
Chapter 9: Frightening Thunder

Lightnings were constantly flashing in the sky, which was darkened by the clouds of the storm. The wind was whirling around leaves and other objects and bending the trees. Jessica was startled. A thunder, as loud as an explosion was to hear and woke her up. Her head was still lying on Kenji's shoulder but he was still asleep. Jessica was shaking, the typhoon made her feel uncomfortable. She was afraid, but she didn't know why herself. When she grabbed the remote control for the TV, another thunder crashed, and she let it fall down right away. She started to feel tears flowing on her cheeks, sobbing she pulled the sleeves of Kenji's hoodie and tried wake him up with a weak voice.


Kenji's eyes opened, he looked around in the living room, then his eyes fell on Jessica, who was burying her face in Kenji's chest, crying and covering her eyes with her hands. Kenji looked at her with a worried expression and as he pat her head he tried to cheer her up.

"Don't worry. Everything's alright. That's just noise it won't do anything."

With a sarcastic voice he continued.

"It's like when you eat too much, Jessica, right?"

Jessica felt more comfortable with Kenji, a slight smile made it on her face.

"Hm. You stupid.."

She got up again, looked at Kenji with a better expression and wiped off her tears. Her shaking got less extreme and she grabbed the remote control again.

"~I hope the people followed evacuation orders. If not, that would be a problem…not only for them.~"

She turned on the TV and switched to the news channel, surprisingly for her, the signal wasn't completely gone. The screen was showing pictures of families who had to flee their homes, destroyed buildings and injured people. Jessica felt bad for them.

"~I am glad I can stay here…With him…~"

But what the reporter said next shocked her.

"After the typhoon hit land in the region of Shibaura one day earlier than expected, people got caught up in buildings who collapsed due to the storm. Most of the citicens are not willing to evacuate, until the others are freed. The emergency services are unable to do good help because the level of danger is too high in the area. We'll keep you up to date with the situation."

Jessica's eyes were wide open as she looked at the screen, while Kenji went to tell the others. Together with Jason and Hikari, he came out of the kitchen and they went right to the apartment door. Kenji made the talking short.

"We'll be going there to help. You can stay here, I know that you have problems with the weather."

He wanted to turn around and follow his friends but Jessica raised her voice before he could leave.

"I'll go with you! I am an Angel just like you, I need to help these people and I want to help these people. I can't just stop because of the weather."


Kenji wanted to say something but Jessica continued.

"I am going!"

With a more quiet voice she added.

"Besides…with you it's ok…"

Kenji couldn't understand all of what she said because the storm was so loud but he got the gist of it. He nodded his head and went out of the door.

"Alright. Come on!"

Jessica took a blue jacked, and put it over her white-blue striped shirt as she followed.

Outside, the wind was so strong that it was harder to walk than it was usually, the sound of the thunders was louder than it was inside, and she was all soaked in just seconds. When she heard the crashing in the air she was startled, stopped running and just looked forward with her eyes wide open. Her body was like paralized. Now it wasn't only raindrops in her face but also tears. Kenji ran to her fastly and took her hand.

"Remember. Its just a sound ok."

He looked in her eyes with a serious face. She nodded and together with Kenji she started running forwards again. Holding his hand and being near him made her feel more comfortable in that weather but that wasn't the time to think about this. She needed to help the people before even more of them get hurt. Jason looked over his shoulder.

"Almost there!"

But they stopped when they saw people running in their direction screaming for help.

"What's going on?"

Hikari's question was answered quickly. Black creatures, looking similar to wolves but with 3 tails and even bigger and sharper teeth appeared behind the fleeing people and struck most of them down. Jessica was feeling ill. People were being killed in front of her eyes and the thunders crashed louder and louder in the sky. She was trembling, almost falling down, she was about to collapse but Kenji put a hand on her shoulder.

"We can do this, like we did at the New Years festival. Like we did so many times before. I know you are scared but I am here for you, we all are here for you, remember that."

Jessica nodded, she had to do something, she had no other choice. She had to take control of her own body and protect everyone from further damage. With determined faces, the group joined up in a choir.

"Warrior's of heaven, lend me your strength!"

Everyone summoned their weapons. Jason was holding his chakrams, Hikari her trident and Kenji was wielding his sword. But then Jessica's eyes fell on Kenji's other hand. He was holding a silver and shining gun, she had never seen before. She shook her head. Now wasn't the time to think about this. She pointed her bow at the enemies in front of her and summoned three lightning arrows. Her friends were ready to charge. She spun the bow.

"Let's go!!!"

-A dream…a dream of a storm…a house ripped apart…a crying girl…and a thunder that was louder…-

To be continued…

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