

In Hollywood in 1994, the era of superstars was about to begin. At the same time, a fledgling actress embarked on a journey and opened the road to domination for more than 20 years She is an American sweetheart that never fades, an eternal deep-sea diamond on the sunken ship, and a stunning female thief and an invincible super agent. The Hollywood stars of the nineties shine, but Josie. Horton has always been unique, because no one can become the Oscar tumor and grossing queen of film history like her, and write her name into the textbooks of finance, the Internet and history!

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Many pretentious actors when they first enter the industry, it is easy to dislike this kind of bad youth film, they dive into small-budget literary films, hoping that their performances will shock the audience and even shock the Oscar, but the truth is that most of them waste their precious youth and talent, and gradually disappear from the public.

In Hollywood, only fame can bring everything.

After becoming popular, it is eligible to covet awards, mainly spending time on commercial films, leaving the excess to those carefully selected literary and artistic films to slowly transform, which is the conventional path taken by superstars.

Of course, there are newcomers who have soared overnight with the performance awards of literary films, but that is the preferred way of playing by the British, and every few years newcomers will enter Hollywood.

And this is Amy. Hecklin's work, her previous comedy "Flying Over the Child" was filmed three times, and even created the history of that year, you can imagine how popular it is.

"I noticed that you gave Four Stars to Scars of Tears, the same priority as Little Women." Martha continued, "But you put a question mark. "

"Little Women" can be said to be a masterpiece dedicated to Hollywood to people, it is remade every few decades, and it is usually a combination of established acting, popular stars and the next generation of potential newcomers.

As for "Scars of Tears", Casey. Bates, an Oscar actress, is treated far less than others who have also won awards, after all, the market value is there, and the little golden man has not really changed anything.

Josie thought for a while before saying, "The main creative lineup is luxurious, Stephen. Kim's novel is also interesting, but I'm not quite sure that the adapted characters themselves have enough sparkle to attract me. "

Thanks to a certain ex-boyfriend, Josie watched too many Hollywood classics with each other during the love period - what is the name of the other party? It seems to be a true Grand Slam actor.

Josie frowned slightly, not delving into the name.

"Tear Scars" can take its place because this film is really wonderful, Kathy. Bates' performance is impressive, and the role of the youngest daughter is also roomy.

But the problem is that she is not sure if this tragic role of traumatic childhood and self-isolation is suitable for her, or if she can play it.

Martha nodded, silently calculated in her heart, and told Josie: "Next week is the audition for "Little Women", you better read the original book again, and have the opportunity to let Adler see your performance once. As for the rest, I will let you know when the arrangements are made. "

From Martha's point of view as an agent, being able to take the initiative to read Stephen. Kim's work proves that Josie is not as uninterested in reading as ordinary teenagers or Hollywood actors, which is a good plus.

Josie gladly accepted.

The movie "Little Women" is adapted from the American female writer Louisa. Plums. Alcott's novel of the same name, tells the story of four sisters from an ordinary family in New England during the Civil War.

The gentle and beautiful eldest daughter Meg, the independent and strong second daughter Joe, the kind and well-behaved third daughter Beth, the smart and clever little daughter Amy, the growth process of the four sisters of the March family has touched the heartstrings of countless Americans and can be called the bible of women.

Catherine in 1933. Hepburn version, 1949 Elizabeth. The Taylor version, and the TV version with a lesser cast in 1978, "Little Women" has always been brought to the big screen again and again.

The heroine of this remake, Joe, is by the red jade girl Winona. Red starred, and the role of Amy, usually played by Hollywood's stunning beauty, was played by two actors.

The actor in her youth was Samantha, the heroine of the blockbuster movie "What Makes Sense About Love". Marcis, a blonde who combines purity and coldness, has a very different temperament from the classical and cold Winona, and she is also one of the few female stars of the same generation who can be compared with Winona.

Little Amy in childhood, after layers of screening, fell to child star Christen. Dunst, for which she defeated the equally wonderful Christina. Richie as well as Natalie. Portman.

As you can imagine, the casting competition for "Little Women" is very fierce.

In the small room, in the center sat several people who had the most say in the casting of the film: director Gillian. Armstrong, adapted screenwriter and producer Robin. Sweecourt, producer Dennis. Pedicle. Norway, casting director Shani. Ginsburg... And, the uninvited heroine Winona. Red.

Winona sits quietly on the edge of these people, but her sense of presence cannot be ignored, after all, although there are many beauties in Hollywood, they are still scarce resources like her, which has both beauty and acting skills, and is full of aura.

But what Winona admires most is not her beauty, but her ability to always be favored by various big directors.

First Tim. Burton's "Edward Scissorhands" gained a large number of fans, and established her status as a box office star with Coppola's "400 Years of Horror", and then Scorsese's "Age of Innocence" won her an Oscar nomination, and the young actress easily surpassed everyone to become the first place in the new generation of Hollywood female stars.

Big stars mean the right to speak.

If it is just debuting, even if the acting skills are as brilliant as Jack. Nicholson and others still can't dictate the film.

And Winona can not only sit here and give her opinion on casting, but also ask the producer not to hire actors she doesn't like to work with.

But in general, this career-minded female star can endure this for the quality of the finished film, anyway, most of the time she is torturing others.

"There is no second Dunster to surprise me." Winona turned sideways and said to her assistant standing behind her.

She mentioned "Dunst", whose full name is Christen. Dunst, who stood out last year from five thousand equally beautiful and cute little girls, joined Tom at the age of eleven. Cruise and Brad. Pitt's new film "A Night Visit to a Vampire" and contributed performances that dwarf the two male protagonists.

In a previous audition, Kristen . Dunst's performance is unparalleled, almost making the production team suspect adult Amy's actor Samantha. Marcis's ability, because the latter was not able to contribute the same level of performance, but got the same role.

But Samantha . Marcis is the Hollywood genius actor Rivan who fell last year. Phoenix's girlfriend at the time, she has a huge degree of topicality.

Thankfully, Dunst was just a little girl.

Winona secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and was a little eager to try, and couldn't help but look forward to the upcoming filming of "Little Women".

"Claire. Dennis is not bad, forget about the others. "I think she's the most likely to get the role." "

For two days in a row, they have seen countless girls, all young and beautiful, and their acting skills are passable, but except for Claire. Outside of Dennis, others either performed flawed performances or lacked a little pitying temperament.

At this time, casting director Shani flipped through the memorandum in her hand and said out loud: "Next, Josie. Horton. She reminded the crowd, "This girl has no acting experience, but she is said to play the piano well and is from the CAA." "

Can play the piano?

Well, that's a big plus.

In the original book, the piano is one of Beth's shining points, so in today's audition alone, there are many girls who claim to be able to play this instrument, but once they are asked to play on the piano in the room, there are very few who can smoothly play a song "Ode to Joy".

After all, these teenage girls, who have become the main source of income for the family, usually do not have a good parent, it is difficult to receive any formal education, and learning the piano is a luxury hobby.

Coupled with the fact that in the face of big people who can decide their careers, but the audition is interrupted by big stars who only appear on TV, it is really difficult to maintain a good attitude.

Not to mention that among them, there are indeed people who can't play the piano at all.

Winona saw Josie walk into the room.

Like all girls before her, she is young and beautiful, and if there is any merit worth mentioning, it is that her appearance makes most people happy.

Because there's nothing aggressive about her.

Winona sat up straight.

She saw Josie begin the performance at Shani's signal:

First there was a scene of sitting on the sofa laughing with her sisters, then she glanced at the wall, took something out of the non-existent cabinet by the wall, put it on the other side, and crouched there and stretched out her hand, as if roasting a fire by the fireplace.

"Mom is coming home." She said, her voice serene and beautiful, "I should buy my mom a new pair of shoes." "

She meekly lowered her head, revealing a thin white neck and a smile of attachment and happiness.

Winona heard Robin and Dennis talking softly about her-

"Very good, her voice is a plus." Robin said, "I love her classical temperament and her little gestures that gently smooth the folds of her skirt, and I can almost see her wearing a long soft cotton dress with light steps." "

Indeed, she has a sufficiently subtle classical temperament.

This is a good fit.

Dennis nodded and agreed: "I think the audience will like this one." Claire. Dennis is also good, but I don't really like her lower half of her face, which looks distant from a certain angle. "

"For Beth, they are enough, the question is who we want to use more." Gillian joins the conversation, "Claire. Dennis's performance is also very convincing. "

The two producers looked at each other and did not continue to discuss the topic.

It was at this time that their heroine said: "Why not let her play the piano too, at least Claire's "Forest Polka" plays beautifully." "

"Yes." Dennis said, "But playing the piano is not a must. "

- You can learn it now, or give it to the later stage.

The heroine began to pick on the prick again.

These people can't help but think.

This may be one of the reasons why filming has been delayed, because they are always instructed by a layman who thinks he is omnipotent, but she is an indispensable cornerstone of the entire crew, otherwise no one will pay even a penny for this movie.

And it's jealous that these movie stars don't even have to pay anything to get their biggest slice of the pie from this project.

Despite thinking so, on the surface they are still friendly and even fawning over the movie stars they call them.

"I know we're not looking for a pianist." Winona said, "But I was worried that by then Beth would not be beautiful enough to play the piano, or she would not even be able to pretend, and it would be a waste of time." "

Shani nodded in agreement and said to Josie, "We want to hear your piano playing, do we need time to prepare?" "

Josie kept smiling and replied, "Yes." No preparation time is required. "

She was led to the set on the other side of the room, where a classical piano lay quietly and another camera was facing it.

Josie moved her fingers, took a deep breath, and walked in.

Gracefully seated in front of the piano, she did not feel any nervousness or panic, as if she had returned to her familiar home, her fingers first flicked aimlessly on the piano a few times.

Her movements are even a little messy, and these chords are not in tune.

One can't help but be disappointed by this: Oh, another lying girl.

But just as they were about to look away, suddenly a series of wonderful notes were pouring out of her fingertips.

It's like being in a sea -

It's silent.

As dusk falls, the setting sun is slowly falling.

The magnificent scenery of fire reflected on the undulating sea, lining the sky as a huge canvas, accidentally knocked over the paint by the hand of God.

As night falls, the wind changes.

The wild and magnificent notes rushed extremely quickly, almost madly pulling everyone's heart, and the accumulated energy climbed to the top little by little, and obsessively returned to the calm of the night.

The last note fell, and the room was silent for a long time.

Robin couldn't help but let out a deep breath, pulling away from that feeling of his soul being pulled, and most of the people around him did the same, because the tune had magic.

"I should have taken off my hat for this!" Robin took the lead and applauded.

The applause rose one after another, very warmly.

Josie stood up and bent her knees slightly, smiling at everyone who applauded her, which brought the warm atmosphere to a climax.

At this moment, Winona spoke: "The piano is okay, but I'm sorry, this is not Beth's recital." "