| The series have been dropped for now | The wall between the physical world and the spiritual world has weakened, spirits like angels and demons are using the physical world as their battle ground. The people in the physical world has finally managed to use Arcana, an energy that was used by spiritual beings and fought back to defend themselves. Peace was then declared to stop the bloodshed, but damages and occasional conflicts still remains.
"Hey stop that thief" an old guy shouted "He stole my meat"
"That sounds wrong old man" a white hair boy in scrappy clothes shouted back
He help on the ran away through the crowds, dodging and evading anyone that tried to stop him.
"Shit, enforcers!" the boy cursed
The enforcers then pulled out their guns and aimed at him as it charged up, they shot it, but missed, one shot hit a passerby and the passerby fell.
"I hate tasers, they hurt" the boy said and ran into a dark alley way, the enforcers then ran after him and ran all the way to a dead end.
"We lost him" Enforcer#1 panted
"Well let's just go back and apologized to the butcher" Enforcer#2 replied "We've failed"
"We're gonna get cussed out man, you'd reckon that kid was from the buries?" Enforcer#3 looked around for more clues
"Why would someone from the buries be here?" enforcer#1 asked
"Well he's probably desperate, not that I disagree with his actions, none of us would be alive if we live there, I would have to steal to survive too" Enforcer#3 reasoned
"If that was the case, I would've also done the same" Enforcer#2 nodded "There's a reason why they call it the buries"
The white haired boy was in the sewers, running and navigating till he found the right exit and got out, the streets were mostly empty and it was filled with broken down buildings, the people who were on the streets were filthy and scrawny, dressed in dirty and torn up robes.
The boy ran to an abandoned church that was quite a distance away from the town. The church was a mess, crumbled, vines grew out of it and the windows were mostly boarded up. He went in and he was greeted by a grey cat and a white wolf, who were waiting for him.
"Welcome back, Perseus, you are later than usual today, were you caught?" the cat asked
"Come on Ace, it's obvious that I didn't get caught, otherwise I wouldn't even be here"
"What do you have for us today?" The wolf asked
"I got a huge chunk of brisket, it will last us for a while before I have to run out again, I also stole some salt, pepper and other seasonings" Perseus said as he took small containers from his pockets
"I'm surprised that your skin is still clear and smooth despite running around in the sun all the time, the purebloods must be jealous"
"Thanks Siege, maybe there's a version of me out there somewhere with a darker skin tone, like an alternate universe. So how much water and firewood did you guys manage to store for us today?"
"About 3 days worth of water before we need to head out again" he answered
"And a week worth of firewood" Ace joined in
"Great, I'll start preparing our meal" Perseus smiled "But I think I'll shower first, I stink today, running away was tough, my white hair stand out too much, I should wear more than just a robe over my regular clothes"
He then went to take a quick shower, cleaning himself up and getting a new pair of clothes before prepping for a meal. After their meal, the 3 climbed onto the top of the abandoned church to look at the night sky. In the distance was a kingdom that was bright and beautiful, with all sort of machinery flying and floating everywhere, bright lights, and big buildings.
"Man, I want to live there someday" Perseus said "But a 7 year old orphan like me wouldn't even be allowed to sleep on the streets"
"It's more amazing that they call themselves pureblood despite just being born luckier and they can live in the kingdom" Ace chuckled "Born in the kingdom, then boom, you're called a pureblood"
"Besides, us people in the buries are supposed to buy them time when the demons or angels attack us, since the barrier between the spiritual and physical world are weakest here" Siege joined in "The only way to join in is to prove your talents to the enforcers, and us spiritual beast can also go with you if that happens"
"I'm too young for the test, and besides even though I can use Arcana for Arcane magic, I won't even be able to participate in it, us people in the buries aren't allowed in remember?" Perseus replied
"I know" he sighs "Maybe the priest could've used his connections to use someone from the inside and get them to take care of us"
"Well he died 4 years ago, remember?" Ace said "Though it would be nice to live in there, right now it's just a pipe dream"
"Well let's head back inside and rest for tonight, we'll think more about this later" Perseus suggested
They then climbed back down, went inside and prepared to sleep, their bed was just several sheets of cloth over a haystack.
"Did we lock the doors?" Perseus asked "We don't want anyone to come in and steal what little we have"
"Already done" Ace answered "Let's get the blanket, it's freezing tonight"
The 3 then fell asleep sharing the blanket in the cold night.
They then woke up tomorrow and cleaned up the place, and checking on more things they needed to get.
"We need a bit more soap, food and more thick clothes to replace my current ones, I'll go out in 2 days, I guess. You guys need anything?"
"Just the food please" Ace replied
"Alright then" Perseus nodded
Perseus got what he wanted without getting caught and was fleeing the scene, when he got to he alleyway, he saw 2 people talking, he couldn't see the clothes or what they look like, he can only hear their voice, so he then hid inside an empty barrel he found.
"You've heard the news?" guy#1 asked
"Yeah, apparently some nobles are going around trying to adopt kids from the buries" Guy#2 replied
"Tch" Guy#1 clicked his tongue "They've gotten soft, a few of the bigger family disagreed with this plan so there's now a time limit, a week from now will be the deadline if they really wanna adopt somebody from the buries"
'Well what's your plan on getting rid of the filthy people?" Guy#2
"Well it's not my plan per se, but we planning on killing off the people from the few buries around here, we can't have those filthy dogs living among us, we're letting the few useful ones that do the labor for us live though, so you in?"
"I'm in, but how are you sure we won't get in trouble for this?"
"That's why we're only killing off the useless ones, we'll give them their fate befitting the name of the buries, we'll bury them all like the ones that died during the war"
"What about the adopted ones?"
"We can't do anything about them for now, so we'll let them be for the time being, but none of us plan on treating them the same as us purebloods"
They then discussed a bit more before heading off, letting Perseus escape
<Shit, I need to head back quick and prepare to escape, otherwise we'll be done for> Perseus then ran back to his home as quickly as he can.
When he arrived, he told them the events and then started to pack up, but as him and the other 2 were focusing on packing up, a knock on the door was heard.
"Is it someone you know?" Ace asked
"Obviously not! I don't have friends apart from you guys, I must've been followed, where's the taser I stole?" Perseus answered with a whisper
Siege then brought the taser to him, Perseus then held it behind his back as it charged with energy.
Ace ran up to peek through a whole through the board up windows and saw who was outside, he then ran back.
"It's someone in a cheap robe, but underneath are clothes similar to the the purebloods" Ace whispered
"I'll go just to see what he wants, run through the back when I give the signal" Perseus whispered back.
He then approached the door with the taser gun behind his back, all charged up.