
Exploring Trio

Riya was really upset for Hisha, but never showed her attention towards her. But, due to irritating and frustrating experiences she faced all alone in the class due to her loneliness, made her realise not to move alone anymore, as she may feels mad at anything.So Riya herself moved out to her old friend Zana, who was her friend during her pre school days.

Zana was an easy person who carried a huge friend circle with her.Now, getting to her new grades ,she have her two oldies with her ;Hannah, a sharp-witted girl and Twinkle ,who really seemed to be a scholar.But , twinkle was the one who speaks to well and she found pleasure in talking with anyone .

Although , between these three friends, Zana and Hannah shared their secrets each other neglecting Twinkle most of the time.This made Twinkle to search up for a new friend and she was much more happy to receive Riya, as she was a person who could match up Twinkle's character and priority.Riya ,as well enjoyed Twinkle's company and explored her best times in her school life with the trios.

By the time exams came up, and hardly everone done up their best.There came up many school fests, meetings, celebrations and finally the excursion, which the whole grade was waiting for. The memo announcing the excursion details seemed to be like an Armenian Lavash and the one where came out with it seemed to be like an angel for everyone! And there started their whole preparation for the tour and its discussion continued......