
Q&A Corner, ask me anything, I will answer...maybe

So as of February of 2021 I am going to start writing again.

I did not stop due to a slump, or hard times, on the contrary, it was due to excessively good times. Let's just say I found a nice job and due to the big C the rent market dropped so I also moved.

(Props to Mr hung_up_my_coat for the nice comment, I appreciate it more than you think)

Anyway and anyhow if you have any questions about anything really, ask away.

I will be checking this ''chapter'' once a day if I don't forget so you'll get your answers then.

Have a good one.

P.S If you guys ask me some strange science-related question imma copy paste Wikipedia on you.

You have been warned

Addendum 1: I have just finished rereading my own story, took me about 3 hours at maximum speed, and I don't mean to toot my own horn here but it was pretty good, when you write it sometimes feels a bit meh, but that due to the high expectations I have of myself. After almost a year of not writing anything, I can say that the story felt fresh and inspired, I have also taken my time to answer every single comment that I read on the way, thanks a bunch for those. And for those who are still reading this, I had i mind introducing a female love interest for Caspian after the end of this ''arc''. do let me know of any nice female templates if you know what I mean, I will take it into account even if I already have something in mind.

Addendum 2: As of writing this I have prepared five of the ten chapters I need to have in order to start posting again, I'm posting here as a way to keep track of things. Progress is smooth and steady, Tomorrow I may write chapter number six, seven, and maybe eight, it is Sunday after all, plenty of free time on my hands.

Addendum 3: It has been done, as of today I have finished writing ten chapters, I proofread all of them and set up the timer for the release, it is from the 17th of February all the way to the 7th of March, I hope you guys enjoy it, have a good one.

Addendum 3.1: Alright so I'm writing this at the same time as addendum 3, I was gonna ask but I forgot. I can swear that there was a list where the latest updates would appear for all sorts of novels. Where did that go?

Addendum 4: As of today 06/03/2021, the word count for the story is 69.69k words, I did it on purpose.

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