
an Echo Of Determination in Dragon Ball

This is a rewrite of my old story: Echo of determination. You might recognize a lot of the story, but alot has changed. The world is in Peril, The Dragon balls had no power in the first place. The only hope we have left. Is a person who can't seem to shut up about determination. This is also far from a standard Dragon ball world. Also, What's this about an Isekai investigation unit? "Heya. You've been busy, huh?" I look around at the devistation King Piccolo has wrought. . . . (King Piccolo Power level 9800) "So, i've got a question for ya." Piccolo looks at me, and says. "You know nothing. When I killed your friend Goku, I thought You would fight me at your full potential." I continue as if I wasn't interrupted. "Do you think even the worst person can change?" That everybody can be a good person, if they just try?" I start to laugh. after all, I, An Otaku, am the last person alive on this planet. "All right. Well here's a better question. Do you wanna have a bad time? Cause if you take another step forward- You are REALLY not going to like what happens next." Piccolo swipes his Arm at me. in a forward chop and I dodge, "Welp. Sorry, Goku. This is why i never make promises." energy starts to crackle around me as the sky turns dark. (The Echo Is Resonating with your determination. All Physical Aspects have been Increased.) "It's a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. . . On days like these, kids like you. . . Should be burning in hell." King Piccolo continues to use more esoteric martial arts. every kick dodged, every swipe missing by a hairs breadth. "You think I'm just gonna stand there and take it?" I charge, "MASENKO!" SHIT! I die. But not for the first time. (The Echo Has Granted you a boost in your Reaction speed and Kinetic Movement. Try again.) "Heya. You've been busy, huh?" I look around at the devistation King Piccolo has wrought.

InterPlanarGod · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

A kiss for teaching the damzel to save herself. Roshi.

(Bulma POV In the morning.)

I wake up with a start. I look at the corpse in the other side of the room and start hyperventilating.

Itachi wakes up immediately and he hugs me, I cry into his chest and he puts his hand on my head and caresses my hair. "It's going to be alright. You have power now. You killed a monstrous person who has probably done terrible things to helpless people. Be glad he kicked an immovable wall this time." I look at his face, and I wipe my tears and then I lean in and kiss him. Because he is perfect.

(Itachi POV)

I am surprised that Bulma kissed me, but I know I can't remain idle when a beautiful woman wants me.

I kiss her back, my tongue enters her mouth and then our kiss intensifies, as she tries her best to match my efforts to claim her mouth.

We both stand up, she starts pushing me towards the bed, and then she freezes. I separate my lips from hers, as a line of saliva is connecting our faces.

"I think this relationship is going too fast." she says.

She pushes me away and smiles at me. "I'm not ready to take another step. but I am interested in making this work though. I'm definitely not ready for sex."

I smile back at her, and I kiss her again.

I walk away, wanting to let her go at her own pace.

As I leave the room, she says "Thank you for making me strong enough to protect myself." I look back at her and see her giving me a smile.

"You did the work. I just gave you the methods to learn."

I go to my bathroom to clean myself up and make sure the shower is plenty cold to calm me down.


I notice a few robots cleaning away the blood and the bodies and the vomit when I exit the shower, Unsurprisingly Goku slept through everything.

I look at Bulmas power level and notice it's gone up again.

(Bulma Briefs Power level 81)

I smile, and go over to her, and give her another soft kiss.

"Does this mean we're dating?" She asks bashfully, looking away.

I nod, "Absolutely." and give her a grin.


The next few days, Bulma continues to train, carrying the turtle on her back, and increasingly heavy Rocks strapped to her arms and legs. Unsurprisingly, the entire trip, we keep getting assaulted by bandits at night.

We even have to sleep in shifts. all three of us spar, constantly and I continue to get duty Bonuses.

Duty Commenced, Spar with Goku.

+10 Power level

The next day.

Duty Commenced, Spar with and train Bulma.

+10 Power level

+10 Power level

+10 Power level

+10 Power level

This is what our power levels looked like right before reaching the beach.

(Bulma Power level 141)

(Goku Power level 245)

(Itachi Power level 320)

We reach the beach and ocean only one day earlier than the two weeks we expected to take.

Bulma puts down the turtle, and he quickly enters the sea, thanking us profusely.

"I'll get master Roshi. I'll be right back!" He swims about 3 times as fast as my maximum land speed. which is rediculous.

When he comes back 5 minutes later with the turtle hermit. I am immediately surprised to see his power level.

(Turtle Hermit Master Roshi power level 6121)

I didn't want to believe it but faced with the view of a power level above 6000 in what's basically the prologue of my new life, drives home the fact that this is a real death world.

I sigh internally, this is going to be very difficult.

My life will be painful.

But I both want and need to become powerful enough to destroy the enemies I will be facing.

"Thank you for saving my friend here."

He grins. "As the great turtle hermit of kame house, I will definitely repay you. Nimbus!" He calls down a golden cloud. About my size, and then gestures his hand to it.

"Only those pure of heart can sit on this, give it a try!"

I attempt to sit on Nimbus which will become completely useless after I learn how to fly, and seeing as I'm definitely not pure of heart, I won't be able to use it anyway.

I then fall right through as expected.

He then sits in the middle of the air, floating. He hums in thought, and then tries something different.

"Cumulus!!" a slightly less shiny, white cloud comes down and says. "Only those who are genuinely good can sit on this, it's slightly slower than Nimbus but you should be able to sit on it."

This time I successfully sit on it, and Bulma gets on behind me. Looking at the turtle hermit, she grins and prepares to thank him.

But is then stunned at the gray orb with the dull stars around his neck.

"Wait! Is that a dragon ball around your neck?" He frowns, and turns around. "Yes it is."

He sounds solemn and sad. It seems to go right over Bulma's head, though.

"Can you reward us with that maybe?" Bulma asks with a grin. "We can already run very fast."

He turns around with a glint in his eyes. "Maybe if you show me your titti-"

He, of course, is still a pervert in the same vein as Jiraiya from naruto. I bonk him over his head and shout, "Don't fuck around, My girlfriend isn't showing you an inch more skin!"

My hand throbs badly, and Roshi pretends to be hurt.

"He doesn't look that impressive. Is he really the guy who you wanted to train with?" Bulma asks, already forgetting that he was literally floating in the air a few seconds ago.

"He's acting, my hand is literally throbbing as if I hit a tungsten bar with my bare hands before unlocking my Ki."

I frown. I then bow. "If it's possible I would like you to train us in martial arts, You are clearly much more powerful than me, I would be honored to call you my Martial Master."

He looks at me, poking around my muscles with his wooden cane. "You are at an acceptable level for me to train, But what's in it for me?"

I grin, "Upon the completion of our training, I will give you enough Zeni to buy you any amount of porn you want up to 500000."

He starts laughing, and then he says, "VERY WELL!" Unaware that I have no money at all, and don't plan on paying him shit.

What can I say, he pissed me off when he asked to see Bulma's tits.

Roshi stops laughing maniacally, stands up, rubs his head, and then nods, "I will teach you three martial arts but you will all have to wear my personal uniform."

I frown, remembering this from the anime. "I will inspect the uniform and only agree if I find out there's no funny business. If there is funny business. Then I can't promise anything. In fact, the more pervy you get, the less you'll get paid in the end."

Internally I grin. At the end of this HE will owe ME money. He is clearly a super pervert.

"Wait! Aren't we going to search for the dragon balls?!" She frowns and looks sad at me.

I smile at her. "Good question." But then my face turns serious. "We aren't strong enough yet. If anyone finds out we have the most seven of the powerful wish granting orbs in the world all together, we will have a ton of people after us. Think about it. That Red Ribbon guy almost killed me. If we are gonna get the dragon balls, we need some serious training."

She then sighs, and nods at me. "Fine. it's not like I need the wish anymore."

I look at her and ask, in feigned confusion. "What were you going to wish for anyway?"

She grins smugly at me and starts to say "the perfect bo-" she freezes, stopping mid-sentence.

Realizing her audience is her literal new boyfriend, Bulma then changes her words. "Umm? Infinite strawberries?" she asks, more than says.

I nod, "But then they'd go bad in a month. That wish seems kinda du- unwise."

'Damn I almost said dumb,' I think to myself. Not wanting to piss off Bulma.

Bulma looks at me in fake astonishment. "Oh, Okay, looks like I don't actually need a wish then! Let's train and get strong!"

I can tell she's uncomfortable, so I look at master roshi, and say, "I think that turtel isn't good for more than one person. How are we getting to Kame Island?"

He nods, and snaps his fingers, the white cloud, Cumulus ends up splitting into two. But before he can snap his finger again, I hear Goku, who we've been ignoring this whole time, say, "When are we going to train?" We look over at him, and notice he's sitting on the golden Nimbus.

I shrug. "Makes sense," I say.

"Goku has always been very innocent. He refused to kill bandits who were going to kill him anyway. Just knocking them out."

Goku grins and then says, "Yeah! I'm sure they ran away with their tails between their legs when they woke up!" I grin at him. "Sure thing Goku." But internally I'm wondering if his naive nature will get one of us killed, like it did Krillin in the original story.

I shrug. If it ever comes to that, I'll be sure to make sure it doesn't happen to anyone who matters.

As we continue over the water, only then do I realize we just skipped the first major arc.

I shrug internally, not actually caring. I really hated oolong's character, and Yamcha is 100x as useless as Roshi.

I really doubt that the rabbit villain is actually still alive with the red ribbon army having even more power than sense in this version of reality.

I look into the distance and I immediately notice the island is much bigger than it was in the show.