
2.The revelation about... HIM

"Hola!!! ... seems like we're gonna be stuck together still graduation... hope you take good care of me" grinned James as he gazed into Will's eyes, as if staring right into his soul. Will uncomfortably sits beside James, as he and Nick look at him with fierce eyes. Will looks around to look the bullies staring straight up at him, making signs and cracking their knuckles, but as soon as James's gaze fall upon them, they shiver up and turn around, facing forward. Will thought," maybe this year too I'll be just tossed and crashed around like a dummy... huh... last year of high school... just a year... it'll be over very soon..". As soon as James leaves his place for a visit to the washroom, the group leaves their place and come sit surrounding Will. Two of them sit beside Will, while Nick just rolls his eyes upon them, knowing what will happen. One of them puts his hand on his shoulder and says, "it's soooooo nice to meet you... William, my name is Josh, and I think we're gonna be having a lot of fun together, and by the way, that's my best bed Dan beside you.... we'll be keeping good care of you and keep you safe from James... you know he's a Maniac out here.. we heard he's killed people before... like a murderer... you shouldn't be messing up with him or his side kick too much... meet us at canteen room during lunch... we'll show you around.... we'll be good friends together," grinned Josh as he finished his sentence to give a hard pat back on Will's back, with intent to make him groan in pain.

Suddenly, his hands are held by a strong grip, and twisted in such a manner that Josh tears up in his eyes and starts hyperventilating. Dan and the other 3 see James behind Josh and run away from the table to their own place, while Josh struggles hard to keep his tears back in his eyes.

"you'll regret this, James, I promise..." says Josh in a firm, yet scared voice.

As James looks back into Josh's eyes, Josh could feel a dreadful aura surrounding him. Everything gets surrounded by a vile dead black air, as James stares in Josh's eyes. His smile matched the devil's, and as he continued to watch, Josh felt himself sinking into a pit of darkness as he saw someone stand behind James. It had the face of the devil, yet... the wings of the Angel, contrasting it's appearance. As James spoke, the entity spoke with him. Same words, same expressions, two different entities together. A voice, feared by the God himself. The sound rang in Josh's ears, "don't mess with me or my friends again... if you don't want to end up like last time... a friendly advice... take it... while you still have time..." then suddenly, the whole place turned normal. Josh found himself standing where he was, James in front of him... smiling, speaking politely," hey Josh, teacher's here... would you go back to your seat please? we need to end this class so we can go for lunch..."

Josh was confused.."what took over me?? what the hell happened?? why is he so scary since the last year??? when did the tables turned on us???" Josh thought as he held his hand and went back to his place.

Will was surprised. James's reaction was something he did not expect. "isn't he supposed to be the bully around here??? then why did he help me???" Will thought to himself. After the class, everyone leaves the room for lunch in the canteen hall, and James pulls Will by his hands and takes him to the corner, while Nick follows them. Jess looking at them, sighs and thinks, "there goes his bad habit again... don't know when will James quit from this" and goes on to the canteen hall smiling.

James pulled Will aside and cornered him to a side, and Will fell his heart almost beating out of his chest, scared shitless. "I think... I'm gonna die today.." thought Will as James cornered him to a side, Nick behind him. Nick spoke," do this quickly... we still have lunch to take care of..." Will, almost certain that he's gonna be punched in the nose, closes his eyes and waits for the worst to take place. Will waited, a second, 5 seconds, 10 seconds. Yet there was no action. Will slowly opened his eyes to see James standing in front of him with a closed box. It looked like a box of packed lunch. James handed it over to Will, and pleaded to him, "aye man... my mom makes this everyday for me... and I don't wanna have this... it's good... but I wanna have some junk from the canteen... so please.. just have this on my behalf.. so I won't feel guilty for wasting it... please..???"

This took Will by surprise. He took the box from James, and as he looked in front, he saw James smile at him while Nick and Jess stood in the background trying to hold back their laughter. James looked back at them, and asked innocently, " why the hell are you guys laughing??? won't you have lunch to finish??"... then Will, Jess and Nick burst into laughter. James, dumbfounded, stood there.. not understanding a single thing to what happened that was so funny.

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