
Not afraid of God, I'm afraid of one Man.

<Unknown building, France, Earth, Year 2011>

<Unknown Pov>

I awoke in a room, the room smelts like iron and what I can only hope is gone off food. Today had started like any other day, I had just finished writing my blog on the conspiracy of 'the Wanderer'. There was a knock on my door and all of a sudden I was arrested and a bag was put over my head, I was then put on a plane and left in this room.

I was thrown into the chair I'm tied to now and told that an 'agent' would be coming to interrogate me soon.15 minutes had passed when the bag was finially taken off of my head and a woman in a black suit looked at me and said "Describe your encounter with the man known as 'The Wanderer'. We would like you to tell us everything that happened on that day, we understand that it happened 20 years ago in England correct?"

I froze and after a while I said" Why do you want to know about the day my family was saved by that man, who are you and what do you want with him?"

"The man you are protecting is a wanted terrorist in every country on the planet, the number of people he has killed over the years is bigger than the population of England currently. We want arrest him so that the world is safe from its biggest threat."

I smiled and said" You know that is a lie don't you, the only reason we are still alive as a species is down to him, have you heard the legends of how he killed the Devil or fought the Greek God Hades to stop him releasing a new plague that would rival the Black Death? Yes death and destruction follow him but that is only to prevent more of it from spreading."

The woman just shook her head and said" The man is not human, he was made for war in a distant universe and his way of doing things is a crime here. The legends say he came here hunting the beasts that killed his friends and family however that explanation dates to over 2000 years ago. In the only recorded conversation with 'The Wanderer' to date. Tell us what happened 20 years ago?"

I sighed and said" You still have it wrong but I will tell you none the less, you won't believe me any way. Me and my family were travelling to Scotland on holiday, we were going to stay near the Loch Ness and see if we could find the legendary beast."

The woman let out a small laugh and gestured for me to continue, I looked at her with a small amount of anger before saying" We found the beast or it would be better to say it found us, it rose from the depths of the Loch. Its size was immense, it rushed towards us in the boat and when it was about to eat us a man walked out of a portal onto our boat. He clicked his fingers and the entire monster just vanished. He then looked me in the eyes and told me to be careful in the year 2011 as I would be"

The woman smiled and said" You would be what?"

I panicked and said" Abducted by Vampires..."

Hope you enjoy chapter ne of my new story, it will have three chapters a week.

Thanks for reading and have a good day!

Littlethreecreators' thoughts