
Chapter 011: Narla Just His to see.

"Don't leave this room..."

I blushed off Ryammel's warning not to step out of the door. Everything in me screamed to me not to step out but I tied the knee length pink rope I found in the bathroom around me on top of my undies step out of the door. I have never been one to take warnings seriously in my life anyway.

The hallways were lit dimly with the flaming touches. Their frequent flickering of their yellow flames casts shadows on the walls.

I didn't have flip-flops yet so my bare fit careless the smooth stone floors which were surprisingly not so cold. I folded my hands and walked timidly through the several hallways which curved into dark corners some with statures of men with wings. I almost screamed as one stared right at me, but sobered up because there was no way in hell a stature could do that. I was seeing things. I hurried off.

I passed some doors which lead to different rooms. Occasionally I could hear a sound in one but most were completely silent. After several turns I was sure I was lost till I burst into a balcony facing a grand staircase, a chandelier hung above the space illuminating the dark brown rails. They were polished and glimmered with every touch of light from the chandelier. I ran my hand on the railings as my feet patted down each step. I avoided the door on the right and took a left turn at the bottom and entered a short dimly lit hallway.

A cold breeze brushed my hair as my feet lead me to a balcony that lay at the end. Its white railings were curved outwards beautifully. It was dark outside but I could tell dawn was about to break with the disappearance of stars and the moon. I sighed and breathed in the fresh air as I allowed myself to relax.

Groaning from below tore me away from my peace. I leaned on the rails and looked below. Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw. Almost a dozen guys were standing on what looked like a training ground. All of them were shirtless and wearing black baggy and thick waisted bottoms and matching black boots that stopped some inches above the ankles. Their defined and built muscles bulged and tightened with every movement. All of them were in fighting stances with their steel double edged swords drawn in front of them. The cutting edges glimmered dangerously in the dim light.

They moved in calculated and firm at most beautiful stances forming a beautiful formation. They all seemed to be focused on the two in the center who had their backs to each other as they eyed the guys that surrounded them with intent, one with a small white bun of hair and the other with a black hair. Of course prince Maxwell and Malik, They were slightly more build than the other guys except one dark skinned dude with long black dreadlocks who was the biggest. He was both tall and heavily built like some human hulk.

Right before my eyes their peers attacked with utmost power and vigor. Maxwell and Ryammel moved quickly evading each swing of the sharp sword with the utmost accuracy and speed that I could almost miss their fast movements occasionally. Their attackers moved just as fast and worked as a team. Their movements were like a powerful and dangerous dance. I could hear every whooshing sound the swords made as they cut through the air. Ryammel jumped through the air and did a double backflip through the air to evade three simultaneous attacks. He swung his sword and jumped into action as he landed on a crouch on one knee and the balls of his other foot. Max stepped on his back and propelled himself through the air as he countered three more attacks. Ryammel jumped in almost as fast as one blonde haired guy evaded his attack and swung his sword towards his throat. I gasped loudly before I could stop myself and that seemed to distract them as Ryammel narrowly escaped his attacker and the sword slightly cut through his right shoulder.

They all stopped mid action and their eyes snapped up in unison. I covered my mouth and took a step back as their eyes took in my appearance.

"Well well who do we have here", the golden haired guy with deep brown eyes cheered as he checked me out and licked his lips seductively. "I couldn't mind training daily with such a sexy thing watching me"

"I didn't mean to.... "I start ready to apologize and run but my words dried in my throat when I looked at Ryammel's eyes which had taken on a dangerous black. Like completely black the green and white completely gone. He looks like he is holding himself back not to kill the golden haired guy. His hand trembled slightly as he held tightly onto his sword. A pearl of blood rolled down his arm from his open wound but if he felt any pain he didn't show it. Max looked slightly worried and avoided looking at my eyes. Well what the hell.

He seems to be communicating with me with his eyes as they flicker to me occasionally but I was too focused on the dead eyes of his brother to take much interest.

"Go back to your room?" He literally growled and had never heard something so deadly. All the guys seemed to come down from there staring at me match and they look aside. I looked down at myself and I just wanted to die. My rope was almost entirely open and my entire left leg and thigh were exposed and my red underwear was showing. My tightened nipples pressed tightly against the soft fabric.

I turned around and ran not entirely remembering how I got here. I just wanted to shut myself in my room and never come out. I felt so humiliated. Tears filled my eyes and I didn't stop them. I ran up the gland staircase and took a right. I hoped nobody was up. I didn't want to pump into anyone. I was already embarrassed enough. I just gave a bunch of good looking guys a show of my barely covered body and annoyed a green eyed, angry pitch black eyed Prince.

That was my plan. To lock myself in my room all day until I pass one dark corner and one strong thin black clad hand shot out and covered my mouth and I was pulled inside a room.

ofcos it was Scarlett

"He is coming, I have to let you go, he is angry", she said her eyes flickering with nervousness and something else but she cover it quickly. I listen carefully but I don't hear anything apart from our silent breaths. She was definitely crazy and seeing things. I rolled my eyes and huffed. Her eyes snapped to me and she grabbed my right hand in hers with urgency. Something cold and round was pressed into my palm as tightly. I pull back and looked at the small dark ball that barely fit in my palm.

"Keep that, Its an elf lucky charm", She pulled her shawl around her head and turned to leave before turning around to face me one last time.

"Take the hallway to your left and take the right one at the end you should get to your room before he gets there". She turned and disappeared into the darkness. I stood there frozen for a minute before remembering why I was running in the fast place. I squeezed my palm around the small dark ball and followed her instructions for some reason as I ran to my room.

She was right about one thing though, because just as I shut the door behind me and sat on the edge of the bed its almost thrown off it's hinges as a very angry and very red Prince Ryammel freaking Malik stomped inside with Prince Maxwell freaking Cyrus hot on his heels.

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