

In Hollywood in 1994, the era of superstars was about to begin. At the same time, a fledgling actress embarked on a journey and opened the road to domination for more than 20 years She is an American sweetheart that never fades, an eternal deep-sea diamond on the sunken ship, and a stunning female thief and an invincible super agent. The Hollywood stars of the nineties shine, but Josie. Horton has always been unique, because no one can become the Oscar tumor and grossing queen of film history like her, and write her name into the textbooks of finance, the Internet and history!

ansh_singh_baghel · Célébrités
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"Hi sweetheart."

In the meeting room, across a long table, the man in front of him held the microphone and showed a gentle and loving smile to Josie.

Frank. Horton was a distinctly Jewish man with dark hair and a uniform orange-red prison uniform, with the front of his blouse pulled up to the second button, revealing the collar of the white cotton T-shirt underneath.

His appearance is handsome, and he exudes a dashing elegance, even if his chin has short and hard stubble, and his once iconic back has not been carefully taken care of, but no one will associate him with a gambler or a villain.

Because he exudes the temperament of old money.

"What's wrong, don't you know me?" Frank asked with a smile.

"Ah, no, just a little surprised." Josie tugged at the corners of her mouth, and instantly replaced it with a soft light smile, "Oh, Dad, you look better than I thought, and your mental state is also good." "

Frank looked down and chuckled: "Ha, my little girl, you should be frightened." I think your Uncle John took good care of you and liked the Ferrari he 'sent' you? "

The smile on Josie's face suddenly became sincere and sweet, she bent her eyes, smiled, and couldn't help but quickly look around, leaned forward, and hesitantly asked: "Dad..."

"Sweetheart, don't be nervous, I don't think they're incompetent enough to rely on eavesdropping on our conversations to find so-called evidence, and there's nothing you can't say over there."

Frank smiled, his tone gentle but not sarcastic, and he tapped his fingers on the table and winked at Josie deliberately, indicating to her that someone was indeed listening.

It sounds like this dad is a bit powerful, and he dares to scare the staff of various departments who are investigating him in person...

Josie's expression was just the right amount of panic, with some joy and hesitation, in line with her character as a sixteen-year-old runaway girl, after all, she was a rich family who had not experienced anything, and she was already thankful that she could take care of her life.

"When will you be able to come out?" She bit her lip and asked, "I missed you, Daddy." "

"Next month if it's fast, six months if it's slow." Frank replied, "Don't worry about me, sweetheart, I want my little princess to be carefree and happy." "

He looked at Josie tenderly, his gaze seemed to penetrate her to find the shadow of another person, which was easily moving.

But given Mr. Horton's bad track record, such a gaze has no credibility at all.

Frank said to Josie, "I guess you must have a lot of questions to ask, but trust me, honey, I'm just tired too, and I want to go home and miss you and your mother." "

Josie hung her head suddenly, as if she didn't know how to respond for a moment.

She heard another chuckle in her ear.

"It's okay, everything will pass, and we father and daughter still have a lot of time." Frank said, as if casually asking, "By the way, is your Uncle John back from vacation?" How is he doing. "

Josie was only on the phone with John. Trist's words, after thinking about it, answered honestly: "Not yet, but he told me that Las Vegas is not fun at all, of course, if I have time, I can go and see it." "

Las Vegas is a very delicate area, chaotic but orderly, from Howard. Hughes and even Meyer. Since Lansky's time, it has been secretly controlled by certain forces. And at this juncture, John. Trist's fact that he was not busy exonerating Frank, but running there to play, was really intriguing.

Frank was noncommittal and said, "Maybe we can go together then." He paused slightly, "Tell me about your time in Hollywood, you seem to have changed a lot, I heard John say that you have acted in a movie." "

"But it's not officially released yet." Josie explained with a smile, her tone carrying a cheerful meaning, "It's a youth school comedy, I play a rich girl who is about my age and personality, I think you will like this movie too, Dad." "

"Oh yes, then I sincerely hope that this movie will not have any kiss scenes." Frank teased.

Josie scowled, "Dad! "

Frank then smiled and said, "Okay, sweetheart, you should go, remember to tell everyone that everything is okay." "

Josie seemed reluctant to stand up and left at the urging of the prison guards.

And when she left, merged into the flow of people in Manhattan's Federation Square, and got into the taxi hailed by the roadside, her pitiful confused expression disappeared little by little.


Is this what she thinks is the ruthless, unscrupulous, lustful Wall Street financier who has always been ruthless?

Is it repentance, or is it ulterior motives?

Josie prefers the latter.

She raised her hand and rubbed her temples.

What a hassle.

I just wanted to simply be a big star in Hollywood to make a living, but I didn't expect that my nominal father would be a potential problem figure, and I knew that I would not be so eager to apply for visitation.

Anyway, there doesn't seem to be much deep family bonding between them.

Isn't it?

Because Frank. Horton did not mention anything about Janet. Anything that happened to Mills, that woman has not been substantially punished so far, and even appeared in the circle again, and any father who really cares for his daughter cannot let go of such a hypocritical liar and Bichi so lightly.

Unless, first, there is a consensus between them.

Josie has a headache thinking about it, unwilling to delve into it, and expects to be cranky without any basis, it is better to put her career development on track early.

Hollywood superstars are no less influential than any Washington political animal.

After returning to Los Angeles, filming of "Alone" continued.

Josie has an assistant and driver by her side, a young man in his early twenties, El. Kaiser, an Italian-American, has dark hair and deep features, and is six feet two tall, a bit like Jim. Ross. Stewart, the quintessential little Italian guy.

El's hourly salary is only ten dollars, and he earns just enough tens of thousands of dollars a year to feed himself, but this is the price of junior assistants. He comes from the CAA's talent pool, and most brokers have to work as assistants for a long time before they go into mailroom training.

Josie thought it was a good idea to hire him, because as a grown man of normal strength, he could also temporarily act as a driver and bodyguard, which was equivalent to hiring three people for one salary.

And he also looks good and has a good name.

Simply perfect.

Josie instructed El to move the contents of the trunk and turned to see Paul in the parking lot. Luther and a man who appeared to be his agent, both smiled and greeted each other, maintaining adult social etiquette.

"You see, she really doesn't look like a sixteen-year-old girl." After leaving the parking lot, Luther said to his agent, "No one can refuse her." "

"But I look at you, you are indeed a twenty-five-year-old fool." His agent scolded him helplessly.

"Hey man, you're so nervous, we just had a meal, and that's really no big deal." Paul smiled and patted the agent's shoulder, "It's time to get ready." "

"In short, pay attention, this girl is not simple. Look at her face that is destined for fame and think about how she other girls. I guess she'll soon find a backer to act as a protector, and that person will never be you..."

Josie. How Horton "took out" Alicia . Silvistone's, it's no secret in the industry.

It is obvious that she is CAA's new sweetheart baby, who dares to move without some skills?

Even if it happens to be kissed by Fangze, but what about the follow-up?

There are various types of agents, some who just want to make money in everything, and some who always worry about everything, and there is no doubt that Luther's agent is the latter.

When he knew that his most anticipated client was busy running out on a date with a sixteen-year-old girl before he really got out, he kind of wanted to knock his head to see what was going on inside.

This stage is obviously not a good time to talk about love, but any actor with a little career, especially actresses, is happy to exchange romantic relationships for other things that made her famous quickly.

And falling in love with an actor of the same crew eighteen lines away obviously does not fit Josie. Horton's agent designed a super sweetheart image for her.

Similarly, it is not Paul who can't stop lusting for a little girl who is only sixteen years old. Luther's agent chose the literary and artistic route for him.

Eighteen lines vs eighteen lines, is not a golden boy and jade girl group that people like to see, especially the girl's age is still sensitive.

The audience likes you and will pay for your movie tickets, which is the most important thing for the studio, and the Jews don't care if your acting is earth-shattering.

So the green-faced burlesque in a yellow suit has set a new record of 20 million salaries, and the slow-talking robot will always maintain an expression and still be able to become a superstar.

That's the law of business in Hollywood.

Luther, who is also at the beginning of her career, can't protect such a stunner, and her wisest choice is to find an A-star or celebrity to be her protector before the movie is released, otherwise everyone will want to come up and devour her alive.


Very good.

Then watch the script you fancy be snatched away by stupid people who are not as good as yourself, and then others win the scenery, but they become inactive.

At the end of the Walk of Fame is a bed.

A generation of goddesses Marilyn. Monroe seems to be brainless, but in fact she is smarter and more rational than most girls, she knows what she wants and what others want from her.

Under the sexy exterior of blonde hair and blue eyes is Norman, a brown-haired girl. Jane's acting life.

She bowed her head to the rules.

And what about Josie?

"So you think I'm only going to do that, I'm just a blonde silly girl with a credit card?"

On the stairs of the villa hall, Josie bit her lip and read the lines of Cher, the heroine of "Alone in the Wind".

Across from her, sits Paul, who plays Cher's former stepbrother Josh. Luther.

The scene here is that Cher understands her heart for Josh, and also tries to change herself and make herself mature, she takes the initiative to sort out the report for her father Mel's law firm, but she did not expect that something went wrong and annoyed the person in charge of the work, and even Josh was accused of being fascinated by Cher and had no intention of working.

So the two sat on the steps and talked on their knees.

Josh quickly explained, "No, I didn't mean that. I mean..."

He raised his head and looked directly at Xue'er's pure and moving face up close, not knowing when the little girl had turned into a girl, with undoubted beauty.

Her eyes were large and bright, like fragments of stars; The eyelashes are long and thick, not curly enough but more sagging innocence; The cheeks and lips are like roses in the morning, fragrant, fresh and soft.

She can already be treated as a woman, not a child.

Josh withdrew his gaze, hesitated, and said, "You are young and beautiful, and..."

"Again?" Cher opened her big, bright eyes.

"And what?" Josh was a little anxious, he felt that he was not quite right, and even the ability to think slowed down under Cher's gaze, "Well, I want to think..."

"You—" A smile appeared in Cher's eyes, "Think I'm young and beautiful?" "

This is a look with a little tentative and excited eyes, the childish joy of a little girl, and the straightforward bravery of a woman who falls in love.

The first sign of true love is timidity in boys and boldness in girls.

Josh subconsciously didn't open his eyes, and his tone was a little swallowing, "You know, you know that you are beautiful, okay?" Popular and ... But it's not, well, you know, I'm here because it's a good learning experience for me. "

For the first time in his life, when facing this stepsister, Josh felt embarrassed.

He could barely look Cher in the eye.

But obviously before he was able to tease her waist fat at will, or make fun of her boring hobbies, even if the two had physical contact, none of her eyes made him more flustered.

With just one look, she seemed to burn him.

This forced Josh to change the subject in a hurry.

Cher was very understanding and followed Josh to change the subject: "Well, you have already said this. "

The corners of her eyes and eyebrows were dyed with a happy smile, and her whole face was completely glowing, very beautiful and gentle.

Her voice is also very pleasant, and her soft tone is relaxing.

"Mel, I want to help Mel." Referring to his former stepfather, Josh's tone was much more normal, "He's the only one who cares about me."

Xue'er said, "This is not right. "

Josh raised his eyes and couldn't help but look at Cher: "Isn't he?" "

Xue'er smiled slightly and looked directly at Josh: "That's not right." "

Her beautiful smile dazzled Josh, and her bold and straightforward statement made Josh's heart beat faster, but Josh was afraid that he would misunderstand Cher's meaning, like a hairy boy with a fledgling relationship, some expectations and some apprehension.

Josh couldn't help but smile and asked, "You mean, you care about me too?" "

Cher Wan'er, habitually ruffling her hair to hide her shyness, "Oh, Josh—"

Josh did not hesitate anymore, leaned forward and kissed the beautiful girl in front of her on the red lips.

He first touched it gently, then let go slightly, allowing Cher to see his determined eyes, and then stepped forward again and gave Cher a green and bold kiss.

Cher was so soft that she was like a pure lamb, allowing Josh to kiss her lips and stroke her long hair, and their kiss was as romantic and beautiful as Cher imagined.

A kiss without any superfluous desires.

A fantastic sweet kiss.


Amy. Heckling withdrew his gaze with satisfaction and watched with a smile as he watched the footage played back on the monitor.

The two leading actors are in especially good shape this morning, and Josie has never needed to worry, because she is Cher, and Cher is her; Paul didn't know what was going on, and made Josh's feeling of wanting to talk back very well.

The ambiguous emotions between these two people are just right, not too crooked, but enough to blush and heartbeat, it makes people wonder if they have been together in private.

"This one passes." She waved her hand and asked a little jokingly: "Do you want to try that scene tomorrow while you are in good shape?" The sets are all ready-made and your atmosphere is good. "

A man and a woman standing in front of the camera looked at each other, and the latter spread his hands: "I'm okay, Amy." "