
Prologue: Prophet from Hell

~US Air Base Misawa; Okinawa~


The guard couldn't say any more and his lifeless body fell to the ground. The murderer, a person in a tattered black coat, entered the barrack, the 4 soldiers in it obviously confused. One stood up and pointed a gun at him.

"Oh what a harsh welcome."

After just a blink of an eye the man in the coat was behind the soldier, struck him down and looked at the gun.

"You plan on harming me with that? Heh..how pathetic."

When he picked up the weapon all four soldiers, still confused, started to shoot at him.


The murderer smiled.

"Pathetic, i told you."

The bullets stopped infront of him and changed direction to the soldier on the ground. First his legs, then his arms.


The soldier screamed and screamed, his comrades were shocked.

"Well that was just your punishment for before. Consider yourself as glad you dont have a family that will suffer the same as you. Now…"

He held the gun at the head of the soldier on the ground and started to laugh.

"If i can't kill a family of yours to make you suffer, how about I just end you here?"


Blood was flowing on the ground.

"Will you listen to me now? I don't intend on harming you if you just do that."

Nervous, the other three soldiers put down their weapons.

"Alright but first one question. Who are you?"

The man in the coat calmly looked into the eyes of the soldier.

"Consider me as a prophet. I am here to teach the world…teach about pain…teach about hatred…teach about despair and suffering…yes…consider me as a prophet..a prophet from Hell."

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