
An Eldritch Demon's Odyssey

A soul wakes up in the void after death and chooses the circumstances of reincarnation into a multiverse consisting of multiple fictional worlds. In order to make most of the opportunity to reincarnate, he or rather she will try to manipulate everyone for her own benefit, starting from Nazarick. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the fictional worlds mentioned or the image. WARNING: This is a male-to-female genderbender . Those who hate this genre are advised to avoid. I will be telling this right now. The fanfic will be a mess. Don't expect some otherworldly plots. They might be utter trash. I have not written a manipulative MC before so this is an entirely new attempt. There is no romance planned as of yet, but if there is it will be yuri. Despite this, there will be yandere where characters will be obsessed with the MC. If you read my other works you know I can't write something that has no yandere. There will be multiple fictional worlds discussed. Basically, the each parallel world in the multiverse is a fictional world of its own, so it provides a lot of creative opportunities. Main World: SCP Foundation

FoolishSociopath · Anime et bandes dessinées
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20 Chs


Third Person PoV:


Location: Spot Where Nazarick Once Stood, Grasslands Near Forest of Tob, New World


Jircniv Rune Farlord El-Nix and Fluder Paradyne stood near the very spot where Nazarick, the legendary fortress of the Sorcerer Kingdom, once stood.


The last time Jircniv was here was all the way back when he had met that monster for the first time and had been tricked into following Ainz Ooal Gown's schemes. A place he did not wish to return despite its heavenly luxury.


Most people in the world did not know that this unassuming spot surrounded by hills, used to house the demonic beings that spread terror across the lands. How ironic that Jircniv would be making the trip here once more in search of that same monster.


After Jircniv had secured a spot for this journey to wherever the sorcerer king currently was, the rest of the members present of course quarrelled for the other spot. But that quarrel was successfully quelled by Fluder.


He was able to convince them that his presence was necessary for the successful working of the space magic. Especially as they would be venturing into some unknown territory where a godly being like the sorcerer king resided.


It was a reason that hardly left any room for argument. This was perhaps their only chance and no one was willing to gamble it. Of course, Jircniv knew that this was not the main reason. He knew the old man too well.


Even if the reason was true, this entire argument was just so that Fluder could witness the sorcerer king's amazing mastery over magic once more. Not that he minded. Jircniv would feel more at ease if the old man was present as well.


"Shall we leave, old man?" Jircniv asked, a bit tense.


"Are you mentally prepared?" Fluder's voice cut through the tension. There was no telling how this endeavour would go. It was entirely possible that they would be disintegrated when they tried entering the tear in space. At the end of the day, they were dealing with the remains of magic beyond their comprehension.


"Of course. Walking on the edge of death is nothing knew now. Even if we do die, we will end up in the sorcerer king's grasp anyway," Jircniv answered. He was indeed a bit scared but it was more due to the fact that he might be meeting the sorcerer king once more than the space magic that could disintegrate them.


"Very good. I will try and reopen the tear in space now, so stand back."


Fluder began to channel the complex magic required to open the torn space. His hands moved with practiced precision he cast the spell. The ambient mana reserves that he had amassed over the long years with diligent practice, responded to his command, swirling and coalescing around him in a mesmerizing display of power.


As Fluder's mana reached its peak, a rift in space began to form before them, shimmering like a mirage amidst the dense foliage. It was a gateway to the unknown land where the sorcerer king resided.


From Fluder's perspective, it was almost as if he was gazing into the abyss. The abyss of magic created by the one true god.


With one last glance at the familiar surroundings, Jircniv stepped forward, crossing the threshold of the space tear alongside Fluder. The sensation was akin to being pulled through a vortex.


A flash of light engulfed them as they hurtled through the fabric of space and time. As the light subsided in what felt like a mere few moments, Jircniv and Fluder opened their eyes.


Emerged on presumably the other side of the space tear, they found themselves standing in another forest, similar yet distinctly different from the one they had just left behind.


"Did the spell work, old man? Is this forest a part of the sorcerer king's realm?" Jircniv questioned the knowledgeable expert in magic.


Fluder stood beside him, his expression largely unchanged as he surveyed their new surroundings. Jircniv would have believed that he was entirely unmoved by the spatial magic if not for slight twitches of his eyebrows or fidgeting of his hands.


"Where are we?" Jircniv's voice echoed softly once more in the stillness of the forest, his words carrying an air of uncertainty.


Fluder shook his head, his eyes scanning the unfamiliar landscape before them. "I cannot say for certain. This place is beyond the scope of my knowledge, beyond the boundaries of our world even. But we have indeed been safely transported to the other side of the space tear."


Jircniv took a deep breath and started surveying his surroundings. This was presumably a world created by the sorcerer king for him and his servants. If so, that monster should sense them and reach out on his own.


"Let's start moving. Maybe we will encounter a sign related to the sorcerer king or encounter his servants," Jircniv spoke. He encountered far too much over the long years.


Falling into that monsters grasp was inevitable. A walk in an unknown land was not enough to scare him.



Ainz PoV:


Location: Throne Room, 10th Floor of The Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick


After using the ring of Ainz Ooal Gown, what immediately appeared before Ainz's eyes was the magnificent throne room. Ainz took his place upon the majestic throne of kings with a flick of his robes.


He could see the guardians lined up in front of the throne and bowing down in reverence. The other creations of his dear friends were line up behind them as ordered by Albedo, who quietly knelt beside his throne.


Of course, Sebas and the Pleiades were present as well. Except for Yuri and Narberal who were looking after Lilith. Pandora's Actor had taken up his old position as the area guardian of the treasury temporarily.


This was a scene all too familiar to him by this point of time. After honing his acting skills and having first-hand experience in ruling Nazarick, he would not shy away it as he once used to.


Granted, his inner salaryman self, did feel a bit flustered once in a while even if it was not too often. He truly was no longer the human salaryman, Suzuki Satoru but an Overlord who could devastate civilizations now.


"You may raise your heads," which all of them did after hearing his words. This too was familiar routine at this point of time.


"I believe most of you have had the chance to interact with Tabula's daughter by this point of time. We were able to successfully rescue her thanks to Demiurge's hard work. Well done, Demiurge."


"I don't deserve this praise, Lord Ainz. I believe no one present here could tolerate the fact that a Supreme Being's daughter was suffering without any help from us. Anyone in my position would have done the same." Demiurge replied humbly while his swishing tail betrayed his inner happiness.


Just accept praise for once. It's not something difficult. Ainz mentally sighed before moving on:


"Be that as it may, it does not change the fact that you have done well. Now, while Lilith's presence in Nazarick is indeed something to be celebrated, there are some important matters to be addressed as well."


Everyone present regained their focus so that they could best carry out Ainz's orders.


"Albedo and Demiurge are already aware of most of what I am going to speak. The world we are currently in is not child's play like the New World. It is the real deal with lots of dangerous enemies if whatever information Demiurge has procured is anything to go by."


Ainz paused to look at everyone before continuing:


"Let me make this clear right now. This world cannot be destroyed. No schemes that would cause damage on large scales like we used in the New World can be used here. Of course, this is the ideal scenario. If something happens that necessitates use of force, I will allow it after consideration.


There are 2 main reasons for this. Firstly, we cannot face those powerful enemies unprepared. That much is obvious. Secondly, there is a very high chance that we can meet my friends once more in the distant future. This requires proper functioning of this world called Earth."


Loud gasps could be heard. He had already informed them of the second point in the past but this was something far too important to mess up. He could not let this chance out of his grasp.


"To this end, we will do everything possible for proper functioning of this world by taking hold of it from the shadows. All plans for the future are to be made around this concept."


Honestly, this was an idea he had after reading about the SCP foundation that had experimented on Lilith. At the same time, he would ensure the environment remained unpolluted.


All the power would rest in his hands instead of the corrupt higher classes. This way he could ensure that his friends could be free of worries and join him once more.


He knew that he was essentially messing with time and with the changes he was making, it was entirely possible for some sort of butterfly effect to take place. But he would make sure that Ainz Ooal Gown will form once more. One way or another.


"We will deal with the SCP foundation along the way and let them know the consequences of messing with Ainz Ooal Gown. Of course, this will be done with ample preparation whether in terms of intelligence or power."


Ainz could sense that all of them would have started roaring loudly if he did not do anything so he promptly raised his hand to quiet them down.


"Demiurge, share the know how in regards to this world and its and workings with everyone in Nazarick. Everyone should know it to a certain extent. This world is more advanced than anything you have experienced before," He commanded.


"I will make sure they know everything necessary, Lord Ainz," Demiurge replied.


"I plan to set up a 'company' of my own in the near future with the aim of recreating YGGDRASIL, our world. If my predictions are correct, we have to make sure that the world is successfully created by the year 2126. That is the approximate time period when I can reunite with my friends."


Ainz deliberately made it sound like he knew of the future while using vague words like 'approximate'. These troublesome children would not know what a DMMORPG was but they could understand concepts like world creation.


He had also thought of how he would be able to bluff all of them in case they ever question their nature as NPCs, the players, YGGDRASIL being a game or otherwise.


In fact he had long thought of these things back when he first ended up in the New World and was feeling insecure about whether all of them would turn against him. He did not expect that his plans would find a new use once more.


Regardless, as he thought earlier, he would make his ideal wish come true one way or another. The difference being that earlier, he only wished to be accompanied by his friends. But now Lilith and these children were added to that list as well. They would all enjoy together happily.


Anyway, this was something they expected of Ainz. But what was funny and ironic was that a mere salaryman like him might end up leading a company of his own.


He had indeed done far greater things after becoming an undead, but this was an aspect related to his past human life. The shitty dev's could not be trusted. He had to take matters into his own hands.


"Sasuga Ainz-sama! To create the world…" It was needless to say who spoke those words that had given him many headaches until now.


"We can witness Lord Ainz creating the world once more in person!" Albedo started breathing heavily while her wings were quivering. The others were also amazed at what they had heard.


"O-onee-chan isn't that amazing?" "Don't speak such obvious things, Mare!"




Ainz involuntarily shivered before saying: "C-calm down, everyone. I am not done yet!" He took a deep breath as Albedo composed herself and spoke once more:


"That is the long term goal. For now we have to focus on improving our strength by studying the new sources of power this world offers us. That way all the perpetrators responsible for Lilith's suffering can be avenged as well.


Alongside the SCP foundation, there is also the prime culprit Being-X that must be punished. Albedo will inform you the specifics regarding this."


Albedo grit her teeth and almost started raging in stark contrast to her behaviour before. Everyone in Nazarick had a very basic understanding of what this Being-X had done.


But they too seemed to share Albedo's anger as it was specifically pointed out by Ainz as well as the fact that all of the suffering Lilith experienced seemed to stem from it.


"Finally, there is the issue of who will be accompanying Lilith to other worlds. Keep in mind that the chosen person must at least have the strength of a Guardian, meaning they must be level 100."


All the level 100 NPCs started eyeing one another as if to determine who will fulfil this job of highest priority. Especially the guardians as it was their duty to guard their superiors. Ainz was generally always safely protected but the same could not be said for Lilith.


Just as a fight was about to break out, Albedo received a message catching Ainz's attention. Apparently, interrupting Ainz while he was addressing Nazarick was considered extremely rude, so no one did so unless it was a matter of utmost priority.


"Pardon me for the interruption, Lord Ainz. But Aureole Omega has just contacted me and said that the emperor of the former Baharuth empire, Jircniv Rune Farlord El-Nix and Fluder Paradyne from the New World have shown up near Nazarick. How do you wish to proceed?" Albedo bowed down and then informed him of the message.


Ainz's jaw dropped after hearing the contents of the message. How was Jircniv here? The only reason they were able to come here was due to Lilith's power. How did both of them come here?


'Wait, this is not the part of the script I had prepared. What should I do? Talk to Jircniv and act like I knew of their presence here all along. Or maybe I should question him like a ruler testing his subordinates.


No, Jircniv is a ruler himself. I even modelled many of my actions after him! He might see through this trick. Might as well try both tactics at the same time and see what works,' Ainz's thoughts experienced a storm as things had drastically deviated from the original plan.


"Umu, took them long enough. I was getting tired of waiting. Sebas, escort both of them here. They are no strangers to us by this point of time." Ainz responded while covering up how flustered he was like he was the paragon of calmness and composure.


Ainz mentally blocked the praise that was about to flow towards him as Sebas left the throne room. Why couldn't things ever go as he had planned?



~Ainz doesn't know that this is not his previous world, but all of this allows for some plots I have in mind. Hope you enjoyed reading!~