movement. I looked around, my eyes gradually adjusting to the darkness. The carriage was in terrible shape, its wooden floorboards creaking with every jolt. The wheels rattled as they hit the uneven road, the carriage bouncing up and down as it navigated the rough terrain.

The air was thick with the scent of wet earth, the occasional hoot of an owl echoing in the distance. I took a deep breath, feeling the chill in the air. I rubbed my arms to warm myself, a shiver running down my spine.

I took another look around and noticed that the children were all around the age of 15 to 16. Even I myself looked like a 16-year-old. The children seemed to be sleeping soundly, lost in their dreams. I was grateful for their presence; for the first time in a long time, I didn't feel alone.

One of the kids next to me stirred, his eyes opening sleepily. "Sleep," he mumbled, "Tomorrow is a big day. We are very lucky to get accepted into the Iron Blood Academy."

I was confused about what he meant by "big day" and "Iron Blood Academy." As my thoughts turned to my current predicament, I couldn't help but wonder how I had gone from being a corporate slave to being trapped in a carriage in the middle of nowhere.

I ran my fingers through my blonde hair, feeling the texture.

I looked out of the window, trying to see if there was any sign of civilization. But all I could see was darkness, with occasional trees breaking the monotony.

I sighed, the weight of my situation settling on me like a ton of bricks. I had been hit by a truck, and now, I was in this strange carriage, with no idea where I was going or what was going to happen to me.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain piercing through my skull, causing my vision to blur momentarily. I clutched my head in agony, feeling as though my brain was about to explode. I tried to shake off the sensation, but it only intensified with each passing moment. , flurry of images began flooding my mind, images that didn't belong to me. They felt foreign and unfamiliar, yet they were real.

I learned that he was in a medieval world where giant monsters roamed freely, and humans had to create machines to defeat them. This world was a grim and cruel place, where the monsters were not just giant but also ferocious, with sharp teeth and claws. Humans had to create machines to defeat them, and these machines were called Mach.

I also learned the person body i am currently in also have same name as me Maxwell aka Max

Max's parents were among the many who perished in these battles, leaving him an orphan at a young age of 8 years. It wasn't a quick and painless death, oh no. These monsters were ferocious and brutal, with teeth like knives and claws like razors. They tore Max's parents apart limb from limb, leaving nothing but a bloody mess behind.

Left to fend for himself, Max was taken in by his father's cousin. But this was no act of kindness. The man was a sadistic monster who made Max's life a living hell. He was given the most backbreaking and physically demanding tasks, with little food or water. And the beatings - oh, the beatings were brutal and frequent. Max had to sleep on the cold stone floor of the kitchen and work all day doing menial tasks.

As he grew older, Max's situation only got worse. He was forced to work in the fields from dawn to dusk, with little food or water. His father's cousin's son also tormented Max whenever he got the chance. He would steal Max's meager portions of food and hit him with anything he could get his hands on.

Max had always felt trapped in his small village, living a life of servitude to his uncle and the rest of the community. The only solace he found was in a book he discovered in the attic, which he read over and over again, losing himself in the fantastical world it described.

It wasn't until he turned 16 years old that something strange happened. As he was filling a bucket from the well, he suddenly felt a burst of energy flowing through him. It was then that he realized that he had awakened his Qi.

Filled with both joy and dread, Max knew that he would be forced to join the kingdom army or the church, as per the rules set forth by the kingdom. But he also knew that his life of servitude would come to an end.

Desperate for guidance, Max confided in a passing knight about his situation. The knight came up with a plan, telling Max to wait near the end of the village after one week. After that, a carriage would come to take him to the Iron Blood Academy.

To ensure that Max was taken to the academy, the knight gave him a silver plate to show the carriage driver as proof of his status. Max waited anxiously for a week until the carriage finally arrived. In the dead of night, he snuck out of his house and caught the carriage, hoping for a better life.

As Max settled into the carriage, surrounded by sleeping children, he let out a deep sigh and told himself, "So I transmitted." Max placed his hand on his chest and said to his body, "Don't worry, I will live a fulfilling life for both of us."

As I was trying to make sense of everything that was happening, I suddenly started feeling dizzy and decided to rest. I lay down on the hard wood of the carriage, using my hand as a pillow. I drifted off to sleep, hoping to get some rest before the big day tomorrow.

But my slumber was rudely interrupted by a loud fart. The stench was overwhelming, and I tried to cover my nose with my sleeve, but it was no use. I looked around at the other kids, and they were all giggling.

"Who did that?" I asked, trying to stifle my laughter.

One of the kids snickered, "It was Jimmy."

We all burst into laughter, and for a moment, I forgot about my worries and fears. It was a reminder that even in this strange new world, there were still things that could make me laugh.

"Hey, Jimmy, next time try to hold it in, will ya?" I teased, still chuckling.

Jimmy grinned sheepishly, "Sorry"

I shook my head, "It's alright. Let's get some sleep now, we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow."

As we settled back down, I couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, things weren't going to be so bad after all.

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