
“La nuit porte conseil”

After what felt like a year, I finally regained consciousness. At least thats what I thought, because everything was still pitch black and I couldn't really move my body, actually I couldn't even feel my body.

My first thought went to Louis, I wasn't able to check on him and now I was paralyzed. I felt restless but forced down these useless feelings and tried to analyse the situation. « Louis isn't that easy to break, I should find a way out of this situation first . But WTF actually happened? I'm sure the brick was in place so I have a hard time believing that the damn door did this to us. Why can't I move or even see anything? Did I even wake up or did I turn blind from the impact against the wall??? Things don't look too good I need to do something....but what?  That's when I was roused from my stupor by a voice that I did not recognize.

"Oi! Can you hear me?"

"Yes?" I answered not really knowing what else to do.

"Good. I was starting to get impatient. You humans are so damn weak a little push and you're out, Hmph!" The voice complained.

"You may be right but at least we have manners. Care for an introduction and an explaination?" I answered exasperatedly.

I had the weird feeling that the owner of this voice had something to do with that incident, so I kept my nascent anger in check. I wouldn't be able to get a clue if I lashed out now. Also 'it' could be dangerous, he called me human as if he wasn't....the dude might not be right in the head.

And Louis...

"Oh oh, so you can talk back? That concussion didn't teach you any respect huh? Anyway let me make my entrance »

As the voice faded, a figure appeared and lit up the surroundings with a reddish purple light. Though the light radiated strongly I couldn't see anything else around, but the humanoid shape in front of me.

It had human features but definitely wasn't one of us . It's body was perfectly proportioned, full of lean muscles that seem to contain a massive amount of power. It's skin a glimmering dark bronze. Towering at least 2 heads above me, 'It' looked down on me with its magnetic eyes. Yes magnetic. It's impossible to describe those eyes, because when you you look into them, you feel the desire to comply and do whatever 'It' says, as if your will was numbed by an electric shock.

It's whole body was radiating magnetism, as reddish purple electric arc sporadically appeared around 'It'.

Seeing my stunned facial expression and slack jaw 'It' chuckled and said:  « like what you see? Let me introduce myself then: I am Kishi » and then it stood there looking at me with a slight grin that displayed its protubing canines.

I waited, expecting 'Kishi' to continue with the introduction but nothing happened. 'He?' Just stood there staring at me as if expecting me to fall on my knees and kowtow or something.

I have to admit that Kishi's presence was intimidating to the highest level but I figured that 'He' wanted something from me so I relaxed a little.

I broke the short silence and asked« Kishi? Kishi what? Is that your name or your race or is it a title maybe? And what do you want from us? Can you be more detailed please? »

« Oh oh? Please, you said? Alright then.

Kishi is my name and Kishi is what I am. As for what I want, you just need to acknowledge me your 'Dogo'. I don't suppose you know what that is right? »

« Errrrr nop? A Kishi is like an African vampire seeing your sharp canines, as for a Dogo... aren't they these ugly statues that the old witches worship back in the village? You don't really look the part to be honest.» I answered dismissively.

« I thought so... you guys have been completely brainwashed by European mythology to the point that you don't even know what I am anymore....

anyway Get ready for a cram session. I'll explain some things to you. » as he said so, he took a step forward and the light and electricity around him vanished as he closed his eyes so I could look straight at him.

« Please, before you begin...» I started, but he cut me off saying: « Worried about your sibling ? He is fine don't worry ».

*sigh* that's good.

« So what is a Dogo? Well you can see us as Totems though we are far more powerful and intelligent. The status of Dogo is achieved when a spiritual being or mythical creature enter bonds with human beings. Both bloodlines are mixed to form a contract seal and the terms of the contract entails the safeguards of the new bloodline. This gives unimaginable power to the human and guarantees a foothold in this world for the creature or being. There are a lot of restrictions though and the creature needs to be powerful enough to create a channel between the realms.

Ankh: « Oooh so the hypothesis of a spiritual realm which is parallel to ours is true. And différents beings live in that dimension ? »

Kishi: « The use of the term dimension is inappropriate here, But you got the point. The realms are not separated by distance or time, but awareness. Some people can force their ways into another realm thanks to their immense willpower or natural heightened awareness and vice versa. This is what you see when a witch is at work. Witches exchange a token from this world with a 'spiritual' or 'mystical' and performs a 'miracle' in your realm. The more power is needed to reach the desired effect, the higher the value of the token.

But this is not the way of the 'Dogo'. We are in a relationship with our Dogo-be, we are family and share the same blood that is why we grant blessings and can also roam your realm at will ».

Ankh: « I see... but I'm not initiated, my dad neither. I heard that to be able to worship a Dogo you need to go through initiation and receive a class. Additionally, I believe in God and I'm even baptized. Why are you coming to me now? »

Kishi: « Sigh. Religion has nothing to do with this. As I told you, we are family, I don't want you to worship me. Those that do, I don't force them. I believe it is their way of thanking me for helping out when they are in need. »

Ankh: « Hmmm.... I'll listen for now. »

Kishi: « Moving forward there is a major event taking place soon, one that will 'flip the world you know on its head in matter of seconds'. It is unavoidable and will be very painful for those unprepared. I want to use this opportunity and fulfill my duty to our bloodline at the same time.

So if you understand and accept me, you will be able to awaken and maybe claim a spot in the 'new world'. Kishi paused then quickly added "Actually you don't have a choice it is an opportunity for me as well and since you have my blood in you, I could just force you to do it. It's just better to cooperate."

*sigh* He didn't need to remind me of his bewitching eyes.

I wavered but a second before saying: « What do I have to do? » to which Kishi smiled and nodded.

« First I have to initiate you, this requires preparation and cannot be rushed. We still have time for that.

In the meantime I will explain the benefits from it, to motivate your lazy bum.

*clears throat* "My power is linked to my name and my essence. As a mythical creature, our names say everything about us, it exposes our strengths and weaknesses but is also the source of our prowess. As such we call our power 'aphorism' because our name depicts all truths about us."

"This looks like a Damocles sword... not really my style." I thought.

The case of the Dogo-be is different. Your human blood was mixed with mine so thought you can wield aphorism, you are not restricted by it the way we are. Let's put it that way, my aphorism is my name only because I was born the way I am, I did not stray from a prefixed path of progression. You humans have no fixed progression path you can be whatever you want to be, so the Dogo-be not only inherits his Dogo's power, but he also gets to chose his aphorism. In other words What defines him, Who he really is , and derive more power from it. It's a matter of character kido.

Trivia: your grandpa was so powerful that he could summon lightning to forge artifacts. Sometimes when he messed up, lighting would strike him and drag him out of the house then batter him with the heavy rain.

Wow, grandpa? I never knew him. Died before I was born. I had no idea he was a smith and nobody told me he was this awesome...

« Hey that's all great but what's the catch? There must be a ratio power/responsibility somewhere in the mix. Oh and don't forget to use the words 'backlash' and 'death' when you are at it » I said with a fake smile on my face.

You think you can sweet talk me? That's what I do and you're not that good at it. I thought with a poker face.

Kishi:"Stop being so defensive okay? Is it because I talked about family ? He said with fake pampering voice.

Kishi: " Of course if you bite more than you can shew you will end up like the fabled bloated frog•

If you fight something stronger than you you will be killed. If you betray your aphorism you will suffer backlash and even if you survive.... I don't want to antagonize the vegetarian community by mentioning the words vegetable or nutt...Are you satisfied ?

Look, you don't have to negotiate so hard. I already told you that the choice is not yours.


Ankh: "Alright whatever you say. You've been talking all this time but only know you sneak attacked us and I still don't knows two things: One - where is Louis?

Two - what is it that a Kishi can do? »

Kishi stoped smiling after my rude answer. He stared at me ( with eyes closed) seemingly debating with himself on how to deal with me. Finally he sighed and started to explain:

"I Kishi is the original. I was the 1st hybrid to ever walk the mythical realm. I am known for my beauty and cunning as well as my ruthlessness and elegance. "

As Kishi said so, he turned around.

Looking on, What I saw cut my breath short as a cold sweat started drenching my back.

While the front part of Kishi looked as human as possible and even way better, his back was covered with yellowish brown fur with dark spots. The fur covered his body entirely. As I was facing it, I mean 'Facing it' , I got scared shitless. In front of me was a bipedal hyena with a protubing mussel filled with perfectly sharpened teeth.

It spoke it spoke while showing me his exo covered hands with three thick sickle-like fingers. In fact all of its joints were covered by barb-like exo spikes: « this is also me » Kishi said as it fixed its double iris eyes on me and continued:« The Kishi is reputed for seducing women with his beautiful looks and them devour them. He then grows in strength.

I am powerful enough to just kill and eat if I want to become stronger, but I have a moral compass. I don't attack indiscriminately, I only target promiscuous ladies such as cheating housewives, or evil women that hurt people because of their vanity ... it's because I hate two faced people that I became the most two faced of them all. That's what I always felt like and I never questioned it, all I know is that if I were to stop, I would betray my aphorism and die. So, I entice them, lure them, trap them inside their vices and then I feast. So in addition to my enhanced constitution as a mythical creature and my exceptional innate beauty, I have the attributes of the hyena including its ugliness, agility and the ability to deceive and manipulate.

The magnetism I showed you is just an application of my innate beauty: beautiful = attractive = attraction= magnetism = physics= electricity. I could more easily use something like 'fear' because I also have innate hideousness. That's is the power of 'aphorism' and that is soon to be your power as well, at least part of it. » Kishi was swapping faces as he spoke. weirdest part about it was the fact that when facing one of its 'sides', you couldn't see the other as if it wasn't even there. the swapping was quite unnerving but this briefing was critical to know, after all it would also be my power, but more importantly i could get more! The prospect was 'enticing'. *poker face*

Ankh:"What do you mean part of my power, I still don't understand this point."

Kishi: "Let me clarify, Once you are initiated you come under the laws of The mythical realm and though you can draw power from it, you also nourish it with you willpower and lifestyle. This connection is established under some terms and if you betray those terms, the connection breaks and you receive backlash. Though you are free to become whatever you want and thus choose your own aphorism, nobody is born a blank page and even things that you did not chose, such as your name or gender are parts of your connection with the mythical realm. You can either erase everything during the initiation and start from zero or maintain who you are at present. If going for the later option, you have to include aspects of your current identity when building your APH."

Ankh:"What are we talking about exactly? Like If i want to keep my names I need to build my APH in line with their meanings? Is that right? This or I lose my memory? ... and APH?

Kishi: "Smart boy I use APH short for Aphorism. You got the gist of it except that you wouldn't lose your memory, you just see it that way because you didn't go through the process . So before you chose, I advise you to think long and hard. Analyse yourself, your names and different identities. I will give you a joker this time and allow you to just discard what you don't like. So let's start with your full name, birthday, hobbies and what you are well known for."

Ankh: "Alright, lets do this."

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