
Attacking the armored truck

(Mc's point of view)


After the darkness was replaced by light, a loud explosion annoyed my ear, because shit so many loud noises, that truck god couldn't give me at least some earplugs, well, what does it matter.

Suddenly the world around me cleared up and my senses came back, wait, if I didn't have a body or senses, how did I hear that ... well it doesn't matter, my body feels small, I lowered my head for a moment and could see a body small and plump with soft and cute skin, yep, I'm reborn. I looked around for a moment and I realized that I was in a forest on a little blanket, because I didn't send myself to an orphanage or something, well, I guess this is starting normal, it would be too easy if my life started in the city. Well now what will I do ... let's get some bear and wolf soldiers, after having the idea of ​​starting my shadow army I tried to stand up to fall and feel a lot of tension in my muscles ... fuck I can't move , now that ... well this is where my story end, I will die of hunger (The protagonist with the strongest will).

'I wish I could see you one more time before I die...Bowsette'


And that's how this story ends friends, thank you all for reading it really were hard years with so many moments of happiness and sadness, you always supported me even when I only wrote entire chapters with the word shit and I am very grateful to everyone.

-With love the sexy author(A little bit homo)


(Normal point of view a few hours later in another part of the forest)

A little girl with tied white hair, tanned skin and bunny ears was walking through the forest in a primary school uniform, she had come with her whole classroom a few kilometers from Musutafu, she had escaped alone to walk for a while and explore the forest but she was lost and it was already getting dark, even with her enhanced listening skills she couldn't hear anything but the sound of animals walking around her, she was very scared by this, what would happen if a wild animal attacked her though She knew that her physical abilities were superior and she was proud that she was not stupid enough to become arrogant about it, she knew that if an animal appeared something strong would die.

[Time skip 30 minutes]

She had walked for a while longer, the sun had set and her legs were shaking with each step, her reaction was completely normal considering her age, her circumstances and the fact that she couldn't use her quirk

As she walked, a noise managed to surprise her more than the growls of what she supposed was a wolf, perhaps she had heard the cry of a baby, how could there be a baby here, perhaps it is the baby of some animal ... in that her legs had already moved, she did not understand what was happening but before she could stop and think calmly she saw a baby in the middle of some trees crying.

He approached him and took him in his arms, looked at him gently and thought it was the most beautiful baby he had seen in his life, because of his size he thought that the baby could not be more than a month old and because of the almost non-existent dirt that it had I thought that perhaps the child had not spent more than a few hours in the forest.


As she comforted the baby in his arms, which finally seemed to calm down, I heard a loud growl coming from her stomach. She looked at the boy's face for a moment before taking a small thermos with milk that she had brought in case she was thirsty, she had never been so grateful to her teacher for forcing her milk instead of juice. I take the thermos and slowly push some milk into the baby's mouth, I was not sure if it would work, I had heard that babies should only drink breast milk but I had no other option and from what I saw it was working, the baby did not stop of babies until the thermos is empty. He seemed more comfortable now and in seconds he fell asleep, the girl looked around for a few seconds and then took the blanket on the floor, gave a shake and wrapped the baby in it, then began to run while trying not to wake the baby After a few minutes of running at the fastest speed that his tired legs allowed him to reach the entrance of a small cave, he entered slowly looking around looking for any animal that could harm the baby, after securing an area, I use the small backpack that he brought as a pillow and fell asleep quickly, for some unknown reason that night she slept like never before.


A few hours later the sun was rising and our protagonists were waking up but not because of the sunlight but because of the recurring snarls of a wolf that had just passed through the cave and, smelling humans, had approached looking for prey.

The rabbit-eared girl was very scared, she did not know what to do, if she ran they would definitely be caught and if she fought, it would not most likely be her loss, she had the baby next to her and she could not let them hurt her, the wolf was approaching slowly and she thought of a way to be victorious.

'Come on Rumi, he's just a wolf, if you can't against a simple canine, how will you be a great hero?'

And while our pretty Rumi thought about how to get out of this situation, our Mc thought about how he would boast of being a son of the forest and a warrior who fought against dragons and wolves to survive, he was surprised when the girl found him and did not recognize her at first. , but after a long night's sleep and adding the luck of the protagonist it was easy to deduce that this was Rumi, he was also a bit surprised by the wolf, but he trusted Rumi, she was the strongest future heroine and if he gave her a couple of kicks maybe kill the wolf and he can say "arise" for the first time, a wolf as the first soldier is not bad, it could even serve as a mount.

While our protagonist continued in his train of thought completely ignoring the bloodthirsty wolf in front of him, our future rabbit hero was already made up.

(Rumi's POV)

hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell.

The wolf is bigger than me, stronger than me, faster than me, what do I have going for me? The will to save a life, he will not defeat me, I will teach him who is in charge and I will save that cute baby, how is it possible for a baby to be so cute, hell I'm jealous of a baby, I better focus on the wolf.

I must attack first, the best defense is a good offense if I can take him by surprise I might win.

Before the wolf could take another step he had already taken a leap in his direction, only 3 meters separated us and since I woke up my peculiarity I can cross that distance with a jump, he put my right foot in front of the left one I doubled it back to be able to stabilize me on impact.

"Moon Kick" (Plus ultra?)

After her kick surprisingly struck, Rumi used the wolf's body as a momentary impulse to jump back in another jump and land on the leg that she had previously bent.

I looked at the wolf that had taken a couple of steps back from the last kick, I waited for his movement and when I thought he would attack me ... collapse, why collapse? Am i that strong? Perhaps, being a bit insecure and with a bit of fear that it was a trap, I approached the wolf slowly, when I was half a meter away, the weak breathing that I heard from him had disappeared, waiting a few seconds to confirm it, I approached without fear and checked his body, the place where he had hit had a bullet, the wound had been hidden and the wolf must have been weakened, that's why my blow made him collapse and that's why he died now ... what luck.

(Author's note: I know, I'm lazy.)

After inspecting his body for a few more moments he returned to the place where he had left the baby and picked him up carefully.

(Normal point of view)

After Rumi defeated the wolf, our MC was still completely lost, with him it was not the situation and apparently he was right, the luck of the protagonist saved them (or a lazy author), when Rumi raised the baby he thought of some way of return to that wolf his soldier, he had tried to say arise from his position but he felt that he was too far away to be effective, so he thought that when Rumi passed by the wolf he should jump and touch the wolf to unite him to his cause.

When Rumi passed the wolf, the baby began to move in a strange way, he tried to stop it with his hands but did not apply almost any force for fear of damaging the baby, when Rumi slightly loosened his grip on one of us, Mc Seized the opportunity to give a triple death of doom in midair and fall together in front of the wolf, lying down, when he managed to free himself from Rumi's grip conveniently fell on the wolf and proceeded.


Before Rumi could put the baby back together, what looked like a shadow tornado surrounded them and when a wolf twice the size of the wolf he had killed disappeared, it appeared, its entire body seemed made of dark energy and its eyes glowed with Purple color. . in an intense and intimidating way and if that didn't surprise her, the baby riding him with a smile as she laughed would.

Rumi was completely surprised, she wanted to scream but the animal in front of her told her that if she only moved an inch she would die, she had many questions in her head, maybe that cute baby had done this, how was it possible to resurrect from one dead to another strong? What is that strange dark energy? And why when the baby touched the wolf what happened, was it her peculiarity? Arming himself with all the courage Rumi could manage to speak as she extended her hand to the baby.

"Baby, come on, come down from there, you could fall"

His words were said very quickly, our Mc did not speak Japanese and did not understand what he said, but by his expressions and situation more or less he deduced that she wanted him to get off his newly acquired Fenrir, he simply smiled and sent an order to his Fenrir, he did not understand how he did it but he did it and after doing it he felt a strange connection with Fenrir, he felt that he would do everything he was ordered and felt his conscience and his conscience told him that he wanted to attack Rumi, he managed to tell him that that was forbidden but his newly acquired intimidating aura did not fade, he found it a bit funny and he returned to tell Fenrir his order, apparently his little conscience had helped him to ignore this order the first time.

Rumi, who was still shocked, saw the wolf move and before she could react he was behind her with his head down and in a quick movement now she was sitting on it, the wolf itself was bigger than her before and after her. transformation would be no problem carrying a couple of grown men.

The wolf began to move at high speed and a surprised Rumi could only take the baby and hug him to prevent him from falling, on the other hand the baby is smiling, even in this situation she tries to save him.

(the title has nothing to do with the chapter.)

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