2 #2 The Variety of Roles

Next is the "Fighter" role. Fighters are close ranged damage dealers. Fighters are good at teamfights because fighters often have cc effects on their skills and fighters can be good in pushing lanes. And everybody knows that fighters are vulnerable in fighting enemies from afar but when they get close to the enemy, boom! They're dead. Just like the mages, fighters also have a variety of capabilities, either they have plenty or cc or high physical damage. Some Fighters don't need items to lifesteal their enemies, but some do. Fighters have higher lifesteal than any other roles.

Lastly, the "Support" role. This role is ofcourse good at supporting his/her allies. Support heroes should always be beside his/her allies. Supports are good at cheering his/her allies while they slay the enemies so they got to be cute and charming.... Just kidding! Supports are good in healing his/her allies and inspiring them. What I mean is by buffing them making them strong. Either they raise the allies' speed, defense, magical defense or attack.

So those are the roles of each heroes. In this battle, all heroes have one go… wait! (counts) 1,2,3,4,5.... I forgot one role! Silly me (giggled). There is another role. This role is the most used and most favored role of players to use.

The "Assassin" role. Assassins are roles that have high physical damage and high speed. Sadly assassins have weak defense but as they say, "who needs defense when you have high damage that can massacre the enemies in a jiffy. In order to do that, assassins require high farming and jungling by staying at jungle lane and killing jungle monsters and minions. Assassins badly need the buff monsters in order to become strong. Sometimes there are greedy assassins that steal all the buffs and not sharing even atleast one buff to his/her teammates. Assassins are good in, obviously assassination and stealing a kill from his/her allies.

And that's it, all the 6 roles of heroes. So where was I again? Hmmm..... OH, Each team has only 5 heroes and 1 objective in the battle to win the battle. Ofcourse is it not obvious? (laughs) I'm just joking! In this battle of 5v5 heroes they have one goal to win that is to destroy the "Main Base". But the main base is protected by 3 towers in 3 layers, so you ought to destroy that first BUT! The towers are guarded by mighty heroes.

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