
Finally Free

Eugene was starting to get restless as he sipped on his newly made tea. He was currently sitting inside the small shop across from their apartment. The window curtains of their apartment were closed, away from Eugene's prying eyes. He hadn't seen Lucian's silhouette since he left the younger man alone. 

He was expecting to see a bunch of letters flying out of their window, but none have been thrown out so far. It was eerily quiet as well. 

Noon came, and nothing changed.

Eugene was worried that the bronze-skinned alpha skipped his lunch, so after eating his meal, he left the shop and came back to their apartment. 

He peeked his head inside the door, only to be welcomed by the alpha's strong pheromones. It lingered throughout the room with so much intensity that Eugene had to close the door to escape the assaulting smell. 

After a minute of readjusting himself, Eugene inserted the letter he wrote back at the shop into the door's slit. He knocked on the door twice in an attempt to get Lucian's attention, but he was met with nothing but silence. 

"Lucian?" he called out, loud enough for it to reach their bedroom. 

Thankfully, Eugene heard a rustle from the other side, followed by heavy footsteps. 

"Eugene?" A nasally, husky voice sounded behind the wooden door. "Your letter?" 

Eugene smiled in relief after hearing the man's familiar voice. "Yes, it's me. Have you eaten your lunch?" 

"Not yet." 

"Then go eat some. I'll also buy you raw ingredients that will last for three days," Eugene informed him, inching closer to the door just so he could hear any movement coming from Lucian's body. "I can't really stay in one room with you for the past three days, so take good care of yourself. Can you inject yourself with the rut suppressants?" 

"I can." 

"Great. Then I'll leave that task to you as well. I'm heading out for a few minutes to buy you some raw goods. This is a good opportunity for you to try new recipes, don't you think?" Eugene beamed in an attempt to lighten the gloomy atmosphere around Lucian. No matter how much Lucian tried to keep his voice composed, Eugene knew better that the man came from crying too much. 


"I like you, Lucian," Eugene whispered to the wooden door separating the two of them. He laid his forehead on the door with a sigh. "Don't be sad anymore."

A chuckle sounded beyond the door. "Alright. I won't." 

As much as Eugene wanted to stay, he knew he could never do that without feeling discomfort. There's also the possibility that Lucian will feel uncomfortable in his presence as well. 

'Maybe that was why alphas falling in love with each other was such a taboo,' the blonde Marquis thought bitterly. 

Eugene bid his goodbyes to Lucian before heading downstairs to shop for his companion. 

Meanwhile, Lucian was left on his own, holding onto a piece of paper tightly. His other hand was jerking himself off after getting an erection just from hearing Eugene's calm voice. 

This rut was surely milking Lucian's semen dry. Why can't he live a day without getting horny?

After taking care of his perverted desires, he finally stood up straight and headed for the sofa. He lied there with a sigh as he carefully pried open the letter. 

His lips stretched into a fond smile as the man's beautiful handwriting appeared in his view. It was neat and pleasing to the eyes. Even the way the words were weaved together was flawless. As expected of an author! 



I've been looking out the window to get a glimpse of your face—even your hands—waiting for your letters. 

I was worried about you. 

Were you crying? Don't be upset anymore. If you want to talk about it, then you can come to me, and I'll absolutely welcome you with open arms. 

Eat well, even if I'm not exactly there with you to give you my honest feedback. I know they're going to taste delicious! 

Smile, Lucian. You know how I like it when your eyes brighten and your lips are sealed with a wide grin. 

I like you. 




Lucian's face suddenly felt incredibly hot. He bit his lower lip to stop himself from giggling like a lovesick teenager. 

'Why are Victorian men so romantic?' he whined in his head as he covered his face with his own hands. 'Goodness, he's driving me crazy.'

It was just a short letter, but it surely made Lucian feel butterflies in his stomach. Eugene was smooth. That's a fact. 

Feeling the need to reciprocate Eugene's emotions, Lucian picked up a pen and paper to write down his letter to Eugene. 

While he was busying himself with that, he heard a cautious knock on the door. It was followed by a familiar, gentle voice. "Lucian? It's me. I brought you some food. I'll leave it by the door, and then you can come get it after three minutes or so." 

It was a part of Eugene's safety precautions in case Lucian would go berserk after smelling another alpha near his vicinity. 

Eugene was an overly cautious person. Even if what he thought wasn't really a possibility in the first place, he was still indignant. 

'As if he wasn't just a door's inch away from me earlier, meh,' Lucian commented in his mind, rolling his eyes sassily. 

"Alright. You can go now. I'll send the letter later by the window."

"Understood. Have a good lunch, Lucian." 

"Thank you." Lucian then stood up from the sofa to wait by the door for exactly three minutes. After three minutes passed by, he twisted the doorknob open to get the boxes of goods lying in wait by their door. 

His golden eyes were delighted to see so many foods. He would surely gain weight from this. 



I think I'm getting fat. 


A laugh erupted in one of the shop's corners. Eugene clicked his tongue in disbelief. It has been two days since Lucian's rut, and Lucian has been diligently sending him updates through paper darts. 

Although Eugene calls it that, for Lucian, it was just like any other paper plane he did back on modern Earth. 

Eugene was having so much fun reading them one by one. He even kept all of them inside a beautiful metal box as a part of his treasured memories with Lucian.

He was also extra happy today since they could finally see each other without any inhibitions. They agreed to meet each other inside the shop. 

"You're laughing so loud that I could hear you right from the entrance." A voice sounded in Eugene's unaware ears, earning him a jolt from the sudden blow of air on his lobes. 

The familiar scent and voice were like an angel's song to him. 

His heaven was here. 

Eugene turned around to pull Lucian into a passionate kiss. In between their lips, he managed to whisper at the man, "I missed you." He then continued pressing their lips together.

Heaven knows how much he missed this guy. Lucian's plump lips felt perfect with his own thin ones. Their tall noses would often brush past each other as they chased each other's tongues.

"I missed you just as much," Lucian answered back with a moan, finally settling down in Eugene's lap, for his legs could not contain too much of Eugene's affection for him. 

The longer they were separated from each other, the more they were keen on eating up all the distance between them just to feel their bodies flush against each other. 

After kissing for minutes to the point that their lips were swollen red, Lucian plopped his forehead on Eugene's shoulder in defeat. "Damn, you're such a beast when it comes to kissing." 

"Just say that I'm a good kisser," Eugene teased with a soft laugh, raking his fingers through Lucian's soft black hair. "Now that I think about it, you indeed feel heavier than usual." 

Lucian propped himself up to properly face Eugene, a scowl etched on his face. "Hey!" 

"It's not an insult. It's better this way. You can now have a reason to do the workout you have been escaping from for the past few weeks." Eugene flashed him a mischievous smirk. 

Lucian stared at him in disbelief. "You're horrible."

"I know. That's why you liked me." 

"I never said I liked you because you were horrible!" 

"I decided for you; you're welcome."

Eugene then suffered smacks one after another for the rest of the day. 

Happy New Year!

Merizzzcreators' thoughts
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