
Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)

After King Leonard discover what was going on between his one and only daughter and her bodyguard, he decided to marry her off to another Kingdom, Will he accept the prince and move on with her life or she will go to any length to be with her first love. Read and find out. My first time writing please leave a comment. I hope you enjoy.

Sharon_Beyonce · Fantaisie
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Amour Interdit (Forbidden Love)Chapter35

The blood that gushed out of his nose earlier suddenly started gushing out again and this time it was not only his nose but also his mouth.

He wiped the one on his nose with the back of his hand and swallowed the once that were on his mouth.

As he looks at his mother.

"What have you done? what were thinking I thought that we already planned everything you could have waited at least for some few more days, you could have did anything you wanted with her, and now you have destroyed everything that we have built." She stated with utter displeasure.

Charles look at his mother, she had that disappointed look on her face, today he really disappointed everyone, his father, his mother who has always been by his side through thick an thin, his brother who he has never liked since the were little because their father loved him more, but they ruined that and they grew apart, and there was his sister he didn't even know when drifted apart and now he was sure she hates him.

Thinking about of this he felt tears gathering on his throat and he swallowed it he was not going to cry, he wasn't the type to cry. After making sure he was fine he walked to her mother on the couch and made her sit.

And he sat on small table Infront if her.

"I am sorry mother, I was not thinking straight at that time." He apologized but deep down he knew that apology was not going to fix anything, the damage was done.

"Will you always apologize like that every time you make a mistakes? when you know fully well that apology can't fix anything." The Queen asked almost with a raised voice

"Mother I know that this time I have made a huge mistake,,I wish I can go back and change what I have done, but unfortunately I can't, I promise you when I come back I will not do any of those mistakes again." He stated looking at his mother intently with his hands clasped with hers.

"What do you mean son, you are never coming back." The Queen stated, with tears in her eyes with a utter shock, she was going to learn to live without him and he was the only one who was always by her side.

"Mother who said that I am not going to come back?" He asked his lips curved into a smile.

His mother looked at him puzzled, he was banned for goodness sake, why would he come back?

"Your are banned from here, so explain to me why you will come back." She stated with curiosity.

"Mother are you forgetting what we planned? Demetrius will die in less than three days and then who is going to be the next King? Me, father will have no choice but to take me back." He told her with a smile and her eyes brightened.

How can she forget about that?

"Oh son I almost forgot, that is a relief, you will just be away for few days." She stated with a relief then hugged him as if what he said is what she wanted to hear.

Helena who hasn't said a word since the incident look at her father, who had a gloomy face, she was still rooted in the place, everyone left leaving her there.

"Are you okay father?" She asked him, knowing deep down he wasn't fine.

How can you be good after banishing your own son? And also after finding out what he did was unforgivable.

"Yes I am okay, my dear, what about you?" The King asked maintaining his demeanor.

"I am fine, father, I will go and see what is going on." She stated then walk out of the office closing the door behind her.

She didn't know who to see first, Charles or Demetrius, she decided, to see Charles.

She went to his room with a first aid kit and found them hugging each, she almost froze on her spot.

How can her mother hug him like that after everything he did wasn't she suppose to scold him and tell him, that what he did was wrong. Why was she hugging him, everyday her Mother seem to disappoint her.

"Helena." Charles called her breaking from the hug, and they both looked at her.

"I will leave you two." The queen said then left, she didn't like that face, the face that her daughter was showing her at that time can kill.

She Just wanted to give him the first aid kit and leave but she needed to say her goodbye, this was the last day that she was probably going to see him.

She walked towards him where he was sitting on the table and started to clean his wounds, without uttering a word.

Pouring her anger on the wounds, as if it was what anger her, Moreover Charles had to put up with it, because he knew she was furious with him.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" Charles asked, after sometime.

"What do you want me to say, what do you want to hear? should I congratulate you for what you have done? I honestly never thought you could stoop so low."She stated pouring her anger out almost shouting.

"Oh, you also think that I tried to molest her?" Charles stated offended.

"Don't play innocent, we both know you tried to Molest her." She couldn't believe he still had the guts to to deny.

"Do you really think I ...." He was cut off.

"If you want to asked if I think you tried to molest her then yes, I saw it with my own eyes I still don't understand why you're denying it." Helena stated annoyed almost standing from the chair, since she was done with the wound.

"I knew you will side with him since he is the one you always love, more than your own brother." He stated standing up from the table and heading towards his bed.

"Charles is not about siding sides, is about siding with the truths, and I will always side with the truth no matter what, and don't say that I don't love you, I love you both the same." She stated almost crying, she was really hurt by what he said.

"I know your lying" He said turning his back on her.

"Enough brother, I only came hear to bid you a farewell." She knew if she stays there longer they will end up arguing and she didn't want that.

"Good bye brother." She said again then left closing the door behind her.

Charles turned and a tear fell from his eye, that was his sister, her lovely sister, so kind hearted, how did she end up with a brother like him? he knew deep down that she loves him very much, but he was the one drifted away from that love.

He was terrified that he will transfer the hatred and jealousy he has of their dear brother to her, And today he really broke her heart by telling her that she was lying about the love she has for him.

She packed his few clothes and the things he will need, since he knew that he will come back soon, he didn't cary a lot of stuff.

He went to see his mother to bid her a farewell.

"Goodbye my dear, take care, hear is some Money to help." The queen told after a warm hug.

Just when she was about to leave his father called him, to talk to him, and it seems like he didn't want anyone to hear what he wanted to tell him

After that, he wanted to go see his brother and maybe apologize but he figured out it was a stupid thing to do so he just left.

Once Helena reached her chamber she cried her out, she didn't know if she will be ever to see her brother again, and what was hurting her the most was that he won't be able to attend her wedding.

She cried in her pillow, until she couldn't cry no more.

Demetrius took Meli out of the office, when she reached on their staircases he carried her Princess style and to the bathroom. Without uttering a word. where she bath her.

Meli watched her she could see that he was furious but he was trying to keep it calm, he didn't utter a even after finishing to bathe her. After he finished bathing her, he wrapped a towel around her. then they went to the dressing room.

After dressing her, they sat on the bed with his arms around her, still not talking to one another, no one was able to brake the awkward silence.

Meli was still dumbstruck, how Demetrius defended her she didn't even say anything to him, all that she knew was that she fell in love with him even more.

Then she remembered that day those days tried to do the same thing her, would he have done the same thing to his brother, if his father didn't stop him?

From the way he was talking to him earlier, it clearly showed that he can even kill him.

After lunch Helena came to talk to her.

Now the were sitting on the couch and Demetrius was reading the book from yesterday, but Meli was sure that he was not reading, instead she was trying to ears drop on their conversation.

"I am sorry about what my brother did to you." Helena apologized, but she knew apology can't heal anything.

"I am okay, beside you are not the one who is suppose to apologize." She stated.

"Yes you are right but still, I want apologize in his behalf." She stated.

Meli could see that Helena was completely different from them.The girls chatted a little, before Helena left.

The day pass quickly and before the know it, the sun was already on the horizon.

"Demetrius can you take me to that beautiful place you took me last time." Meli told him breaking the awkward silence.

"Where?" Demetrius asked looking at her intently.

"That place you took me that day, after taking me away from those men."

And Demetrius got where she was talking about.The place she took her when those morons tried to do what his brother did this morning.

His brother was lucky, one if his part of the body would have been removed.

"Okay, Let's go." Demetrius told her even without thinking twice.

They went to the stable and took the horse. Demetrius climbed first and Meli followed, after s few minutesthey were their.

She walked there and sat down the same spot they sat last time and Demetrius sat next to her.

She lied down, Demetrius looked her and she patted for him to do the same.

Demetrius just did the same, They watched as the sun set and it was a beauty to be hold. he clasped her hands and his.

"Is beautiful." She uttered watching the beautiful view.

Demetrius turned and looked at her. "But not beautiful like you, you know that don't you right?" He asked looking at her.

Meli wanted to tell him something but she couldn't bring herself, She had many things to tell him, for example thank you, how he defended her in the morning.

And now her life depended in him, she can't live without him, if she fell in love him hundred times then she double it four times more.

Everyday she was falling in love with him and he wanted to let him know how she felt, the things she felt.

"I am sure I am not that beautiful, is just the way you look at me." She told him and he agreed.

They watched the beautiful view together holding hands until the sun disappear into his horizon.

Demetrius was glad that her bright face was back again. He hated when he sees her cry. He will do anything and everything to see her happy everyday.

After watching the beautiful view they went back home, soon after having dinner they went straight to bed. They next morning they went downstairs to have breakfast.

Demetrius thought that due to the the incident that happened yesterday she will have breakfast in their chamber but no they still went downstairs.

They were the first one to arrive. Soon after it followed by Helena then the King and the Queen.

They greeted them and the Meli watched the Queen furtively, she saw her glancing at Prince Charles chair.

She bet she must miss her son very much but it was only one day, she will have to miss him for the rest of her life.

The days past and finally it was the day of Helena's weeding, the hall was beautifully arranged everything looked exquisite.

The King and the Queen were ready so the went to visit Helena.