
The beginning of the end

The weather is cloudy, you can feel the soft and cold breeze of the environment that makes the skin bristle, peace is evident at a glance in the situation, or at least it seems so.

You can see the silhouette of a slender woman, with short white hair, which reaches just to the middle of the neck, her face is not well appreciated, but you can easily assume that she is between 20 to 30 years old.

A tear falls slowly from her right eye, as if she is remembering something that hurts a lot, that breaks her soul in two.

"It's coming up to another year, isn't it?"

"The deaths, the fights, the effort, the sacrifices Did it all do any good?"

"This is the peace you talked so much about?"

"Will any of the dead come back?"

"Will our loved ones who lost their lives return?"

"Did the blood that was shed bear fruit?"

"Everything is still the same asshole, nothing has been solved."

Almost as if it were a very long and detailed flashback, there is a clear enough image of how some rabbits, totally peaceful and calm animals of herbivorous type, which do not consume meat, increased in size to a completely supernatural level, their faces deformed almost as if they were real monsters, their claws sharpened. So that they looked like katanas capable of cutting through anything.

The rabbits in the situation are devouring some wolves, which try to escape, but their attempts are totally wrong, since their gigantic and colossal sizes prevent them from escaping.

Some wolves try to confront the terrifying giant rabbits, however, it is impossible to confront and fight them. So the end is inevitable, all the wolves end up losing their lives in totally heartbreaking and graphic ways.

Some wolves are split in two with the sharp teeth of the rabbits, creating a veritable river of blood in their mouths, which drips from their mouths as if it were a dense rain of blood.

Other wolves meet a more tragic fate and end up being crushed by the colossal weight of these animals that in the past used to be tender and small, creatures that were at the bottom of the food chain almost, being prone to die at the hands of any animal that threatened their lives, but....

Those days are in the past....

The cries of the wolves as they see how their acquaintances are mutilated, butchered and devoured by the rabbits, becomes part of the melody of the forest, a beautiful tragic melody of suffering and despair that is only the beginning of something much worse.

"I'd really like to understand when all this started..."

"I really would like to..."

"I don't know why no one knows..."

"I don't know..."

"It's almost, like for some reason the world has always been like this..."

"But I don't want to believe that..."

"There's evidence that it hasn't..."

"I know..."

"This is not normality."

"Everyone I've ever met has that certainty."

"I must have it too, mustn't I?"

"But I don't have it..."

"For some reason I don't believe in any of it."

The woman's face is still covered in tears as she remembers everything.

More flashbacks contextualizing the situation the woman is talking about appear.

This time some deer are shown, which have their skins completely destroyed, as if they had suffered some kind of very serious disease, their muscles are able to be seen with the naked eye, their eyes are white as if they were possessed, their antlers are much larger and sharper, their bodies suffered a considerable hypertrophy, being now taller and wider, definitely the sight of these new creatures is anything but that of a simple common deer, it seems all taken from a simple nightmare very terrifying.

The deer run after some tigers, the latter being considered as highly applied animals in the ability to hunt prey. However, this time the prey with them, they try to run with all the possible speed they have in their paws, but it is not enough, the speed of the deer is much higher than theirs, also having a greater resistance, ending the whole family of tigers surrounded and with a fear never seen before, the situation is completely surreal to observe, tigers fearing for their lives because of the threat of deer, deer that are very scary and that you definitely would not want to run face to face.

"But I don't get it, I just don't get it, I fail to understand how people can have so much faith and trust in assuring that an orderly food chain used to follow, there's not even proof of that, we just believed in the writings and the experiences that were passed down from generation to generation, for my.... This is the fucking normality that's in the world! It was never different! Everything was always like this! It was never fucking different!" The woman has her face highly deformed from crying and from emanating a considerable loss of hope, as if she is completely given up, as if she is empty and is venting her last savings of emotion that was in her.

The situation returns to the scene of the tigers and the deer, where we can perceive how one of the tigers decides to confront the deer, running and claiming to make the decision to attack them before they attack him.

The tiger takes a giant leap, while making a roar loud enough to demonstrate his power and try to scare them away, but his attempt is completely useless, it is as if the deer were simple puppets created for only one thing, to kill.

The tiger takes out its claws and prepares to launch its best attack at maximum speed and try to finish off the deer, but the deer positions itself firmly enough, and stabs the tiger's entire abdomen and chest, leaving it situated on its antlers.

One would think that the deer would fall due to the weight of the tiger, but it remains completely upright, as if the tiger weighed nothing, and as if its antlers were made of the hardest material that exists in the world, the tiger tries to attack, but gradually loses consciousness until it dies, the blood of the tiger begins to drain until it reaches the face of the deer, which begins to drink it as if it were water.

Another enraged tiger, decides to attack to avenge the death of his companion who clearly must have been a relative, at the time begins to run at the maximum speed possible and roaring in the process, focusing his gaze on the deer that has the dead tiger stuck in his antlers, but another deer appears running at an unimaginable speed and stabs his antlers in the rib area in a way too easy, as if the tiger's body was made of absorbent cotton.

The deer then throws the tiger towards another one that was beginning to show the same intentions of attacking, falling with all the weight on him, leaving him a little injured and motionless on the ground, this tiger runs a much worse fate possibly, because several deer approach and show their sharp fangs to share their food and begin to eat alive the badly wounded tiger, tearing his flesh while he suffers in life.

Faced with this, other tigers are a little smarter and decide to escape, while the deer are distracted, but another imminent danger appears from the trees of the forest, some owls appear that have completely deformed physical characteristics, these owls have very bony limbs, being practically only skin and bone, while where his face has a head with morphology and appearance similar to humans.

These owls decide to attack the tigers directly towards their eyes, tearing them out in a very aggressive and fast way, leaving very little time for suffering, but even so, they create a completely nauseating situation, since they later begin to devour those eyes.

Some tigers try to defend themselves from these flying beings, since that is the only way they can be called at this moment, but in desperation they only end up damaging their own faces, because they manage to dodge the attacks very easily.

Later, another mortal danger appears, rabbits that have colossal sizes, red eyes and sharp teeth and claws, which begin to grab with their hands and devour the tigers that run without eyes disoriented to try to save their lives, but other rabbits are more bloodthirsty, they decide to simply crush the tigers with their immense strength, leaving as a result a very vomitous and disgusting scene.

Finally you can see how everyone is devouring tigers, in a completely bloody and hellish scenario, there is no longer any live tiger in the scene, only remains and corpses that serve as food for rabbits, owls and deer, animals that used to be peaceful, but now are the full description of what could be considered as a monster.

"I would seriously love to see what some people who were able to live through those times qualify as more peaceful and tranquil times."

"I would too love to observe what some people referred to as true normalcy"

"I would treasure too much to live through those peaceful days they talk about, where you didn't have to fight to survive"

"However, I don't even know if those days were true or if they were just lies so that we wouldn't lose faith and keep looking for a way out of this hell"

"I guess I possibly will never know nor will we ever know that."

Another scene too grim is present to set the mood, where a bear, an omnivorous animal, is fighting with a group of squirrels, which look as if they had rabies, presenting their eyes highly desorbitant and large amount of foam dripping from their mouths in addition to large amounts of blood as if they had recently eaten something.

These squirrels move too fast and start attacking the bear, there are too many squirrels that it is very difficult to count them and name a specific amount that there are, all of them start scratching the bear's skin, but due to its dense fur, it doesn't receive so much damage, on the other hand, the bear tries to pull them out of its body, bleeding a little in the process because they hold on to his skin with the help of his claws and sharp teeth, and when he manages to get one or two of them off, three times as many of them manage to climb back onto his back, also when he throws them, you would expect that due to the force of impact they would suffer damage, but they don't receive any damage.

The bear slowly begins to become more and more desperate as it cannot get rid of any of them nor can it find a feasible escape route, the bear's sounds of fear and anxiety also begin to become more and more audible, while its clear anger begins to become more visible.

The situation slowly becomes more deplorable for the bear, losing strength and resistance, so that the squirrels begin to devour him slowly, removing pieces of flesh and mutilating him completely, leaving him in the worst state that it is possible for those little demons to cause, with scratches, bites, and wounds that begin to be more and more in depth.

Finally a large number of squirrels position themselves on the bear's back, and as he has received many serious wounds and has lost physical energy, he ends up falling too tired surrendering, but emitting heartbreaking sounds of suffering, while the squirrels devour him alive and enjoy what for them is a banquet possibly fallen from heaven, some squirrels are introduced into the bear's body, slowly ground with grass ends up becoming completely red, with great intensity, and the body the bear is now almost only skeleton.

"Food chain? I wonder what the books that try to recreate history say, they say that humans used to be practically on top of everything, didn't they? Where were those days? Did they even exist at all? Were they real? Or was it just another big lie? Those are questions that will most likely never get a clear answer, because for as long as I can remember, anime has devoured humans, animals of all kinds."

"There is no classification as mentioned in those books. In fact, there was a time when not all types of animals were recognized in a clear way, very few were recognized because as the books described them, it was totally different from what we were seeing in person, for example a small rabbit is described in the books as a white, small and tender creature, but what we see are giant creatures that devour everything and have completely abnormal bodies, being visible parts of their flesh and muscles. This is because their skin has mostly disintegrated, plus they have claws and teeth that would cut a part of your body in a matter of just 1 second."

"We will never be able to see those monsters that we see daily and we must escape from them to save our lives..." - The girl takes a break to swallow saliva, while her voice cuts off due to the difficulty she is presenting to speak - "We will never be able to see them as they are described in those old books, until I die we will possibly have to see them as the human-eating beasts that devour us day and night."

"That's why we had to seclude ourselves in order to survive..."

"Or else the entire human race would have ended up feeling extinct because of this menace."

Another scene is present to contextualize the moment, this time we are shown an ordinary city of those in any part of the world. Due to what is observed, it is not possible to clearly delimit what part of the world this location belongs to. However, the situation is clear, something is not right at all, it is not enough to be a genius to notice that this place is in the genesis of chaos, you can hear people screaming, you can see how the buildings fall, how everything is engulfed in flames.

A very strong scene is echoed in the scene, in which a woman is clearly running with what seems to be her son, apparently they are escaping from what seems to be quite a few flying creatures, the appearance of these creatures is very peculiar, to the point where you do not recognize what animal it is exactly, they have scales, these black, seem to have a very hardened skin, The color seems to denote that they were rotting in life, they have wings too long and seem to have a kind of very sharp edge at the tip, which should serve to cut their victims, the face of all these creatures is large and elongated, having yellow eyes, the jaw that have all the beasts is also deformed, having the teeth protruding towards the face, starting from the lower jaw clearly.

All the flying beasts have blood present in their mouths, which drips down to the ground quickly due to the height at which they are chasing the mother and child.

Both look very desperate and exhausted, without understanding anything of what is happening, they run through the streets of the city, until they enter a small street between 2 buildings, the street is quite narrow and has only one exit in a straight line through a fence.

Due to the constant speed that the woman and the child must maintain to avoid being caught, something unfortunate happens, the child falls due to a bad formation that was on the floor, twisting his leg in a very painful way, throwing a deafening scream in the process and beginning to cry inconsolably.

The mother turns around and realizes that it is too late, all the flying beasts are heading straight for him to devour him because he is so exposed and with no way to defend himself.

The child observes how the flying beasts are getting closer and closer, beginning to scream in horror as they are constantly getting closer to him, the child has to close his eyes so as not to see what is about to happen in the next few seconds.

The mother begins to run desperately in the direction of her son.

As soon as she gets close enough to make physical contact with her son, she grabs him by the arm and pulls him, throwing him in the direction from which she was running to help him.

At the moment of making this movement as a last hope to save her son, one of the flying beasts passes with its sharp wings through the area of the mother's legs, cutting both with great ease, as if it were a piece of paper that breaks in two, automatically the mother falls to the ground, bleeding without stopping and in an evident state of shock.

The mother does not even manage to scream, only a paralyzed face can be seen before the situation that has just occurred so quickly, managing only to extend her arm to try to touch her son who looks bewildered and disturbed, with many screams in between, as they are killing his mother.

Then a bird crosses the extended arm of the mother, cutting it in the same way with its sharp wing, later, the arm begins to spin in the air throwing a lot of blood, until finally falling right where the child is lying on the floor horrified, seeing the severed arm of his mother, the child urinates uncontrollably and begins to name her repeatedly, while watching how the beast birds begin to peck her tearing off pieces of skin and flesh, also her eyes, ears and everything that for the beasts can be considered food.

Finally the vision of the practically lifeless body of the mother is lost, all this due to the great presence of birds that were positioned on the body to eat it, as a last look, you can only notice something very sad, and that is that the mother died looking directly at her son, who saw her die.

The boy is still disturbed by the scene without being able to react. So his stimulus that makes him react is the presence of a bird that approaches to eat the flesh of his mother's arm, but the boy gets up with effort and kicks the bird, furious, telling it to get away from the person he loves the most, then the boy picks up the arm and begins to run between screams and tears towards the fence, taking advantage that almost all the birds are concentrated and distracted devouring what is left of his mother.

The boy runs while limping with one leg, specifically the one he previously suffered a torsion, he gets closer and closer to reaching the fence, until finally he reaches it and tries to climb it, but slips on each attempt without managing to climb too much. Because he has very little strength, therefore, the boy begins to scream for help while shaking the fence with all his might so that someone hears him.

Behind him, the beasts realized what he was planning. So they regain their interest in the child, starting to fly all the way towards him again, the child is even more disturbed by this and begins to scream even louder in the hope that someone will hear him.

Then, a man who was running past the place hears him and directs his gaze towards the child.

The man realizes that the little boy is in a life or death situation at the moment and that he must help him as soon as possible, so that between the holes that the fence has he begins to help him escape, but unfortunately the birds were much faster, so that they all begin to mutilate and devour the child's body, with their teeth, and claws of the paws, the child still tries to climb and escape, while screams of authentic pain and suffering come out of his mouth.

The man ends up just watching helplessly, watching attentively as those spawn of the devil devour with pleasure the body of an innocent child.

"The reality we live in is too cruel"

"In this way as humans we had to take refuge in the sea, in a total of 12 islands that surround a gigantic island that is located in the center of these, giving a total of 13"

"That is the place where humanity must live now, where its only hope is placed"

"What is supposed, according to history, used to belong to humans, which was the world, now belongs completely to beasts, everything is full of them"

Different scenes of how people's daily life was are now shown, until one day everything simply changed, they are observed as the children's pets like dogs and cats went through a completely gloomy physical modification process and straight out of a horror movie, where sharp tentacles and more limbs began to come out of the bodies of these animals, with which, they attacked these families, annihilating them in an instant, leaving lifeless homes, and where before there was, now everything is a nest of simple corpses.

Consequently, these animals took to the streets in the big cities and began to destroy cars, buses, everything, very easily, people were cut into pieces as if they were vegetables, some were held with the tentacles and taken directly to the mouth of these beasts, which devoured them in seconds, other people ran more tragic and bizarre fates, where they were practically split into 2 just for fun with the great strength that the tentacles of these beasts possess.

Another trivial scene is shown where on the television a TV presenter is observed narrating the facts, commenting to be careful with the animals that are some presenting a rare infection that makes them eat human flesh, referring to that as zombie plague, however, when the presenter finishes talking, loud screams from the news channel's recording set begin to be heard, where later the wall that is used for green screen falls down and it is observed as a beast is murdering the entire set of behind the scenes and screams of a woman who mentions that the mascot of the channel is behaving very strangely (which was a simple small dog), later the beast cuts the head of the TV presenter, instantly cutting the TV signal, happening the same thing later on several television channels, until finally the electricity and all kinds of connection are cut off.

Several internet figures with a lot of followers began to take advantage of this situation, recording the situation live while they were on the street to get more visits, however, several of these people ended up dying in very stupid ways, everything being recorded on video.

"The only way we have to defend ourselves and face those damn monsters is magic"

"Honestly, there is also not much information about how it came about, or where it appeared, since in the history books there is nothing mentioned about magic in those times when everything was quieter in theory, so I guess it must be something from current times"

"This magic has also helped us to establish better lines of defense. So we used 12 tokens, one for each island that surrounds the central island, in this way we managed to create a magic shield that serves as extra protection for the few humans that are still alive"

"We nicknamed this place Eden..."

Now, back to contextualize again in what happened in the city, it looks like several tanks, and armies were mobilized to face these beasts, however the damage of the tank cannons and the bullets of the weapons did not cause any kind of damage to these tentacled beasts.

So the armed army formed a somewhat macabre plan, but the only thing they saw as viable to face this global threat, many people's corpses were put in giant nets loaded by airplanes, which took all this to the most remote areas of the city, specifically forests or jungles, where all kinds of high-caliber bombs were dropped, including also fire compressions to end this new global threat, but all this ended up being useless. Because all these attempts to finish the beasts did not end in anything, as eventually their bodies ended up regenerating at impressive speeds.

And so, the beasts ended up destroying every attempt to give humanity hope, destroyed all the tanks and light planes that were used to take them to the remote areas of the cities, and finished off all the military armies as if they were simple toy soldiers.

As the last scene of this, a military brigadier general is observed, who was left alone because her entire platoon died. So she finds herself in the forest (after the masterful plan of the army failed) watching as the beasts with tentacles and deformities that come from dogs and cats, slowly approach to devour her, she remains still, until finally raising her weapon and blowing her head off on the spot.

"The tokens of the islands are removable and can be repositioned, however it is completely impossible to place them in mainland areas, because it means facing the hordes of beasts and dying in the attempt, besides it is better not to risk that these tokens suffer damage"

For the last context of what happened before the complete world fall, it shows people who lived in remote places, such as Indians and tribes, which are completely massacred by wolves and monkeys who also suffered absolutely terrible physical changes (in the case of wolves it was very similar to that of dogs in cities) For example, in the case of monkeys, they obtained a very human-like appearance, only with certain physical alterations, and the presence of a lot of hair, something like if they were cavernous, but this helped them a lot to kill humans, because the latter thought it was a disease or plague.

A very sad ending that this had is that many tried to escape by getting on rafts and escape from those areas with more exotic animals, but it was useless, they ended up being killed one by one and dragged into the jungle to devour them, being so close to reaching the seashore and getting on those rafts.

"The few humans that were left had to start feeding on vegetables, plants, and crops, and if there was luck, fish, since these did not receive the effect of being bestialized, is the only thing that if it is kept as it is in the history books"

"In addition, the famine was, is and will always remain a problem, because there is very little food, it is not enough for everyone equally"

"The form of defense that there is on the part of these islands, in addition to the shield, are the apostles, who are the carriers of magic"

"I really wonder..."

"What will be the outcome of all this hell?"

Chapitre suivant