15 14 The bonds


They talked freely after being distant for so long . Both desperately talked to eachother when they got time . Both of them looked peaceful after years . avi planned to propose Rick by next year .

it was about sept of 2019, the world had started to face issue regarding some virus And with in no time It spread rigoursly through the world . The virus was called , covid -19 . By December 2019 , who confirmed that world would face a pandemic . It had no cure nor any vaccines available , the number of deaths were in millions .

India faced serious deaths along with crash in economy . The world for the first time faced a lockdown .

only for daily use things and food was made available . Strict rules were made , a lot of people lost their life.

Rick paid his employees and had to shut both of the business till the lockdown ends. avi had to work a hard and couldn't go back home .

she worked in a covid hospital and stayed there . Her society people were to scared to talk a risk . Both avi and her society people were at a risk but it was not supposed to happen in such a way .

Rick faced a lot of financial issues as everything was closed . Luckily they had their savings to relay on and Rick got a small work from home job .

3months down

avi was working in hospital when she was infected and had moved to a separate house for self quarantine . avi's dad was safe , but was worried about avi .

avi and Rick got better as both had enough free time to talk with eachother . They would be play online games , watch movies together , have virtual dates and a lot of fun things .

Rick hardly got out of the house ,

His mom had enough things packed for about 6 months already .

sometimes , they would wear masks and go out at midnight .

The streets and corners had barricades every where . joe brought his paint sprays . They both , wrote on public walls . "EVERY THING WILL BE FINE SOON "




it wasn't something really great but it kinda helped lot of people to believe in the fact that everything was gonna be fine .

After being in lockdown for months and knowing eachother the best...

Rick and avi started dating again , but this time it was for life💍.

Nothing drastically changed but , their distance melted well .

After , 45 days avi went back to her home. The hospital she worked in , thanked her for her service . Even though she was well now she couldn't work for 2 months .

one year later ,

cases started going down, and everything started to open slowly and gradually .

avi and her dad decided to go to the old city where Rick lived .

They got flight tickets and reached their but they had to undergo 15 days quarantine before being able to come out .

avi didn't tell Rick , but during video calls Rick often saw avi at familiar places of her old house but couldn't figure out .

15 days later , they both could finally go out not for fun , but for general works .

avi went outside Rick's house and video called . Rick picked up saw avi somewhere really familiar , he saw his own house gate . he rushed to his gallery saw his girlfriend down there and couldn't believe . he ran downstairs slowly opened the gate and was gonna hug avi where she made him remember it was covid situation and they couldn't hug .

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