
Chapter 14: Prophecy Revealed


"Hello Ana...."

"Who are you and what do you want from me?" she asked searching frantically in the dark.

"The question is.....'Who are you?' Ana and 'What do you want?' " the voice answered echoing from all ends of the dark void.

"What do you mean who am I and what do I want?" she retorted, still searching though she felt that she'd find nothing.

"The question is who are you Ana....." the voice whispered into her ear sending chills down her spine, the breath as cold as ice. Ana stood motionless, the only thing she could have done at the moment was pant for breath as she felt herself suffocating. Then the voice began to repeat over and over and over again. "Who are you Ana? Who are you Ana? WHO ARE YOU ANA?"

Unable to take it any longer and finding the strength to move her hard muscles, she covered her ears and shut her eyes trying to drown out the voice which spoke louder in volume. When she was at her limit she screamed and dropped to the ground.


Ana jolted from her sleep-nightmare- what ever you'd want to call it. Beads of sweat slid down her shaken face as she gasped for air, clutching her night gown. Finally she closed her eyes, took a deep breath and let it out shakily trying to calm herself down. She used her palms to wipe away the sweat and got off of her bed and began pacing the room.

Only one thing came through her mind clearly, 'Zapphira said she'd tell you what you'd like to know. I may not like the bitch but she gotta pay up. Stupid Ana bursting your brain for what when you could've gotten the answer in a blink.' she smacked her forehead with her palm and went to the bathroom.

Ana washed her face the worry and fear she once had was gone...for now. As she steeped out, she grabbed her coat and slippers and walked to Zapphira's room. When she stood in front of the door, she took a few breaths before knocking.

"Come in," she heard Zapphira say.

Ana walked in slowly and found Zapphira standing up. "Oh... it's you. How may I be of assistance?" she asked as she sized Ana up and down. Ana could see that they both didn't want to be in the same room, but there was something that she needed to know, and whether she liked it or not Zapphira owed her. Ana started walking slowly towards Zapphira, trying to compose herself as best as possible.

As Ana walked further in inspecting the decorations, she said, "Remember what you said to me if I told my mother and brother of the prophecy?" Her fingers traced over an ancient vase with flowers and mermaids.

Zapphira looked at Ana for a few seconds and shifted her weight on her right foot, prickles of sweat appeared on her face as the vein on her forehead throbbed. "No...when was that?"

When Ana faced Zapphira again about to answer her, she felt something. It wasn't strong but she swore she'd felt that sensation before and followed it. As she walked slower, the sensation became stronger. Ana slowly inched her way toward the window.

"I haven't got all night Ana. I would like to sleep." Zapphira interrupted her and Ana lost the sensation before she could blink an eye.

Ana tried to sense it again as her brows furrowed but found nothing.

'Ana,...you're probably just acting up. It's probably the after effect of your dream.'

"You said that if I tell my brother and my mother the message then you'd answer the question I have." Ana raised her brow searching Zapphira's face to make sure they were on the same page.

"Yes I did. Is that what you're here for?"

"Why else would I be here?"

"Then what's the question?" Zapphira raised her brow and looked at Ana expectantly and Ana hesitated for a while.

"Come on child spit it out, I'm tired and want to sleep already." she snapped impatiently.

"I...I had this- this dream. It was a void dark place and there was this voice. It came from everywhere asking me the same question." Ana replied letting Zapphira's comment slide just for tonight. "It kept asking who am I and what do I want'." She looked at Zapphira as if expecting an answer from her immediately but she did nothing but look back blankly.

"So what is it that you're asking me specifically, Ana? Do you expect me to just miraculously know what your asking me to answer?"

"I wanna know who I am. I wanna know who my mother was, my father was-everything you think can lead me to finding out who I am."

Zapphira looked at her frustrated and rolled her eyes. "How do you expect me to tell you everything about your mother and father. You should asking your father that."

"Then tell me what you know."


"You said you would answer any question that I have, so here it is. You may not have them all, but at least tell me what you know. Please," Ana asked again after Zapphira just stared at her.

Zapphira she took in a deep breath and sat down running her fingers through her hair and on her face. "Fine. Have a seat."

Ana sat and looked at Zapphira expectantly.

"What I know is that your mother was a Hunter. Her family was from the Caribbean but they traveled around the world doing jobs for people. They hunted down the supernatural beings for a living and slowly it grew into a secret organization. During one of her missions she met your father and found out what he was; an Angel. Despite that, she ended up falling for him. When the organization found out, they were against it but decided to use it to their advantage. They tried to force her to kill the man she loved, but she refused. Your mother, I have been told, was a strong willed and stubborn woman. Once her mind was made up it was made up.

"So one night, when she was sleeping they injected her. It was essentially supposed to activate when she was alone with him. The injection contained Demon blood which was collected throughout years of exorcism and what not. Naturally Demons hated Angels so they decided to use that against him. Your mother was so strong and determined to keep him safe, she killed herself."

Zapphira was exhausted of talking and poured herself some water and drank it before continuing. "It drive your father nuts and for years he continued to experiment until he found a solution. Using his blood and the Demon blood which he skillfully extracted and some other herbs, he brought her back. When she came back, she was not only human, but also Angel and Demon."

"That explains her wrath. My mother had a temper...my brother and I always knew that but the only time we really saw it was a few weeks ago." Ana said interrupting Zapphira, who later shot her daggers and a look which said 'I'm telling a story here'.


Zapphira rolled her eyes and continued. "When the organization found out, they tried to kill her but your father saved her and you know what comes after that. You're a smart girl right? When you were born you were christened with oil from Zappirenos by a priest."

Ana stared at the floor as she let everything sink in and it all made sense to her now, but there was one thing missing.

"Tell me about King Kris Kross III."

Zapphira got up from her sit and walked to the door. She yanked it open and faced Ana. "I think you should be asking your father all these questions, not me." Zapphira used her right hand and showed Ana the way out.

Walking towards her father's office she heard a conversation in hushed voices. It sounded pretty serious, so before she barged in she pressed her ear to the door and tried to listen.

"Do you think Ana is the one?" someone said.

Ana was not being able to make out who it was but it sounded like a man and he sounded unfamiliar.

"Well she has been showing signs of being the one prophesized about." she heard her father say worriedly. "When we were being chased by Drako's henchmen, an arrow shot Simion and she... literally had an adrenaline rush-well at least it seemed like an adrenaline rush. She wasn't even aware of her surroundings." his voice became softer as he spoke that last sentence.

"Well what do we do? I mean if Ana is the one, then shouldn't we tell her. Besides I have a question. Does it say anything about the chosen one being uh...how will I put this..."

Ana scoffed and barged in. " A psychopathic bitch?"

"Ana!?" Light looked at her as she stood in the doorway. She was fuming uncontrollably. "Ana that was not what I was goin to-"

"Really Light?! I read your fucking mind. I heard your thoughts clear as day, you said I was a psychopathic bitch." she slammed the door shut and took two steps forward her arms folded.

"Ana what is this about? What's going on?" Her father asked clearly lost.

Ana laughed hysterically and threw her hands in the air. "So the whore of a guard didn't tell you huh? This is priceless." she continued laughing.

"Didn't tell me? Light?"

"He wouldn't tell you daddy, he has to much pride." she seethed as her back rested against the wall with her arms folded glaring at Light.

"Ana, stop it. You don't know the-"

"Stop what! What the fuck am I doing wrong? Ha. You know what? Since you don't wanna tell him I will." Ana turned to face her father. "Your precious little Light is nothing but a man whore, who was fucking a maid whilst my brother was kidnapped."

Anadron snapped his head in Light's direction, anger consuming him.

"You fucked on the job? This is exactly what happened when Yara was here from Dripwood. We talked about this Light how many times do I have to tell you, you do not satisfy your manhood on a job! My daughter could've been killed!"

"Nah general. I think she could handle herself perfectly fine, I was the one who was almost killed. She shot at me above my head with a shot gun! How fucking crazy is that? My brains could've

blown up-"

"You were fucking a needy whore Light! You send me on the dancefloor to socialize and seconds later i see you doing the same. You weren't even looking at me. You were supposed to be protecting me, you said that you wouldn't let anything come in the way of proving yourself to my father...was that a lie too? I could've been killed, I could've been kidnapped. But no, my safety isn't as important as you having the bitch scream your name and yelling faster, faster!"

She seethed as she looked at him further. With her voice lowered she said, "And you wonder why I don't want to trust anyone. I can't even trust you...I was beginning to but..."

"I get it. I let my dick get in the way cause I haven't fucked in six months" his voice was soft he didn't dare look her in the eyes. "But did you have to embarrass her like that?"

Ana huffed and spat back. "She deserved it. Every bit. A whore is treated the way she portrays herself to be. A needy bitch--"

"That's enough outta you two. Light you were wrong to let your desires get in the way, but Ana really a shot gun? You could have killed him!"

Ana merely shrugged, "I was pissed daddy. Wasn't thinking straight."

Anadron shot her a glare, "That's not an excuse. And you," he said as he turned to Light, "we need to speak about your actions but right now we having more pressing issues. Simion is missing and we need to figure out if Ana really is who the big books say she is."

"We don't need to know, we have enough proof. I've read it in one of the books in the city of Ustedrias in the archives, Anadron. She IS the chosen one, not to mention the one who christened her was my father. No need to confirm any further."

A man about Anadron's age said as he sat on a chair. Startled, Ana looked in his direction. She hadn't even known he was there. Anadron nodded and walked over to him as they spoke privately. Ana kept shooting glares at Light even though she could tell he was feeling bad about it. She hadn't meant to bring him near death experience, it just happened. He was the one who offered a truce, so she couldn't understand why he'd done what he did. And during their argument when they were playing Monopoly, he seemed pretty defensive on why he wouldn't continue the conversation. From the way he spoke, he wanted his job...so the question is why.

Light caught her staring and she looked away. From the corner of her eyes, she saw his figure

moving in her direction. "I'm sorry Ana." When she didn't answer he changed the subject. "How'd your brother get-"

"Fuck you."

"Are you serious right now? How many times must I say I'm so-"

"Are you serious right now?"

"What else do you want me to do Ana? Go down on my knees and beg for your forgiveness?"

"You know, that's not such a bad idea." Light scoffed and was about to walk away when Ana grabbed him by the arm. She sighed and looked into his Hazel eyes. Eyes that held so many secrets ad mystery. Eyes belonging to a very annoying but not so bad soul. "But I know there's more to the story. The way you talked about not letting emotions get in the way of your work and how protective you were the day I asked you why did you had to prove yourself, it just doesn't make sense. So I want you to tell me why you were covering up for her."

He looked as if he were about to debate with her.

"Please, Light. You owe me that much."

"She was threatened. She said someone kidnapped her son and threatened to kill him if she didn't have sex with me. I asked her why but she wouldn't say, she was literally ready to fall apart in front of me what was I supposed to do? So, I agreed to help her."

Ana's eyebrows creased, "But why you? Out of all the men in the room why you?"

"We must begin your training Ana, immediately." Silvanus said as he stood up and walked towards her. She'd overheard her father call him that during their conversation.

"After the stunt that happened earlier with Simion, I doubt that my sorry excuses for guards will be able to protect you." he spat softly. "Also, I don't think Drako is going to let Simion go without a war." Anadron concluded, his face filled with worry lines.

"War? Train? Drako?" Ana belted puzzled.

"Yes, Ana. You're finally getting your wish. Light is going to accompany you whiles you train."

"So after I'm done with training, is he still going to be my bodyguard?"


"The fuck!"

"We can't take anymore risks, Ana. Even if you're able to fight that still doesn't mean that you'll be able to properly watch you back. These Demons are merciless and you just protecting yourself is not enough. Hell even Light isn't enough. I should be adding two more."

"You know what? I can't...I can't take all of this right now." She got up and yawned. "I'm going to bed." She walked tiredly towards the door and slammed it.

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