
Chapter XIII

Baihe once had an Italian boyfriend. Her grandfather was a senior official. He once told me that once she and her grandfather stayed in a hotel and armed police stood guard. Her father is a businessman and believes in Jesus. She believes that Jesus follows her father. She uploaded a large number of photos on the MSN China website. I started to upload photos, only a few of which were scanned in the unit. She also said that it was just a little.

I introduced Ge Yimin to her. At first, she thought that GE Yimin was the official of Baidu. Later, she opened a personal club in the post bar and posted a lot of posts. Later, the post bar closed the club.

At first, her ID was the bird in the cage. I can't say it with the plastic product number. The bird meant little boy. So she registered the little lily in the greenhouse and became a philosophy bar owner.

Baihe last posted on September 26th, 2014. After a few days of sporadic replies, she didn't appear. According to her character, she won't leave the post bar. I'm very worried about accidents. A year or two later, she came to the post bar once and replied to the village girl: "have you read my message?" Since she disappeared again, I'm so worried about her body accident. I asked the content of Lily's message last time, but he refused to say...

Nerve XXVII (III) 559. Chatting with Lili about faith

Ge Yimin said:

Li, your post is back to you. Have a look

Thank you for your responsibility. I'm very happy after hard work

I've been waiting for you all night. Thank you for discussing my faith. It's been a long time. I like to be criticized by others, which is good for me

. As long as you don't leave, I'll be satisfied, Li.

Messenger shield says:

-You received from wbl7777777@hotmail.com Chat content encrypted-

Lili said:


Who is that four rheumatism?

Ge Yimin said:

"I see, you are him, he is you, you two are birds of a feather, this is the case, why hide.

Lili said:


Ge Yimin said:

He thought you were my vest

Lili said:

I said last time

I don't want to be a moderator of sensitive topics

I'm afraid of that


Ge Yimin said:

Prophet forum is not sensitive

Full Gospel Forum

No personal belongings

Or I'll move you to the Yimin version, huh

Lili said:

I am conservative in your forum


Ge Yimin said:

If you are honest, the wind will be extreme

Lili said:


You're welcome

This is not an ordinary Forum

I don't want that

Ge Yimin said:

It's all right, Li. Just say what you want. This is the Internet

Lili said:


At least he's my friend

Ignore him

I don't think so

Ge Yimin said:

Ah, the forum is a debate, just say what you want

Lili said:

Not malicious

I think that's all

Ge Yimin said:

Yes, he was motivated by his hatred of heresy

Lili said:


I don't like heresy either

I have a good opinion of you

Ge Yimin said:

I know

I just thought, no action

Lili said:

Your theory

Ge Yimin said:

Of course, there are many objections

Especially in Christianity, new ideas are always heretical

Lili said:

Not necessarily

You are too selfish

Ge Yimin said:

Oh, Li, if it proves that my dream is not from God, I will take it back

Lili said:

How does it come from God?

Ge Yimin said:

It's only in the Bible. - listen to him

Lili said:

Too many people / I want to be invisible

Ge Yimin said:


Lili said:

What do you mean by him, you or something

Ge Yimin said:

In a strange dream, it means me

I wonder, too

Lili said:

I guess so

Ge Yimin said:

You look like your old book. She mainly opposes 2019

Lili said:

Who is Ben?

Ge Yimin said:

A girl, former administrator

Lili said:

This sentence will be opposed

Ge Yimin said:

I inferred from Daniel

Mainly expectation

Lili said:

You are God yourself

Even higher than the prophet

Ge Yimin said:


God is the creator, the only one

Lili said:

Listen to you. Are you all right?

Ge Yimin said:


I'm surprised

Wait for God

Lili said:

The determination is wrong

Even confuse many people

Ge Yimin said:

This dream is still very clear

Lili said:

Maybe the devil?

Have you thought of it?

Ge Yimin said:


Lili said:


Ge Yimin said:


Lili said:


And the Communist co wife

Could it be God's will?

Ge Yimin said:

This is the last form of imagining human beings

Lili said:

The kingdom of God is not what it is today

Don't imagine the transition of God with the secular world

Ge Yimin said:

Today is not a communist wife

Lili said:

of course

We do not believe in God to change the world

Ge Yimin said:

Non conflicting

Lili said:

To save everyone

Ge Yimin said:

Western Christians have no conflict with politics

To be saved, we should also live in reality

Nice talking to you

Lili said:


Ge Yimin said:

Can you send the record to the forum?

Lili said:

We're only here for a while



Ge Yimin said:

I think the kingdom of heaven is the renewed earth

Xintian Xindi

Lili said:


Xintian Xindi the world will change completely

Jesus is our king

Ge Yimin said:

Yes, it's OK to update the earth, mainly the human mind

Lili said:

That was after seven years of disaster

What you said still hasn't escaped the secular world

Ge Yimin said:

There are many views on the seven-year issue, including the first millennium, the second millennium and the non Millennium (the Millennium)

Lili said:


Ge Yimin said:

New heaven and new earth, human beings are not divorced from material life

Lili said:

Biblical prophecies are hidden



Ge Yimin said:

Not what?

Lili said:

Biblical prophecies are hidden. Let us understand more clearly. Those who don't understand, those who connect, and those who arrive will also lose

Ge Yimin said:

How did your theology come about?

Lili said:

Xintian and Xindi are definitely not material

Ge Yimin said:

Xindi is not the earth?

Lili said:


But it's not what you think

Ge Yimin said:

Living immaterially on earth?

Lili said:

Not based on matter

Ge Yimin said:

Of course, the soul comes first

Lili said:

Think about it. The dead are raised

Or material?

Ge Yimin said:

In fact, this man can't figure it out until the Lord comes again

Lili said:



We seem to be robots

How is it possible to know what the makers think

Ge Yimin said:

No, our search for God's work is endless

Free will, new heaven and new earth

I see you

Lili said:

Just like the fish in the water, how do you know what the land looks like?

Ge Yimin said:

Agree with you

Lili said:

You told him there were trees and beautiful flowers

He won't understand

Because his limitations are in the water

He had no idea how beautiful the land was

Ge Yimin said:

I agree with you very much. Now people can't understand how xintianxindi is

Lili said:

Imagine that the land is the same as the water


Ge Yimin said:

How did you get your theological knowledge?

Lili said:

I hope you give up your unrealistic ideas

Hee hee

Ge Yimin said:

If the evidence is wrong, give up

Lili said:

My father used to tell me

Ge Yimin said:

Oh, you are true

Lili said:

Actually, I know very little

I'm talking nonsense

Just casually

Ge Yimin said:

That's right

Lili said:

Hee hee

Thank you

Correct your typos when you put them in the Forum

Hee hee

Ge Yimin said:

Don't change, I understand

Lili said:


I hope you give up your heresy as soon as possible

Ge Yimin said:

Prove wrong, I will give up

Lili said:


Can you tell me what I thought of you before?

Don't be angry

Ge Yimin said:


Not angry

Like criticism

Lili said:

Highly narcissistic. Self righteous. Want to be independent. A follower who pretends to be God and doesn't know the truth.


Hee hee

Ge Yimin said:

The main reason is that the dream came from God

Lili said:

Just don't get angry

Ge Yimin said:

I will not call myself God. I think God is the creator, the only one. All people are created

Lili said:

Strange dreams may be just an excuse for your purpose

I speak directly


I hope you understand

Ge Yimin said:

It's not an excuse. I really think the dream comes from God. I think it's a mission

Lili said:

You don't call yourself God, but you're the same

Ge Yimin said:

It won't be the same

I think God is the creator God, and all people are created

Lili said:

By making others listen to you, you equate yourself with God

Ge Yimin said:

No, it doesn't mean that. It's the original words in a strange dream. It's an actual record