
The Magical Goal

The coach, who had glasses and a voluptuous full set of hair, introduced the mini-game and emphasized its significance over physical tests. His calm and encouraging attitude uplifted all the participants, especially those who were feeling discouraged, providing them with an additional source of motivation.

"Coming up next is what everyone's been waiting for... A 7 vs 7 mini-game, It will have a total duration of 20 minutes. It's the most important part of the first exam, do your best everyone!"

The players were taking a break and preparing to showcase their skills, looking for their designated teammates hoping for the best, even though they were aware that the result of this event is not significant.

'What matters is their adaptability to the unfamiliar situation.'

Arata perfectly understood the purpose of this game. The contestants should show their maximum capacity as 'Thinkers' on the pitch, to quickly synergize with the profiles around them and elevate or use them to their utmost benefit.

Once Arata found his partners on the pitch, he was pleasantly surprised. Two of the only people he got to know during the exam were his teammates, and coincidentally the most intriguing one of all whom he wanted to see in action was one of them as well.

"Oh, hey Augustine. We'll be on the same team, after all! You can count on me you know, I'm a genius FW!"

The loudest of them all, Aoi Ashito, greeted him first with a nervous mess that was Otomo standing behind him, who seemed like he couldn't even move under all this pressure.

"Haha, as energetic as always, Ashito! Let's give our all here. You, too, Otomo!"

After noticing Arata wearing the same color bib as him, Otomo quickly changed his mood to the one of gratefulness. With tears running down his eyes, the green haired teen ran to his teammate and hugged him.

"Oh Arata I'm so glad you're here, at least we've now got a chance against those guys."

"OI! Are you saying we didn't have a chance before him joining?!" Ashito, who felt like it was a jab towards him, acted offended while receiving a nod as an only response from Otomo, getting him even more mad.

Arata couldn't help but awkwardly chuckle at this commotion. Meanwhile thinking how he should help his team show their best and not steal all of the spotlight for himself. After all, he was already certain there's no way he wasn't selected.

'I'll try to score a few in the beginning and will then drop deeper to assist them. I also need to see what this guy is all about.'

Observing the other side of the pitch, Arata noticed that about 4 of those guys were good candidates for selection, meaning they were a formidable opponent to any other assembled team. Not to mention, the Tachibana guy was there as well, who was throwing daggers at Augustine ever since his arrival.

'Hoo, this will not be boring, I tell you that.'

Everybody got into their position. Since Arata's team had three Forwards and only two Midfielders and Defenders they've decided on a 2-1-3 formation. Kaneda, the guy under number 19, was a pure striker, so he was given that role without much discussion. The problem occured when it came to the positions of Arata and Ashito, two left Wingers.

"Aoi, there's no way you're suggesting for Augustine to give you his position, do you wanna lose?!" This, of course, got Otomo pretty angry. He wanted to win so naturally giving the best player his true position was the best move, but Arata didn't mind the right flank either.

"Now, now, Otomo. It's fine, I'll be playing on the right without much problem." Reassuringly said Arata, calming his friend down.

'Angles for me will be a bit awkward, but I'll manage somehow.'

"See, Otomo? Even Augustine recognizes this genius' abilities, hahaha." Filled with delusion and baseless confidence said Aoi, though his enthusiasm wasn't disliked by Arata.

"Alright! Let's get to it, boys."

The whistle blew and the game begun with Arata's team in possession. The opponents had three defenders in the lineup, which meant the two teams had a pretty good matchup against each other.

'However, the gap between us doesn't lie in the balance of the teams, it lies in the difference makers. After all, I'm here, heh'

Arata descended slightly to request the ball and assist the team in advancing it against the persistent pursuit of the opposing team in red bibs. However, he was taken aback to find that Aoi had already received the ball near the halfway line.

Arata attempted to reposition himself towards the center to facilitate an easier pass, but Aoi didn't acknowledge his presence at all. Instead, Aoi chose to disregard Arata and independently carry the ball. Despite Augustine's repeated attempts to free himself from his marker, the ball never reached him or any of his other teammates.

'...Is he stupid?'

Of course, this plan was bound to fail and the curly-haired boy found himself quickly surrounded and overpowered by two opponents. The area where he lost possession was critical, as the Red team swiftly launched a counterattack and effectively utilized the large open space, thanks to Tachibana's exceptional off-ball movement.

Tachibana skillfully received the ball while running and swiftly evaded one of the two defenders. This created a perfect opportunity to aim at the goal, and he took the shot, not leaving a Goalkeeper with much chance.


The game went in opposite direction to Arata's expectations. He knew that the goal would come quick, but he didn't anticipate it was going to be him on the losing side.

"Don't mind, don't mind."

Despite the obvious terrible start, Arata tried to maintain the team's psyche and not let them crumble under pressure.

'We need to take back the momentum, I don't think these guys can take being behind much longer.'

But the main culprit behind the conceded goal was seemingly the most carefree about the whole situation, which was interesting to Arata... to say the least.

'Time to shine a bit, don't ya think?'

Once more, the sound of the whistle echoed, but this time Arata was determined to be the recipient of the ball. As Otomo held possession, Arata gestured to him, indicating that he wanted a pass. The defender was closely guarding Arata, leaving him no space to maneuver. Typically, this would discourage a midfielder from passing to him, but Arata's intense determination was evident in his eyes, compelling him to receive the ball at all costs.

"Don't let him turn around!"

After finally becoming comfortable with the ball at his feet, everything around him became a blur. He could only see himself and the defenders, all focused on the ball beneath him. Arata stopped the ball, waiting for his opponent to get closer and lose some speed.

As soon as he sensed the defender approaching and preparing for a forceful collision, he quickly moved to his right, taking the ball with him. He skillfully avoided a tackle, leaving his opponent without any acceleration and no chance of catching up to the fast winger.

Arata gave in all of his concentration to Football, losing any sense of control over his facial muscles. The boy had his customary crazed smile and his tongue out, showing just how much fun he was having no matter the state of the game.

After successfully getting past his own defender, Augustine was immediately confronted by the player who was covering for his teammate, hoping to compensate for his partner's defeat and at least win some time for him to recover the lost position. Recognizing the advantageous situation, Kaneda swiftly made a run in between the two remaining defenders, aiming to either receive the ball in a one-on-one scenario or distract the attention of the right center back.

Arata noticed Kaneda's movement and decided on his next set of actions. He slowed down a bit to let his Striker catch up and fully make use of him, all while moving with small steps and carrying the ball as close to his center of gravity as possible, with an outside of his left foot to increase the control over his dribble, in case the CB decides to jump on him.

As Kaneda got near the defenders, Arata swiftly moved the ball to his left, making it seem like he was going to pass to him. The defender's reaction was quick, he shifted his weight and stretched the right foot, trying to intercept the incoming pass. However, to his surprise...


Augustine simply faked the action, waiting for the reaction of his opponent, and his patience was awarded. He moved the ball to his right foot, going against the CB's momentum, leaving him completely behind. The goal was now under his mercy. Despite Goalkeeper's desperate attempt to close out the angle of the shot, Arata's strike was effective.

"What a goal!"

"Holy shit Augustine, haha!"

Arata's teammates all celebrated his goal with him, Otomo was especially happy. Even the opposing team wasn't left without shocked expressions of admiration. Ashito, though, was completely in awe from this goal, still trying to process the magical sequence. The team got back to their positions and Aoi finally spoke up in a low tone, completely strange to him.

"That... was insane."

This much praise from everyone got Arata a bit flustered

"Hehe, thanks. Now let's take the lead boys! This game's ours to lose."