
Author's Note

This is my first work on this site and also my first ever original work, so be warned that there might be times when you all will find this work lacking in something or other. If you people find any mistakes then, please politely point that out instead of leaving rude comments

English isn't my first language, not even second or third so beware of grammatical and spelling errors.

The places used in this story is the product of the author's imagination, for convenience just imagine that in the far future a new island was found and a new country came into existence.

Thanks for giving this book a try

See you people in the first chapter till then Stay Healthy and Stay Happy.

This A/N was supposed to be before the first chapter but I messed up and I don't know how to unpublish the first chapter so decided to just piblish this after the first.... see you guys in the next chapter.

Anapelluscreators' thoughts