
7-Aspiring Engineer

(1st Person)

(LN-Oh and from now on, I'll start saying who the narrator is, including our rambling Watcher)

The waiting room was cold. Strangely cold since Piltover and Zaun were in a fairly tropical region of Runeterra.

"Probably an intimidation thing." I muttered.

After I fetched my suit, design curtesy of one lovely Silco, I marched my way up to the Kiramman compound where the interview would take place and have been here fir the past half-hour as I waited for those ahead of me to finish their own stuff.

Finally, just as I was about to grab my notebook and start sketching more ideas, the attendant called out for me. "Mr. Ulvr? They're ready for you."

Nodding at the young woman, I stepped past her into the larger room where four people waited for me at a desk. The first was an older woman dressed to the nines, then an older man of no note, a random dude with a clipboard, and a younger woman who looked like she had no place in this room at all.

'Mistress and the young Lady Kiramman. Do they always attend interviews or is this a special encounter?'

The random bloke looked up at me and nodded, approving of my outfit of choice. 'Thank you again, Silco.'

"Sit down and we can begin." He said, to which I did, putting my suitcase on the table. "I understand you're here to apply for sponsorship with one or more of your designs? Then go ahead and begin." He said after I nodded again, pulling out my supplies.

"First of all, I am here to show offa new type if generator that I've drawn up and even made a tiny model for. I know that most of Piltover is run by steam power, but I've found a much more powerful source, if used correctly."

Pressing the surface of the generator, two opposite sides popped open to reveal a cord and a hand crank respectively. Finally, I took out a specially made lightbulb I had made and plugged it in.

"This generator, when at full speed, will produce nearly 10,000 Watts per second. A watt is what I refer to as theamount of charge that flows through this cord at every moment. Now, something as simple as this lightbulb will only require around 50W, but something as powerful as a car can use around 30,000W/s."

I paused here to let them digest this information before continuing on. "As well as the amount this generator can produce, as long as it has charge it will keep running as to reduce energy waste."

"What about fuel?" Caitlin asked me.

I nodded as to acknowledge her presence. "The large generator," I said, handing them the designs, "Will be able to run off of fossil fuels, who's markets are practically untouched, heat-activated steam pistons, and most interestingly a special chemical that I produced to turn waste into a viable fuel."

Mrs. Kiramman thought about my proposition for a moment before looking me in the eyes. "This all sounds amazing, now why don't you share what you're holding back."

Damn this perceptive woman.

"Well, in all honesty I came up with this idea this morning so I haven't been able to run all the numbers but..." I trailed off, pulling out another design.

"I heard whispers about the new council decision about controlling the Arcane through technology, and I couldn't help myself. See, part of my family comes from the far north and they had these magic crystals..."

Mrs. Kiramman bit the bait, urging me to continue. "Go on, it's allright."

I sighed, acting stressed. "I managed to stabilize the things."

The surprise she felt was immediatly imminent by how her eyes shot open like saucers. "You what?!"

'She must be thinking something along the lines of, How on Runeterra did I find three young scientists that were able to stabilize what my family has been working on for generations?!' I smirked in my head.

"With this achievement, I designed an electrical generator that uses an array of Arcane runes to harness its energy as fuel directly into electrical energy ready to be distributed across the city." I sighed again. "But even just this idea will bring great danger to me and my family..."

Mrs. Kiramman directly stood up in her seat. "I will do anything in my power to protect you and your loved ones if you agree to work with my team on this project. I'll even provide lodging in my compound!"

Now this genuinely surprised me. "You'd go through such trouble for an investment?"

"As long as that investment is promising, and trust me, this is."


In the end, I managed not only to get the Kiramman family's sponsorship, but I also bought some additional sway within the enforcers based on how good my work is.

And that's exactly why I'm talking into Jayce and Victor's lab.

"Knock knock, anyone home?" I asked, gently opening the door to find Victor engrossed in a notebook and Jayce over to the side hammering away at a frame, but the latter noticed my arrival.

"Who are you?" He asked defensively, brandishing his hammer.

"I am Nyx Ulvr, the new engineer that Lady Kiramman hired to work along side you guys?" Jayce remained tense before Victor spoke up without looking over.

"Jayce, calm down. I've already taken a look at his designs and I must say," He said, turning to me, "They are quite the piece."

I smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Victor. I'm really looking forward to working on this project with the both of you. This city could use some improvements, and I'm sure that you and I both agree that the Undercity could use more than a bit as well." I said, looking to Victor.

He nodded thoughtfully. "That is the sole reason that I do this work, foe the betterment of my people."

Jayce at this point had finally relaxed, and came over to shake my hand. "Jayce Talis, it's good to meet you."

I shook his hand, saying the same before looking around. Luckily it would seem that I wasn't too far or too late in the story line. Bit it was also a bit strange that they had started on this stuff already...

'Maybe that wasn't Jayce's home...'