
Anime: Through the multiverse

{Disclaimer} The MC will not be reincarnated from earth nor will it start with him being reincarnated. I don't plan for the MC to be reincarnated until way later in to the fanfic. He will also be reincarnated multiple times into different universes. ------------ The story follows our protagonist as he grows and develops in a world where you could be fine one day but then in the next your whole family tree could be annexed. In a world where demons lurk in the darkness. A world where Demon Slayers fight against them. How will he grow to protect him self? Will he ever be able to?

No_Name_3707 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Final selection, a test of will, courage and skill among aspiring Demon Slayers. In order to become a Demon Slayer you needed to pass this test.

Currently, Fushioka Shisui was staring at the bright, violet wisteria flowers that surrounded the place where it was going to be held.

"Hopefully the test won't be too hard.." he sighed as he offered a silent prayer to the gods.

"Alright! Let's go!"

Optimistically, he clenched his fist and walked forward. Soon he was met by two girls, one having white while the other had black hair, that guided him to the place where it would start.

'Should I make some sort of small talk?' he thought while admiring the flowers around them, 'nah, I wouldn't even know what to say.'

Not long after he arrived in an area that had over a hundred people just waiting.

"Wow... Why do they all look the same? Like what the fuck? Can't they get a personality or something?" he said with a disappointed expression, "Whatever, I guess whoever designed those clothes was just going through their dark phase."

As he was walking through the crowd, he noticed a boar-headed person, "That's what I'm talking about! Personality!"

He quickly walked up to him.

"Hey, I'm Shisui! What's your name?"

"Huh?" The boat person turned to look at him, a burst of steam coming out of his nose, "Tishui? I'm The Great Lord Inosuke Hashibara!"

"Nice name I guess, and it's Shisui - not Tishui!"

"Yeah, that's what I said Tishui!" he puffed while flexing his biceps.

"No you didn't..." Shisui sighed exasperated, "You know what? Sure. Great Lord Inosuke Hashibara, where does such a great Lord as you originate from"

"What does 'originade' mean?" he stands silent for a while before laughing "You feel strong! Let's fight!"

Gaping at this man, Shisui took a step back.

"Ok, I think that's a bit too much personality" he muttered.

"It was nice knowing you, Inosuke! Bye I gotta walk my cat now!"

And with that he quickly, disappeared.


- ------------------- - ------------------- - ------------------- -

"The final selection will commence"

And with that he found himself in a dark forest.

"Eugh! Whatever demon is in this forest must've eaten dozens of humans!" he gagged as he wandered around aimlessly.

Pat, pat pat.

His ears twitched and his eyes sharpened as he swiftly unsheathed his katana.

A demon small in size, with large, round, blue eyes appears right in front of him, its mouth wide open with its long green tongue flying out. Without missing a beat, he chopped its head off.

'That's annoying, why can't they all be a little interesting to fight at least!' he grumbled sheathing his katana once more.


Barely dodging a toddler sized demon, he laughed.

"This is more like it!"

Piew! Piew, piew, piew!

Barely moving from his position, he waited for the perfect time to attack.

'This one's fast! and it's getting annoying...Let's end this!'

'Thunder breathing 1st form: thunder clap and flash'

Just when the toddler demon was stopping its dash, he killed it.

'Just 3 more days to go and I'll be done with this place. For now, I need to find a place to sleep'