
Animals fury : Battle of the spirits

Hiro nohara is an average highschool boy who lives with his brother Hiro and his mother Arisu .Descendant of the ancient ninja clan and the prophecy to be fulfilled, hell ruler Daishi reincarnates and has a motive to destroy the reincarnation of the sage who sealed him which is Hiro.Unaware of the fact his life turns around when he discovers his secret what will happen next and will the reincarnation survive?

Red_King_Phoenix · Action
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117 Chs

Chapter 39 :- Not the nicest welcome

As the couple were staring at the sky as the train was moving , everyone were asleep on the train except Able and the old couple.

" I think we are about to reach " said Able

" Yes yes we are " said the old man as he stood up and started to stretch.

" Grandma , can Hiro do it " asked Able

" Yes , yes he can " said the old woman as she smiled.

" Here take some rice cakes and met us at the school" said the oldman as he handed some rice cakes to Able.

" Thank you for this , but don't really need to eat you know " said Able as he started to laugh.

Able jumped from the train into the thick forest and started to scale the tree branches and move towards the mountain where the school was located. He jumped and rushed till he disappeared in the thick forest as the sun rose over the horizon.

" Honey , go wake up the kids " said the old woman

" Isn't the TC going to make the ... oh right" said the oldman as he patted his head.

The old man knocked at the door and waked up everyone. Everyone still in deep sleep asked to sleep a little more. Kazuki yawned and enquired :- " Have we reached yet "?

" We are about to so get up everyone" said the old man

Old man tried to wake them up 5 6 times but they were all still in deep slumber except Kazuki. The old woman pissed off by the laziness took a deep breath as she was about to shout.

" Uh oh , Kazuki cover your ears " said the oldman

" Why , why do I need to " said Kazuki as he grunted

" Don't come back to me saying I didn't warned ya " said the old man as he covered his ears.


" Ahhhahhahhhh" shouted everyone as they woke up in pain.

" What the hell was that " said Hiroshi

" Yeah , I thought my ear drums just popped "

said Hiro

" Ahh , ouch" said Kanako and Mimiko

" Wake up we are about to reach the station" said the old woman.

Everyone grumpy about the way of her waking them up , went to the bathroom and got freshen up. The train slowly and steadily reduced it speed and eventually came to a full stop. The train was at complete rest and the passengers aborted the train.

" Man , this travelling bullshit is making my hair all goofy" said Kanako

" I am so tired , I would love a bath in the hot springs" said Mimiko

" Shall we go or Grandpa would pick us up " asked Ryo

" Everyone , they are here " said a crowd as they rushed at Hiroshi and Mimiko grabbing them and started to cry.

" Woah what happened " asked Mimiko

" Pls come with us quick " said the farmer.

Hiroshi and Mimiko were in the front of the crowd while Ryo, Hiro, Jetchi , Kanako , Kazuki and the old couple were at the back of the crowd. Everyone was crying and were in despair as they scaled the mountain. The adventurer group being confused didn't realised that they were at the school. Some people were lying on the ground fainted. Their face was covered with a white cloth. Women and men were crying near the body of the one who were lying on the ground. The village was damaged and the land was on fire. Everyone except Hiro realised what have happened. Hiro still confused was moving towards the school entrance , gazing his eyes everywhere. He came across a body covered in white cloth. Too scared to remove the cloth , he hesitated while his hand shook. He took a deep breath and the remove the cloth. As soon as he removed the cloth , he started to cry and his heart fell.