
Chapter 6

5 years later...


"CALEB, I think this whole auction to date thing you're doing with these guys is just your front. I think what you really want is to just stare at them while you desire them," I laughed at what I said and looked at him who was standing beside me at the backstage.

He looked at me, squinted his eyes, and rolled them. "Whatever, Trace. If I want one of them, I would have gotten them a long time ago."

"How can you say that?"

"I'm a Simonne. I have a lot of money, and if I want, I can just bribe them." He raised his eyebrow at his statement, "Plus, I'm such a beautiful being that even straight guys fall for me."

"Really! It's getting windy here."

"You know, Trace, when I first met you, you were so quiet. All you ever did was nod and make weird sounds, as Neon would say. But now, whenever you speak to me, you always judge me. You found out that I'm gay, and you constantly tease me or suspect hidden motives in every guy I meet, I'm surprised you spared my own cousins."

"Wow, you're too much. Am I really like that?" I tried to hold back my laughter and reminisced about those times.

"Okay, here's one. Do you remember the model I just fitted? This was the first time, and you asked if I had a crush on him because you thought I was subtly groping him. That happened right from the start. Do you remember when we were in school, and whenever I had male friends or group mates, you would tease me?"

I laughed at what he said, and it reminded me of those times. I've enjoyed Caleb's company for the past five years, and I didn't realize how long it had been. Maybe it was because there was never a dull moment when I was with him; it was always full of laughter and genuine happiness. At first, I admit I was a bit uneasy around him, even after I found out his secret. He's still a guy, and Simonne too, but as time went on, I got used to him. It's not that difficult to be around someone like Caleb Simonne. He's friendly, kind, and you can really feel his sincerity through his words and actions, something you'll rarely see nowadays.

For a moment, I wanted to believe that it was fate that brought us together, but I know better.

Sometimes I wonder if I would have met him if I hadn't gone along with Marc's plan. What would have happened to me? Maybe those five years would have been difficult because of the Cysco, but because I met Caleb and spent time with him, it became easy for me to live through those five years.

"Wow! Fifty million, did you hear that, Trace?" I smiled at what he said. I knew he was also happy because that amount would help a lot of people, "I'll just go see Jay." I nodded.

I just looked at him while he talked to his cousin. He calls me Trace now; it's no longer a boss and assistant relationship, we're more like best friends. I used to call him Sir Caleb, but he said he didn't like the sound of 'Sir,' so I just call him Caleb or Cal now.

After the event, we went back to Caleb's condo. We were both tired because the past few weeks had been very busy with preparations, and now that the event was over and successful, we were happy. I know we should be celebrating, but Caleb is the kind of person who's tired of such celebrations. He always says that it's more tiring to attend social gatherings, talk to people, entertain them, and interact with others. So he prefers to go home and rest as soon as possible rather than spending more time celebrating.

"Congratulations, Cal." I greeted him with a smile.

He looked at me, and despite his fatigue, I could see that he was happy, "It makes me happy that I get to help people. They say in life you have choices, but some people were not given the privilege to have choices. If they do have choices, it's either they do or they don't. Like whether they have to work hard to be to study or just don't study at all, unfair choices. And then there are others in society who can choose the course and school they want to attend. So even if I can help just a few of them achieve their dreams for themselves, it means a lot to me."

I sat beside him and tapped his shoulder, "I haven't told you this, but I just want you to know that you are the kindest person I've ever met. I hope God blesses you with a very handsome boyfriend with an oozing six or eight-pack abs, right?"

He rolled his eyes at me, "There you go with your teasing again!" He pointed at me as while laughing, "Do you want me to have a boyfriend? How would that even happen when you're always with me?"

"What do you mean by that? That I'm getting in the way of you having a boyfriend?"

"I didn't say that, you did," he smiled with raised eyebrows. You'd think he was an innocent child who did nothing wrong.

I just gave him a dirty look. "You know, it's okay with me. I accept it," I said sarcastically. "Okay, fine, I'll leave tomorrow so I won't get in the way of your love life."

I threw a pillow at him, and he caught it, laughing.

I was surprised when he suddenly pulled me back to the sofa and held me in his arms. "Cal!"

"Cal..." He imitated what I said, teasing, "Why do you feel so good to hug, Trace?"

"What do you mean, hug? You're squeezing me. If you're furious, just say it," I tried to break free from his hug, but I stopped when he rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Thank you, Trace."

I furrowed my brow. "For what?" I looked at him, and our lips almost touched.

"For being my assistant, my best friend, my confidante. Thank you for the five years we've spent together."

I smiled. "So what? Are you really saying goodbye now because you plan to have a boyfriend, and our time together will be reduced?"

He laughed at that. "You're crazy. Is it wrong to appreciate the friendship we have?"

I shrugged, and for a few minutes, there was silence between us. When I turned to Caleb, I saw that he had fallen asleep.

I stared at his face and smiled. 'This is hopeless.'

I sighed and glanced at my phone when it vibrated.

MC Calling...

I ignored the call because I didn't want to talk to him. I had been telling him for three years that I didn't want to go through with the plan, but he kept bothering me. I'm afraid because he once told me he would tell Caleb and the Simonne family the truth about me, so I haven't been able to break our agreement. But I feel guilty because I consider Caleb more than just a friend.

I love Caleb, more than what can be given to a friend, but I know there's no hope for us. I'm content with being with him now, and when my foolishness ends, when he finds the person meant for him, I'll leave, and I can't stay in his life because of the surname I carry.