
Amur:The Tyrant King of Destruction

Someone reincarnated in an AU of One piece with the body of Amur, The Tyrant King Of Destruction.

Uncreative66 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs


When one is faced with the prospect of reincarnation, the most common is elation,excitement,euphoria and the likes. Now,when said reincarnation is entirely up to a spinning wheel and whim of an eldritch horror,said excitement dies as quickly as it emerged.

That was the reaction of one specific Prime Soul,a soul that had maintained their sense of self after death, the death of the universe to be specific.

Azathoth, the eldritch creature watching the soul,couldn't let such an intriguing soul fade from creation. The prime Soul began having some doubts Azathoth set the conditions for his reincarnation.

[You Will Spin The Wheel], as those words materialized, a red wheel appeared in front of the soul. On the wheel were multiple sets of superpowers from all forms of fiction and media.

[The World And Your Appearance Have Already Been Decided]. The soul's form changed from its initial form of a floating gray orb to that of a faceless teen that stood at 6''00 and naked.

[You Have 11 Spins, Here's Hoping You Get Something Useful]. The words faded a second later and the wheel slowly floated towards the faceless teen's position. The teen looked around, despite not having eyes and all that could be seen was a white void in all directions. 

He stopped observing the surrounding void and focused on the wheel. He raised his hand to the wheel and pulled. The wheel spun at speeds incomprehensible to the soul who just kept staring at the wheel in silence. The wheel eventually started to slow down before stopping. It stopped on

[Essence of the Veil: will kick in when you first encounter a master assassin].

There was silence for a second before the soul spun the wheel once more, this time with more eagerness. After all, he had just gotten an essence,something that was useful and overpowered in almost any world. The wheel spun once more at speed's he couldn't see or follow. It slowed down before it eventually landed on ,

[Essence of the Adventurer: Will kick in when you decide to start your journey].

Silence, complete and utter silence, was what resounded in the void before the soul seemed to have broken from it, spinning the wheel white still in a slight trance, seemingly surprised at the power previously displayed on that the wheel had stopped.

And who could blame him. It's not everyday, you die and get to be reincarnated with Two Meta CYOA essences. The wheel spun for the third time and the soul patiently waited for it to stop.And it did, just on something that surprised him once again. It landed on,

[Essence of the Blank: Will kick in after you wake up in your new world]. Silence engulfed the void once more as the soul seemed to be staring at the wheel with slight suspicion and skepticism. He eventually decided to give up and just spun the wheel,this time expecting something trash. The wheel started to slow down and eventually landed on something surprising once more. It landed on,

[Devil Fruit and weapon Modification Of Choice]. The soul looked at the wheel with some relief before spinning the wheel hoping to not something that would insta kill him the second he woke up in his new world. The wheel spun for a minute before slowing down on another surprising power,

[Essence of the Four Elements: Will kick in when you wake up].The soul took a minute to ponder all the possibilities that were opened up with that gain before shaking its head and spinning the wheel once more. The wheel spun for another minute before slowing down and landing on,

[ Essence of the Plane walker: Will always activate When you defeat the most powerful enemies in the world you're in]. This one opened more possibilities as it essentially gave him the ability to travel to almost any setting, fictional or not. The only con to this ability would be accidentally entering a world ,only to be erased by some ultra powerful being, which many universes had no shortages of. 

In the end, the soul just shrugged at that thought process before proceeding to spin the wheel once more. A minute later, the wheel slowed down and landed on another powerful power that surprised the soul.

[Essence of the Giant: will kick in when you meet a member of the giant race with royal blood]. The soul just sighed at this point and decided to spin the wheel without contemplating the implications of this type of power.

[ Essence of the Binder: Will wake up when you wake up in your new world]. The soul just spun the wheel once more. The wheel spun for 2 minutes this time before stopping on another power.

[Essence of the Archmage: When you first encounter a true supernatural entity]. The soul raised its non-existent eyebrow up in interest before spinning the wheel while deep in contemplation.

The wheel spun for 5 minutes this time, a fact the soul picked up on but ignored in favor of looking at the power the wheel landed on this time. It read,

[ Essence of the Rune King(limited version): will kick in when you come into contact with real runes imbued with magic]. The soul looked at the name with high interest before spinning the wheel once more, deep in thought. The wheel spun for 7 minutes this time before landing on ,

[Essence of the Sorcerer Lord: will kick in When you encounter a true sorcerer/magician].Before the soul could contemplate the potential this power offered him, the wheel disappeared and a screen appeared in front of its face with the words,

[Weapon Modification], marked in red and an image of a red katana appeared to the left of the screen. The soul gathered its bearings before starting to input its desired modifications. A minute later,it was done and the final result of its modification was a 140 cm red claymore marked with runic symbols that only a rune master could understand. The soul nodded in satisfaction at this before the screen flashed in front of him and new words appeared on it.

[Name:?????????: Type: Claymore: Overall Length:140 cm:Color:Red:Sheath:Red. Effects: Unbreakable,Will always return to its owner,&Compatible with all forms of energy. Submit the final result?]. The soul looked at the name section and pondered an apt name for his new creation. He eventually clicked on the name section where he typed the name. The screen flashed once more reading,

[Name: Damokuresunoken :Type: Claymore: Overall Length:140 cm:Color:Red:Sheath:Red. Effects: Unbreakable,Will always return to its owner,&Compatible with all forms of energy.Submit the final result? ] The soul clicked on the yes button before the screen flashed and the screen was filled with an image of a devil fruit and under it were three categories. It read,

[Name:?????. : Pre-awakened Power set/form:??????. Type:Paramecia (Non negotiable). Awakened power set:???????]. The soul wasted no time and proceeded to type in his desired modifications. Five minutes later, he was done and the final results were displayed.

[Name:Crush Crush Fruit. Pre-awakened power set/form: Allows the user to crush anything they come into contact with into small cubes.Type:Paramecia (Non negotiable). Awakened power set: Destruction Embodiment..Submit the final result? ]. The soul nodded at that and the screen disappeared a second later. 

A red eye, the size of a sun appeared in front of the soul who was engulfed in some sort of energy. A voice resounded out as the eye stared at the soul,saying

''This Is it Young One, When you leave this void, you'll wake up in the One Piece World,an AU version of it at least. Do Try to live an entertaining life this time and try not to die , HUMAN!''. As the voice finished speaking, a portal appeared under the soul and before the soul could react, it was falling through it ,only for it to be engulfed in darkness not a second later.