
Another World Story

This story is about an average high school boy with an average lifestyle who likes to read novels especially fantasy ones and was transferred to another world along with his classmates from his school. As they were transferred our protagonist, John Kaiser, was the sole student among his classmates who were left behind, leaving him all alone in their classroom. As he was wondering what happened to the others, he remembered one of the novels he had read. It was a story of a fantasy world, where a king of a human kingdom summons heroes from another world to save their world from the demon king, a typical Isekai (Another World) fantasy novel. Our protagonist, John Kaiser, started to contemplate and question 'why?' why was he the only one not summoned? And as his questions go crazy, a light emerges from the place where he was sitting. Is this the start of our protagonist's fantasy adventure as a hero? Or will he live the same life again as an average person even in another world?

Ezract · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Day Seven: Hunt

Pant... Pant... Pant...

"That f*cking rabbit...!"


A few hours ago.

As John read the description about the Potus Rabbit, he immediately thought of a plan to capture it, basing his idea on the given hint, he slowly moves away from the potus rabbit and immediately took out 5 Potus fruits and the 5 Fera vine to capture it.

John first created a trap from the Fera vine and hung the rest to a tree, it was a snare. He put down the Potus fruit on the middle of the snare that's on the ground and hid, he was waiting for the potus rabbit.

Time passed and the 3 suns are at their highest peak. John waited for the Potus rabbit to take the bait. But no matter how long he waited the potus rabbit didn't take the bait.

John looked around, he is still holding the end of the fera vine that was made into a snare. He looked to the place where he saw the rabbit but he didn't see it.

As he was about to go and hid again he looks back to his snare only to find out that the Potus fruit he placed on it was gone.

The Potus Rabbit was waiting for him to move his eyes from the snare. John placed one hand to his forehead, he was upset, but he didn't want his emotions to get the best of him.

John quickly calmed down and remove the snare, he untied it and created his next trap.

He took out the broken Sagra twig from his storage and looked for a rock.

After a few moments of looking, he found the perfect rock for his trap.

John dug a shallow part on the ground and put the sagra twig beside it, he made sure that the sagra twig was standing still and made the rock he found lean on it. It was a deadfall trap.

Then he put another Potus fruit to the dug ground and tie the Fera Vine on the standing Sagra twig. He held the end of the vine tightly and hid in a more covered place.

John once again waited, this time he didn't move, he was waiting for the exact time the rabbit show up.

3 minutes pass, 5 minutes pass, 10 minutes pass and there's still no rabbit.

Only after 20 minutes passed was he able to see the rabbit, it was alert as it looked around, it looked at the twig then at the rock and finally to the potus fruit, the moment John saw what it was doing, John was finally convinced. 'This rabbit is smart as hell...' he was grumpy he didn't want to be outclassed by a rabbit.

'But still, it didn't look this way...!' as John was thinking the Potus rabbit jumped directly to the potus fruit.

John waited for the exact timing as he waited for the landing of the rabbit. The moment the rabbit land, John pulled the vine as fast and as hard as he could.

He expected the twig to come off the ground and the rabbit to be squashed by the rock, yes, he expected, but the truth was bitter.

John was confused as he continuously pulled the vine. After pulling the vine non-stop he became dumbstruck.

'...The vine was cut?!' he thought as he looked at the rabbit. The rabbit was holding its stomach and rolling as if it was laughing.

John's face was still calm due to his skill, but his mind wasn't. He was angry, he didn't expect the rabbit to notice it, no, he did, he just didn't expect the rabbit to cut the vine and pretend that it didn't.

John looked at the rabbit and the rabbit stared back. After a few seconds of the staring contest, the rabbit grinned at him and took off.

John was angry at the same time excited, he was angry at the rabbit but excited about the challenge it made to him, John smiled as if he was having fun, now he was more determined and thought of plans after plans.

An hour pass as John continued to create his traps and made reserves, he was determined to win.

"If I catch you... I'm going to rip every fur from your body... Chop your head off and cook you into a delicious meal for tonight...!, KukuKuku" as John creates traps after traps he continued to speak to himself. A glimpse of a red light could be seen from his eyes that sent shivers down the spine of the animals around him.

He didn't care about the other animals, he was determined to catch the one rabbit who outsmarted him not once, but twice.

From another person's perspective, John was like a loser who competes with a harmless and defenseless creature only to lose twice in a row. But what was the truth?, the rabbit John was competing with was no ordinary rabbit, even among the Potus rabbits around him, it can be considered the peak of them.

But John didn't know it, he only knows that he needed to catch and skinned the fur off the furry creature.

It was near afternoon that John was able to finish his traps, he wasted all of his sagra twigs and halve his stack of fera vine, and all his Potus fruits were gone and were forced to collect more before continuing, he also used almost half of his Yellow Hapin Flower for his special traps.

As John put a night berry into his mouth, he looked around and nodded, he was satisfied. He took all of the ends of the fera vines connecting to different traps.

'Let's see you escape my connected traps! KukuKuku' John exclaimed internally as he hid on the nearest bush.

John waited and waited for the rabbit to come, and as expected the rabbit was weary, it didn't show up that easily.

Some people would think that the rabbit was cutting the vines again. But John didn't think of it, he knew the rabbit was smart, it was able to make him think as hard as possible. So he knew it wouldn't do the same trick again, cause it knew that he would create countermeasures for it.

An hour passed and the sky was now dyed orange, the sun was starting to set and the potus rabbit hasn't shown up yet.

John's food stack is almost gone, but the food he was hunting was nowhere to be seen. He once again looked at his storage as he took another night berry.


~ x16 Mugu Herb

~ x21 Lom Grass

~ x4 Night Wolf Fang

~ x3 Night Wolf Bone

~ x23 Red Hapin Flower

~ x10(22*) Yellow Hapin Flower

~ x19 Orange Hapin Flower

(~ x18 Sagra Twig)*

~ x19 Blue Hapin Flower

~ x12 Dried Potus Leaves

~ x4(6*) (Small) Broken Haki Reindeer Antler

~ x1 (Large) Broken Haki Reindeer Antler

~ x2 (Medium) Broken Haki Reindeer Antler

~ x7(45*) Night Berry

~ x3(13, 0, 19*) Potus Fruit

~ x1 Giant Leaves pumpkin.

~ x5 Sagra Branches

~ x31 Hallow Top Acorn

~ x62(127*) Fera Vines

~ x1 Haki Reindeer Dagger

After seeing the storage that once has a lot of items and foods he sighed, 'Haa..., I should've thought things through, I was too fired up because of that rabbit, in the end, I couldn't catch it... Haysss...'

John got up on his feet and decided to pick up the materials for the trap, he pulled the fera vines to him, it was not connected to any traps and was just a means of distraction, the vines that were supposedly covered by sticky liquid now was just covered by the hardened one.

He put the fera vines back in his storage and picked up the other materials, the scattered potus fruits, the broken and the fixed sagra twigs, and the materials he just now saw lying around, but he was not able to get the hardened sticky liquids that were placed on the traps.

As John was collecting more materials he saw a familiar creature about nine meters away from him, it was the same Potus rabbit he was hunting.

He decided to capture it while he was unnoticed and when he was about five meters away from it he suddenly stopped, the rabbit in front of him was not moving an inch and just looking forward, then he remembered his first meeting with the rabbit.

'If I remember correctly it stopped moving and didn't move an inch the moment it saw me...!' John's eyes widened his 'Cold eyes' and 'Poker Face' skill was still LVL 1 and so was his level and it couldn't fully control his emotions. He readily looked around and hid behind a tree.

The three suns were almost set and the area around the forest was becoming darker, John remembered yesterday night's event.

*lab-dub* *lab-dub* *lab-dub*

John's heart started to pound loudly.

He tried to control his breathing as he clutched his chest, his heart was pounding nonstop, as he closed his eyes.