
Ancient Demon Lord Rimuru-Remake

It's been 80 years since Yuuki's defeat. Rimuru after dwelling for countless years on time and space, has surpassed Veldanava in terms of strength, And therefore being The strongest being in The Cardinal world. With his strength, He easily dealt with the aftermath of the final battle And finally accomplished his dreamed of coexisting monster's and humans. Although he is happy with the results, his daily routine consists of constant paperwork. During one of these boring days Ciel, who is worried about the mental state of her master, suggests creating an alternate Timeline and traveling back in time. Rimuru, not wanting to do everything over again, comes back with an alternative idea. Going back in time but with one addition: instead of traveling to his original time of reincarnation as a slime, he decides to go much further in time and become one of the ancient demon lords. (A/N:The original author of this story is, Mert_Dertli. However he stopped working on the novel at chapter 4, Which was quite sad he have a good story that's why, I copied about 2-4 chapter of the original book. So that's why I will continue this work, If you are the author please contact me I will definitely dropped this if you don't want it)

WenxyButDiff · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

「Ch-5 - New Demon lord, Milim's Lil' Dragon is alive!?」

In the white castle at the entrance, You could see 3 Figure descending, While holding a young girl with. 2 Pink haired ponytails

"We have arrive" Guy Crimson said while his gaze at rimuru who is looking around

'Hmm, Why didn't they change their entrance style, After so many years?' Rimuru thought of

After 4 minutes walk they arrive at a, Large door. Inside you could see a king sized bed, While many luxurious decorations

"By the way I'm Guy Crimson, Over here is my partner Velzard, And Ramiris the Queen of fairies"

"Rimuru Tempest, Nice to meet you"

"Likewise" Guy said with a smile

"This will be your room for a while, And rain will accompany you. We'll call you out once, Milim regained his consciousness, you can also take a stroll outside, But I don't know if there's something to see because all there is a snow" Guy said while walking out of the room

>>By the way ciel, Can you send some memories here to my clone<<

<<Yes, Master and by the way it seems like the, Little dragon is waking up>>

>>I see, Can you use paralysis on him. I want him to sleep longer cause he may be scared. When all he sees is black, Let's wait for milim to wake up<<

<<Master, someone is here>>

>>Yes, it seems to be Rain, Bye I'm off<<

<<sigh.. It seem like this will be a long day, Master>>

The large door slowly opened, Revealing a girl with short blue hair, In a maid dress

"Hello, I'm rain I'm the maid who will keep you accompany, So if you something to ask please say it. I can assure you I'll answer it"

"Hi I'm Rimuru Tempest, Nice to meet you"

'Rimuru Tempest?, Never heard his name before'

"Hmm.. By the way, what age is Milim nava today?" Rimuru asked slowly tilting his head

<<Master... Nevermind>>

>>Hmm, Did you say something ciel<<

<<No its just your, Imagination>>

>>I see.. Nevermind<<

".. Sigh.. Milim-sama according to, Master she is turning 700 Of age tommorow, But when milim was in the, Elve's kingdom he left his friend. The dragon cause he is going somewhere dangerous, But promised the elf that he would give them something, To compensate but when he comes back, All he found is his friends dead body, They use it as a experimental subject. Due to their Greed of the power of a dragon, and that's how their lives was lost"

(A/N:I Couldn't find the reason why, Milim's friend dragon died on the sorcery kingdom so I just created a story for it, I don't know if this story is good. Cause I'm not that confident when writing a backround)

'Wow, I never heard from milim about that but. They truly deserve death to think that, for their Greed they never thought of the consequences of provoking, the daughter of the strongest true dragon' Rimuru though of himself

And just like that, 3 Days have passed since then. And through that time, They got to know each other better and often battle, Which of course rimuru wins every time. And was considered stronger than, Guy Crimson they were also shocked to hear that I'm a boy

Well can't help it considering hinata's beauty

So it's her fault.

(Meanwhile on heaven)

Shizue Pov.

"Sigh.. I wonder what to do, I'm bor-Achoo, What the do souls usually sneeze?. Or is someone blaming me on my back, But who could it be?"

(A/N:Poor, Shizue being blamed even though he's dead)

After that Misery came rushing at us, telling us the news that Milim woke up,

We immediately rushed to his room, Not caring anything and destroyed the door, Looking at milim who is waking up

"*Grasp*.. Huh, Guy, Ramiris, Velzard" After that, bead of tears slowly came out of his eyes, Milim is crying while talking

"Wahh.. Blue,.. Sh-*Sniff*They kill-*Sniff*Ed him, *Sniff* *Sniff*"The three saying this couldn't help but, look away they can't bear milim crying, But suddenly rimuru interupted

"Who says he is dead" Rimuru replied

(Pov:Milim Nava)

I had a dream, its a dream I don't want to wake up to

In a large green field, I was playing there with my father, Veldanava we are so happy those days

"Hahaha, Papa where are you going" those are the words I said

"Come with me I have something for you.."Im still confused that time but decided to just follow him, When we arrive, it is a cave I then asked him why were here but just repied

"It's, My surprise" I was shocked and happy at the same time, Because the day he would give me a suprised is, Throught my birthday, Or when I have done something good, But the deeper I got to the cave, My heart couldn't help but beat faster its as if. There is something here that is part of my soul. When my father stopped what he showed me is a small creature.. Its a baby dragon I shouted and hug it immediately, It made me so happy. My father was also smiling

"Wait, Does this mean-"

"Mhn, That's right it's yours now my lovely princess, Remember to cherish it"

"Mhhhn, Thanks Papa" I said whole hugging him, He also hugged me

It's already night at that time, So I fall asleep on my fathers lap

But when I wake up, There was an unfamiliar ceiling

"Huh, Where am I?" I look at my side and sees a baby dragon sleeping beside me, It was blue. I named it blue because its, Diamond blued eye is astonishing When I heard the door creaking, There I see a beautiful white haired woman. And felt somewhat calm as if my instinct is telling me to that just trust this woman.

That's the last dream when I woke up i was again in the unfamiliar ceiling I look at my side but he is, I look around and sees

"Huh, Guy, Velzard, Ramiris" I look at my side but was riminded by my friend, Blue. The suprised my father gifted me. And immediately burst into tears"Wahh.. Blue,.. Sh-*Sniff*They kill-*Sniff*Ed him, *Sniff* *Sniff*" But I Was interrupted by an unknown girl, Even I didn't notice his presence

"Who says he's dead" It was a beautiful maiden, With a hair like a blue sky

(Pov:3RD Person)

"What do you mean? I saw it with my own eyes. His dead body" I asked with curiosity

"It's quite sad that, The Dragon. Your father Veldanava gifted you is being declared as dead"

>>Ciel, Can you please.. <<

<<Sigh... Yes master>>

>>Why do you keep sighing?<<

<<No its just, You're imagination. M-A-S-T-E-R>>

>>...Nevermind you wouldn't tell me anyway<<

The maiden said which raised my eyes, There was a figure who appeared on both his hand. As the lights were getting weaker and weaker, It slowly revealed a little creature which widen my eyes but..

"... Well thanks for getting her dead body, At least I can Bury her with ease" But yet again was interrupted by the maiden


"What's so funny?" I asked with a confused look

"No~ it's nothing, it's just that you still hadn't notice it, But he is not dead he is just sleeping. Look closely you are a demon lord now you will notice the his life force inside his body" He said while I stared at it, But was shocked to see a white aura on his body, I could even hear his heartbeat

And instantly a bead of tears again keep flowing onto my eyes

"No ~way, Wahh" And yet it's another day of crying...