10 Part 9

Finally the last day of school was here, Anna was excited because this was also the first day that she could talk freely, the wires that had been holding her jaw shut now fully removed. As the last class bell rang, Anna hugged a few of her classmates goodbye, her book bag and yearbook resting on her left arm. One of her friends looked her in the eyes after the embrace. "If Andrew doesn't leave for the summer or becomes too creepy, call me. I will come right over!" Anna smiled ruefully, wishing that was an option for her.

Soon Anna was walking pensively towards home. The last 4 weeks Andrew had harassed her and taunted her, but he hadn't dared to lay a hand on her for the entire time she was injured. Now that the wires were removed from her jaw however, Anna didn't think her luck would continue. Just a block later her thoughts were proven correct. Andrew had two of his friends standing there with him on the corner near a small sheltered park. Bushes surrounded most of this park and there was a large fantasy castle type playground built in the center. Anna's heart dropped.

Andrew spotted her and watched silently as she walked with what seemed like baby steps down the street. It was as if she was moving slowly to intentionally piss him off. Jared poked his shoulder and he glanced to his best friend. "Are we going to finally teach that little slut what it means to mess with our mate?" Jared quietly asked, his eagerness as palpable in his voice as the visible bulge forming in his pants with the voicing of the question. Andrew nodded.

"Let's teach the little bitch what being fucked really is. No blood and no bruises. We are throwing her in the pond after." Andrew reminded his mates. Both of them nodded, now openly gawking at Anna as she intentionally kept her head down. Andrew started breathing heavier, knowing he would get what he wanted in just minutes. Finally his impatience got the best of him. "Get your worthless ass over here, you fat slut!" Andrew yelled at his sister. He grinned as the red bloomed across her cheeks bright enough he could see it across the street.

Anna felt her body starting to tremble already. She knew her brother was intending to violate her. But she didn't know for sure why Jared and Zack were there. Halfway across the street her blood ran cold as she realized what was about to happen.

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