
An Afterlife’s Life

Pazu, an orphan from the year 2367 had died, and now is sent to the so-called afterlife.

klains · Fantaisie
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7 Chs


It recoiled..

In my head was a swirling mess of excuses formulated by complex thoughts and theories of situation diffusion. 

Adam was there, a hint of betrayal washed over his eyes, I could even see him on the verge of tears.

On the other hand, his friend, Tobey, the other guard, was actually chocking from the sheer volume, density and mass of his laughter. 

If he hadn't stopped, later he would've most likely have the world's most idiotic death, well can people even die here?

'Well, at the very least I know he probably isn't a sorcerer of mystical arts or even curses in that matter.'

"Clear Myself of Sensation, Heal Art #02!" Yelled Adam and in the very next moment his body shone like a radiant diamond in a pile of coal.

'Never-mind, he's definitely a sorcerer, I'm screwed.'

Unlike his refreshed expression after I knew for a fact he was still enormously pissed off.

"You damned punk, that hurt like a bitch!" I knew it.

"It was instinct! I swear on my honour, pride and knight's glory!" I didn't even know what I was spurring out but he seemed pretty unconvinced. 

Rising his left fist, he prepared to become a registered murderer, I could already feel my stomach caving in, panicked I applied the 'Confuse' effect on him using a flurry of questions.

"But anyways what was that sorcery you used? And plus before how did you pull that cloak from nowhere!" I asked trying to rapidly defuse the situation.

"Oh, that. You'll learn it in the Academy."

The what now?

"But for now, you'll just need to get registered first into the network database before entering the city."

He then led me to a strange purple booth which resided behind the gates.

"Just put you're hand on this plate, it'll just scan and inscribe you're information and then you get stamped in order to verify you've done the procedure." He said bored out of his mind.

We did as followed and then he came to ask me.

"So, which stamp would you like? Standard, Ghost, Flower or Sword, I chose sword alongside my fellow souls." He said with a hint pride.

I deadpanned at his question. "You know I'm practically blind right? I thought you knew since you guided me to the gates like an Alzheimer's victim." 

"Gates? You mean 'that' blacksmith's house? Oh, that makes sense."

He then proceeded to rush out, and then came back few minutes later holding a rectangle-shaped box.

"These are my old glasses, they may not fit but hey, at-least they might help albeit slightly."

Putting them on I felt slightly refreshed. I can finally kinda see things although a bit blurred still it's better than nothing.

I then proceeded to take the Standard Stamp and while saying my thanks I of course hadn't forgot to yet take the travel guide on the side that I could now see.


End of Chapter

(Author) I'll base some powers off of bleach's power system, especially the schrifts