
Jack's Rampage

While the spearhead was just a few inches away from Jack's heart, an object similar to an arrow. No, not an arrow but a missile made from compressed light blue coloured energy particles landed on the kobold's chest and exploded on impact. Saving Jack's life and pushing the attacking kobold a couple of steps back.

The unexpected attack from that unknown individual was not strong enough to kill the kobold in a single shot but it was able to fully damage it's protective leather armour and also leave a fist size flesh wound on it's chest.

How could Jack who had nearly lost his life to that kobold let such an opportunity pass him by now that he body was no more immobilized. Immediately Jack launched an attack toward the heavily wounded kobold and pierced it's heart with his katana through it's wound, thus killing it at the spot.

Pulling out the baby thumb size black coloured nucleus which acted as if it was just waiting for the kobold to die so that it could rush to the surface. Jack dashed towards the second incoming kobold without hesitation and thanks to his new skill 'basic swordmanship', Jack now had a clearer understanding of the sword.

And with that, he could easily spot an error in the way the kobold he was about to attack wielded it's sword. Taking a step forward and bending his head, he easily evaded a horizontal slash from the kobold while creating a chance for a counter.

Slashing his katana upwards, he successfully disarmed the kobold. but jack didn't stop there, with a couple more sideway slashes, he left sword wounds on all its joints causing the kobold to fall to the floor. Thud!

And with another stab to the brain, the second kobold lost its life too. Thanks to his unexpected saviour and unexpected skill, Jack was able to easily dispose of both kobolds in less than 10 seconds and although he became mentality fatigue after such after the battle, he didn't let that stop him from showing appreciation to his rescuer.

Grabbing another baby thumb size black coloured nucleus, Jack then turned his attention towards the source of the earlier energy missile like attack which had recused him from the jaws of death only to catch sight of an unexpected scene, a familiar female evolver was currently surrounded by a group of goblins.

"Lilth.....!" Jack shouted as he stomps his foot on the ground and shot forth like a bullet towards her. Jack had spotted her earlier when he had just arrived and back then she stood behind the defense line but right now, in order to save Jack's life, she had crossed that line causing her to encircled by a group of goblins.

Jack who have always been alone right from as far as he could remember has experienced a lot of things while growing up causing him to develop a habit of not owing anybody anything but ever since he meet Lilth, he has done nothing but owed her and now the mare thought of owing his life to hers fuelled Jack's body with rage as his veins could be seen bulging all over his body while the ground he had stomped his foot and shot forth from had numerous cracks on it.

The 100 meters distance between them was crossed in just a few seconds as Jack arrived in front of the goblin closest to Lilth and kicked it with all the power he could muster. Bam! the goblin shot back over 5 meters before slamming into a wreak car.

Not caring if it's still alive, Jack turned and performed a 180 degree horizontal slash, beheading 3 goblins in a single attack. At this moment another goblin had arrived beside Lilth to slam its wooden club at her.

Bam! the wooden club landed on an arm instead of Lilth's body. "Fuck you" roared Jack as he raised up his katana and cleaved down on the goblin, nearly splitting it in two. The last goblin got scared silly and turned to flee but Jack had no intention on allowing it to do so.

Whoosh....! Thud..!

Jack's sword tore through the air and pierced into the goblin head, claiming its life. Right from Jack insane roar and charge towards Lilth till the killing of the final goblin, not even 15 seconds had gone by. With the death of all 6 goblins that had encircled Lilth, a strange silence covered the area for a couple of seconds before a cheer erupted from every human present.

Jack's earlier rampage had caused the moral of all the evolvers to soar, as if all of them had been drugged, they immediately doubled all their efforts. Some of them even dove into minor groups of goblins while others grouped themselves together and circled the few remaining kobolds. Humans began overwhelming the monster horde.

Meanwhile as for Jack who was the reason behind their drive. He was currently feeling very weak and out of breath, squatting down to rest a bit, he turned and smiled at Lilth who silently stood behind, while she responded back with a smile. Both parties having a tactical understanding between themselves and not requiring a single word.

Thinking back on his battle to recuse Lilth, Jack couldn't help but feel a little scared of himself as he remembers full well how he was nothing but a prey for any goblin yesterday, yet in just 24 hours, he gone from a prey to a predator, what about in a week, month or year, would he still be human.

But when remembered facing only goblins yesterday and today he faced a kobold, what about tomorrow, next week or next. who knows what he will be facing by then. Thinking up till that, Jack initial fear of himself had now been replaced by his fear for the future.

Taking a Look at other evolvers who were busy giving it all they had against the goblins which were nearly 5 times their numbers and still having the upper hand, Jack had an epiphany causing him to mumble absent mindedly "As long as humans remain United, then no matter what the future throws at us, we will be able to face it head on"

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